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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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Yeah I think so Flink. Will take a proper look tomorrow.




Yeah, it's what Flink posted.


That's a tricep bar, brah. I've never actually used one before.


Been getting back into my routine since my wrist pain. My Push Day fucking killed me. The triceps still ache from that.

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So, I will do the Stronglift 5x5 program as soon as my sprained ankle is no longer giving me problems (yes, I could start without the squats, but they are the most important exercises, so no :p ).


What I want to do as well is: Change my diet.

I've gained 5 kg over the last two months :(

Mainly due to eating too much and doing no sports.


Since I have to wait at least a month before I can do anything physical, I at least want to eat more healthily.


I've heard something about "clean diet" or "eating clean" or whatever, but I have no idea what it is, and don't want too look through 800 websites.


Anybody here know what I mean/have some tips?

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So, I will do the Stronglift 5x5 program as soon as my sprained ankle is no longer giving me problems (yes, I could start without the squats, but they are the most important exercises, so no :p ).


Don't make excuses, do everything apart from squats if you can at the moment.


Making a New Years Resolution a month in advance is stupid... Don't do it in the New Year, do it now. That wasn't aimed at you, just in general)


What I want to do as well is: Change my diet.

I've gained 5 kg over the last two months :(

Mainly due to eating too much and doing no sports.


Since I have to wait at least a month before I can do anything physical, I at least want to eat more healthily.


I've heard something about "clean diet" or "eating clean" or whatever, but I have no idea what it is, and don't want too look through 800 websites.


Anybody here know what I mean/have some tips?


Eating clean is just eating healthily. What you'll want to do is find out what your TDEE is which will show you how many calories you burn in a day. To lose weight you should eat fewer than this number, to gain weight you should eat more than this.


A website/app like MyFitnessPal can track everything you eat and has food brands stored for easy tracking. If you eat at a 500 calorie deficit each day you will lose 0.45kg (1lb) a week. If you have muscle you want to conserve then you shuold carry on lifting weights and getting a lot of protein and you will lose fat rather than muscle.

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My workout for this Sunday for anyone interested:


10 x Get Ups (so you'll go down on the floor and lie flat on your belly and then get up ten times)

20 x Push Ups

30 x Squats

40 x Box Jumps

50 x Walking Lunges

...and I had to do three rounds. It took me 25 minutes. It's not a bad time but I'm not awful proud of it either. Still, considering I've not trained for two weeks due to work, it's not bad.


I also lost 4lb! Fuck yeah!

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So the bulk is going okay I think (or at least, I'm gaining some weight) but getting to that point where it's become a bit boring and routine, and it's not helpful that vegetarian options are limited, particularly as local shops have slim pickings. Need to try and find more meal options.


Anyone have recommendations? Googled around, but thought I'd look for the personal touch.

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I'm actually in a similar situation to you Ash, I've been trying to put on a little bit of weight for a while now... only really got properly in the habit of it since using Wii Fit U but other than that I haven't really been doing much that's different apart from well... eating more. :p Not to excess but just snacking more on stuff that's borderline healthy I suppose but that has a reasonable amount of fat content too.


Things I would recommend are pre-portioning things like cheese for when you feel like snacking, I think peanuts, cashews etc are supposed to be quite good. ::shrug:


In fairness though I could probably do with some guidance myself but I just thought I'd share my limited experience, as for actually putting on the weight, well... I've just had to adjust my Wii Fit U goal from two weeks to two months but I have a feeling that Christmas will probably help things along if all else fails. :indeed:


Getting that balance is the tricky part though, putting on weight in a way that's healthy. :hmm:

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Well I'm trying to make sure there's protein in every meal, 1-2 shakes a day and snacking on nuts. I quite like the Quorn roast style chicken fillet slices, but the few times I've found them locally they've already been out of date >_> May cycle out to a bigger store over the weekend.



Another current annoyance; I'm trying to find a pay-as-you-go gym to go to while I'm back home over the holidays and everywhere insists on an induction. I'm sure there's a litigious motive behind this, but it's annoying. Got in touch with some to explain that I go to a gym and its just while I'm home but they still insist on it. What am I supposed to do for a week at home with my family!? :p

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Another current annoyance; I'm trying to find a pay-as-you-go gym to go to while I'm back home over the holidays and everywhere insists on an induction. I'm sure there's a litigious motive behind this, but it's annoying. Got in touch with some to explain that I go to a gym and its just while I'm home but they still insist on it. What am I supposed to do for a week at home with my family!? :p


Maybe don't do anything? Seriously. If you've been hitting the weights hard for a while now maybe you'll grow a bit more if you just eat and rest for a week. Maybe just play around with some calistenics if you want to stay somewhat active.

