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Finally somebody has said it. Rokkhed can enjoy doing whatever he likes, but posting pictures of a 40 year old man in drag and going into frank details about sex acts you are involved in isnt appropriate for a Nintendo forum.


Imagine if a kid tommorow looks up Princess Peach on google, gets linked to this place and sees a picture of a Rokkhed cross dressing and then tells his parents. You can get Jordan to say "hes expressing himself" a million fucking times, but it wont look any better.


This isnt about double standards so dont hit me with that bollocks.


A straight man looking at images of good looking woman in the nessecary thread, is an entirely different concept to pictures of a man with mental problems (hes admitted to having them) posting up pictures of him wearing sex slave outfits, showing sex toys and making innuendos on what explicit acts he gets up to in the bedroom.


As far as im concerned, his images shud either all be moved to the sexuality thread or deleted. But what I think doesnt seem to matter, so w/e.


The fact people are getting threatened for being against Rokkheds tirade = Political Correctness gone too far








Holy...Shit....Wtf did I just do


Your attitude is what is obscene.


It's not it's actually fair and just

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Yeah, lets ignore the valid and justified point, and drop the whole issue.




Whats the difference between 90% naked females we have in one thread and a fully clothed male showing no signs of any sexual intent other than some pink dress he's wearing?


What exactly?


Look, you guys are just going to have to agree to disagree or i'll lock this thread... again.

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I just think the fact that Rokhed finds pleasure in posting endless photos of him drugged up wearing a pansy dress on a Nintendo board pretty sad. The fact that he feels the need to tell us the state of his arsehole and how he takes it from the missus even more pathetic.


You gotta laugh really.

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Get rid of that thread then...The One with the fit people


And Jordan don't lock it mate seriously I think this is a valid and just discussion, with many debateable and Just Opinions


Also I quote


Attaching of images and or other materials to posts are only permitted under the guidelines that they are not slanderous, defamatory, false, obscene, indecent, lewd, pornographic, abusive, insulting, threatening, harassing or obnoxious


You say he hasn't broke any rules? Those defending Rokhed and not doing anything need to stop bumming up to the establishment, this sort of content is not nesseasary in a thread intent on showing forum members in a friendly nature.


Funny, you all have a go at Arab Freak for posting harmless pics of himself, but not at a 40 Year Old for posting himself in Obscene and Lewd Images...



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Whats the difference between 90% naked females we have in one thread and a fully clothed male showing no signs of any sexual intent other than some pink dress he's wearing?


What exactly?


Look, you guys are just going to have to agree to disagree or i'll lock this thread... again.


Did you read my posts?

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I seen them when I came onto this thread and I haven't went back since...


And it is to do with the more established thing, I hasten to add the more controversial members and less liked if they did such a thing I'd imagine they would of been banned, or at least considered to have been.


I Just dug this up from this thread






The Image is Lewd and Indecent


Seriously Message to Admin: Do you really want such content to be present in what has been championed a family friendly forum?


Then you're all for the locking of the thread full of half naked chicks, oh right I'm sorry none of those pictures are lewd in any way are they...


I just think the fact that Rokhed finds pleasure in posting endless photos of him drugged up wearing a pansy dress on a Nintendo board pretty sad. The fact that he feels the need to tell us the state of his arsehole and how he takes it from the missus even more pathetic.


You gotta laugh really.


Christ, give up on that already. I missed the post where Rokhed mentioned this (so he obviously doesn't post it constantly) and the only reason I know such a post exists is because you've mentioned it about 50 times in the past couple of days!


Ok so some people might not like what he's doing but he isn't constantly posting shit, he posts what he buys in the post you purchases thread, sexual or otherwise, and has now posted a few pictures of himself in the User Image Gallery, where, shock horror, users are meant to post pictures of themselves.


I wouldn't be surprised if in reality you didn't have a problem with it at all. You just seem to gravitate to any post that you can start an argument with and then continue to piss people off for the sheer joy of it.

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Then you're all for the locking of the thread full of half naked chicks, oh right I'm sorry none of those pictures are lewd in any way are they...





I Actually don't go in that thread, or post on it regulary, maybe once or twice.


Lock it, I Don't care.


I go outside the forum to look at Naked Women...


Maybe Rokhed should go onto a different forum.


And It's not as if you can ignore him, I don't have a dislike for him but wether I do like it or not is irrelevant.


Such Content is wrong.End Of


Who honestly cares what he does?


It's a forum, if you don't want to look, don't look then, easy as.


I'm sure some people are just arguing for the sake of arguing, it's a few pictures, get over it.


No one is arguing for the sake of it, we are all bringing valid points to the table.


Now Stop Protecting Rokhed for the sheer reason of being rokhed, if that was another forum member as I have continously said they would of been out of here faster than that bastarding Bird off Looney Toons

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I'm sorry when did Ant-Shimmin start speaking for all of us?


I think more people have said they really don't care about the pics than those who decided they need to write essays to get their close minded views across.


You think these picks are wrong, not everyone. End of.

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Now Stop Protecting Rokhed for the sheer reason of being rokhed, if that was another forum member as I have continously said they would of been out of here faster than that bastarding Bird off Looney Toons


Tell you what, why don't you post some up and see for yourself, that way if you're banned then it'll be win win. It'll prove you right and the rest of us will be free from your high and mighty "I speak for everyone because I support Liverpool and am therefore a God" attitude.

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I Actually don't go in that thread, or post on it regulary, maybe once or twice.


Lock it, I Don't care.


I go outside the forum to look at Naked Women...


Maybe Rokhed should go onto a different forum.


And It's not as if you can ignore him, I don't have a dislike for him but wether I do like it or not is irrelevant.


Such Content is wrong.End Of




No one is arguing for the sake of it, we are all bringing valid points to the table.


Now Stop Protecting Rokhed for the sheer reason of being rokhed, if that was another forum member as I have continously said they would of been out of here faster than that bastarding Bird off Looney Toons


Seriously, get back in your time machine and go back to the 1950s, where you came from, and feel content that you're back amongst other narrow minded bigots.

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Finally somebody has said it. Rokkhed can enjoy doing whatever he likes, but posting pictures of a 40 year old man in drag and going into frank details about sex acts you are involved in isnt appropriate for a Nintendo forum.


Imagine if a kid tommorow looks up Princess Peach on google, gets linked to this place and sees a picture of a Rokkhed cross dressing and then tells his parents. You can get Jordan to say "hes expressing himself" a million fucking times, but it wont look any better.


This isnt about double standards or gender inequality so dont hit me with that bollocks.


A straight man looking at images of good looking woman in the nessecary thread, is an entirely different concept to pictures of a man with mental problems (hes admitted to having them) posting up pictures of him wearing sex slave outfits, showing sex toys and making innuendos on what explicit acts he gets up to in the bedroom.


As far as im concerned, his images shud either all be moved to the sexuality thread or deleted. But what I think doesnt seem to matter, so w/e.


The fact people are getting threatened for being against Rokkheds tirade = Political Correctness gone too far


You talk more and more sense by the day. I don't like it.


The above is a point that cannot be ignored. Forgetting moral highgrounds (best Halo3 map) and political correctness, the images are not really appropriate for this site.

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