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I bought some liquid chalk from myprotein to help when I struggle with grip (with deadlifts).


Smashed my personal best with them yesterday! I had previously got a 1 rep max of 102kg but yesterday I did 3 reps at 120kg! And that was after blasting out 10 reps a go on 90 then 100 then 105 then 110 etc.


Well chuffed, my one rep max could prob have been higher but had already beasted my body. It's always been my grip that let's me down!!

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Another current annoyance; I'm trying to find a pay-as-you-go gym to go to while I'm back home over the holidays and everywhere insists on an induction. I'm sure there's a litigious motive behind this, but it's annoying. Got in touch with some to explain that I go to a gym and its just while I'm home but they still insist on it. What am I supposed to do for a week at home with my family!? :p


You spend more time looking for gyms than you do in them/lifting. ;)

You could always do some bodyweight exercises at home. Dips, press-ups, bodyweight/one-legged squats, pullups (if you can). There's no real getting out of the induction move either, most places insist on it now. Pain in the arse.


I'm still taking it easy with the wrist issue. It only seems to hurt/feel awkward on barbell rows and bicep curls. I've not done any serious weights for weeks, taking it easy and giving it time to recover. Also, done so much travelling the last few weeks and had a lot on in work, so I'm just enjoying the chill out time.

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You spend more time looking for gyms than you do in them/lifting. ;)

You could always do some bodyweight exercises at home. Dips, press-ups, bodyweight/one-legged squats, pullups (if you can). There's no real getting out of the induction move either, most places insist on it now. Pain in the arse.


I'm changing again in January! Which made me realise I'll have been in 4 gyms in the space of 12 months. Although this one is back to the gym at work where I started out as I'm now going back full time (:()

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I'm changing again in January! Which made me realise I'll have been in 4 gyms in the space of 12 months. Although this one is back to the gym at work where I started out as I'm now going back full time (:()


That's quite a lot of gyms, brah. Finding the right one can be tough, though. Especially when you've got to factor in commutes to work, how easy it is to get to it, etc. That was why I had to go home gym in the end.

I'd definitely look into bodyweight exercises as an accessory to this. Then you can at least do things at home whilst you're in between gyms.

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Well the work one is £16 a month so may add a personal training session or two on a month (undecided right now) but mostly going because it's cheap. Bit of a ball ache taking everything with me, but now that I have an office key I can leave stuff. Having a gym down the road is handy, but it's not a great gym.

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I've been going to the gym for about 4-5 weeks now - been having a personal training session once a week and getting into the gym about 4 times a week on average. Play tennis as usual 3 times a week.


I've never been able to put weight on. Ever. But in my 4 weeks of diet change, gym plan and PT, I have gained 11 pounds! :D : peace: :bouncy:


And I am really enjoying my gym time. I still feel like I could do so much more too, both with diet and the gym work. For now though it's just keep as I am. My stats that my PT runs each week are showing the weight I've gained is mostly muscle too - which is good! Be no good if it was all fat haha though my body fat is still at the 7 point something percent mark - which could be higher in an ideal world.


But still. I never thought weight training could be so much fun!

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I've been going to the gym for about 4-5 weeks now - been having a personal training session once a week and getting into the gym about 4 times a week on average. Play tennis as usual 3 times a week.


I've never been able to put weight on. Ever. But in my 4 weeks of diet change, gym plan and PT, I have gained 11 pounds! :D : peace: :bouncy:


And I am really enjoying my gym time. I still feel like I could do so much more too, both with diet and the gym work. For now though it's just keep as I am. My stats that my PT runs each week are showing the weight I've gained is mostly muscle too - which is good! Be no good if it was all fat haha though my body fat is still at the 7 point something percent mark - which could be higher in an ideal world.


But still. I never thought weight training could be so much fun!


7% is scarily low. It takes a lot of effort and dedication to cut down to 7%. You've got a great starting point to stick on some serious muscle at the moment. Pack away those calories with healthy food and you will do great.


The bodyfat machine at my gym is broken right now unfortunately. I've lost 2.5kg in the last month and I'd love to see what my bodyfat is after it.

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7% is scarily low. It takes a lot of effort and dedication to cut down to 7%. You've got a great starting point to stick on some serious muscle at the moment. Pack away those calories with healthy food and you will do great.


The bodyfat machine at my gym is broken right now unfortunately. I've lost 2.5kg in the last month and I'd love to see what my bodyfat is after it.


Yeah it sucks to be skinny. :hmm:


But as you say, doing it the right way (which I believe I'm doing a decent job of so far) should get me some good results with some hard work!


My PT still thinks adding body fat would be good so there's something there for the body to kinda feed off :laughing: - don't want them eating into dat muscle! :woops:


I'll be sure to keep posting with my progress anyway!

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Good luck with it Ane. As someone else that has been skinny my whole life and trying to bulk up now I know it can be challenging, but seems you're making good progress already :)


I've managed to gain around 9 pounds over the last five weeks.

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I've been going to the gym for about 4-5 weeks now - been having a personal training session once a week and getting into the gym about 4 times a week on average. Play tennis as usual 3 times a week.


I've never been able to put weight on. Ever. But in my 4 weeks of diet change, gym plan and PT, I have gained 11 pounds! :D : peace: :bouncy:


And I am really enjoying my gym time. I still feel like I could do so much more too, both with diet and the gym work. For now though it's just keep as I am. My stats that my PT runs each week are showing the weight I've gained is mostly muscle too - which is good! Be no good if it was all fat haha though my body fat is still at the 7 point something percent mark - which could be higher in an ideal world.


But still. I never thought weight training could be so much fun!


Shit brah, 7 percent is insane. You're like a more extreme version of me before I went to Uni, I think I went in at around 9 stone.


Enjoy the eating, it's almost the most important part. I remember when I "discovered" chicken and the weight just piled on. Feelsgoodman.jpeg.


Weights are so fun. It's at the point now where I miss it when I don't do it. Can't really understand how some think of it as a chore. It's such a good feeling if you're doing it right. Dat pump.

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Shit brah, 7 percent is insane. You're like a more extreme version of me before I went to Uni, I think I went in at around 9 stone.


Enjoy the eating, it's almost the most important part. I remember when I "discovered" chicken and the weight just piled on. Feelsgoodman.jpeg.


Weights are so fun. It's at the point now where I miss it when I don't do it. Can't really understand how some think of it as a chore. It's such a good feeling if you're doing it right. Dat pump.


I know yeah - 7 percent is way low!

The good thing is though I'm basically 8 stone of muscle and the rest is whatever else it is. So there's a good base to work from really.


PT says I'm also quite deceptive as though I'm slight / skinny, he says I can lift more than what I look like I could :laughing:


I think all the tennis over the years has really helped build some muscle - especially in my legs. It's just not noticeable haha.


But yeahas you say it's so much fun. The feeling after you've completed a tough set - though it burns so baaaad, is quite good! :heh:

I'm liking seeing how from one week to the next I'm more comfortable lifting weights I was struggling with the previous week. Dat progress. :D


I am not a lover of the bulk / protein shakes I'm on each day, but not gonna like it all. Just bought some new protein bars though and they're pretty good so having one of them each afternoon too!

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Actually, just done a check and I'm 7.8%.


Tried out a protein bar yesterday and after finishing it realised it wasn't vegetarian. Oops. I know there are veggie ones out there and hopefully they taste nicer than the one yesterday.

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I am not a lover of the bulk / protein shakes I'm on each day, but not gonna like it all. Just bought some new protein bars though and they're pretty good so having one of them each afternoon too!


What type of protein are you on? The stuff I use (PHD) tastes amazing when mixed with water.

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I know yeah - 7 percent is way low!

The good thing is though I'm basically 8 stone of muscle and the rest is whatever else it is. So there's a good base to work from really.


PT says I'm also quite deceptive as though I'm slight / skinny, he says I can lift more than what I look like I could :laughing:


I think all the tennis over the years has really helped build some muscle - especially in my legs. It's just not noticeable haha.


But yeahas you say it's so much fun. The feeling after you've completed a tough set - though it burns so baaaad, is quite good! :heh:

I'm liking seeing how from one week to the next I'm more comfortable lifting weights I was struggling with the previous week. Dat progress. :D


I am not a lover of the bulk / protein shakes I'm on each day, but not gonna like it all. Just bought some new protein bars though and they're pretty good so having one of them each afternoon too!


The bit you'll find difficult is to keep eating. I struggled with that at the start for various reasons. You feel like a fucking pig for eating so much, and you also reach a wall (probably mental more than anything) where you "feel" that you can't physically eat any more. I went through years of this before it suddenly seemed to be "easy" to eat.


In comparison, the exercise is relatively quite easy. You go to the gym, focus on your form, lift more than you did last time (injury free, hopefully), go home. It's easier in a sense because you it's quicker to see visual improvements. Even before the changes on your body, you see the changes in how much weight you're adding. You use a 5KG plate one week and then you're on the 10KG plates before you know it, and so on. That just gives you such a boost mentally. Even if you don't see improvements on your body, you feel yourself getting stronger and you know it, too.

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