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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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I don't stretch before lifting but I do warm up sets with much lighter weights instead. I've never felt it necessary to do a run or anything to warm up. Straight into the warm up sets.


Sports I always stretch. Tennis is just general leg stretches. Football we do a proper team warm up.

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Stretching before workout? Nah, why would anyone do that? Just warm up for a bit and get the blood flowing.


Besides, stretching is useless when it comes to DOMS (pain in muscles the day(s) after a workout). At most, stretching helps on mobility which is needed for some lifts like the squat.


As Raining, I'm hypermobile in most of my joints so stretching is also totally pointless for me. It feels good sometimes, though.

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Stretching before workout? Nah, why would anyone do that? Just warm up for a bit and get the blood flowing.


Besides, stretching is useless when it comes to DOMS (pain in muscles the day(s) after a workout). At most, stretching helps on mobility which is needed for some lifts like the squat.


As Raining, I'm hypermobile in most of my joints so stretching is also totally pointless for me. It feels good sometimes, though.


I would totally disagree with that.


I've always found stretching useful for counteracting DOMS. I always do stretching and some foam rolling after every workout and it's a big help for me and the body the following day.


Everyone is different however. There are so many studies for and against it. Whatever works, do it.

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I would totally disagree with that.


I've always found stretching useful for counteracting DOMS. I always do stretching and some foam rolling after every workout and it's a big help for me and the body the following day.


Everyone is different however. There are so many studies for and against it. Whatever works, do it.


I think I read somewhere (possibly here or on Reddit, so reliable sources) that the best thing to do is to do what you always do. If you don't usually stretch then you don't need to but if you're used to stretching you should carry on.

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So I have two questions. The first is, if I'm doing an exercise like Hammer Curls, and one arm becomes tired before the other. Do I continue my reps with the remaining arm or always do the same amount of reps for both arms.


Second question. If I begin to feel a little nauseated after exercise (particularly ab exercise), should I stop immediately or is it normal?

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Second question. If I begin to feel a little nauseated after exercise (particularly ab exercise), should I stop immediately or is it normal?


In most cases: Yes. However, I have had the problem that I got a bit dizzy and felt a bit bad after hard cardio because I had too much food in my stomach. So, do you eat too much prior to exercise?

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So I have two questions. The first is, if I'm doing an exercise like Hammer Curls, and one arm becomes tired before the other. Do I continue my reps with the remaining arm or always do the same amount of reps for both arms.


That's something I've wondered myself.


What I did was reduce the weight in both arms until my left arm 'caught up' in strength with my right arm.

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I eat a lot in general, so I tend to have food in my digestive system all the time because it takes a while to go through. I tend to eat about 1-2 hours before exercise so I have the energy but don't feel too full.


Try eating less then. I normally eat 2-3 hours before workout and then grab a banana just before going out the door to the gym. That works for me.

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ok hey guys. Been a while since i've posted but I think I need some advice on how to gain some muscle and look pretty and stuff.


So I've moved to China to do some teaching and have chosen this time to cut out all the negative aspects like alchohol and everything else and concentrate on getting fit.


This is what I've been doing in a day for the past week.


1: i wake up, do some push ups and work the lower abs for about 10 minutes

2: I have 2 eggs and a banana ( may not be enough in the morning?)

3: have lunch school. It's quite healthy but changes everyday and sometimes I haven't a clue what I'm eating haha

4: I bring a packed lunch of a sandwich with more egg in it

5: I get home I do some push ups and some stretches etc for about 15 minutes

6: make dinner. Always potatoes, carrots and broccoli and whatever else I have.. steak or chicken

7: I do some workout again for about 20 minutes.

8: I'd have some supper usually some sausages.


is this enough?


I'm trying to gain weight to gain muscle. I weigh about 10 stone so I'm not trying to lose EVEN more weight.

I cut out sodas from my diet which was very tough to do and never used to have breakfests. I think in a week I've made great progress, I can already feel a small difference.My 6 pack is coming back. it's the lower part that's stopping it being fully visible yet.


A few questions. 1: is there any truth to this 6 meals a day stuff. I believe I can manage about 5.

2: Is there such thing as too much eggs for someone in my case

3: Should I be a lot of food to turn it into muscle?

4: how often can you 'treat' yourself with food is you're trying this. I would be one for the junk food but I've stopped completely in the last 7 days.


There's not much advice online for someone in my case.

Thanks guys.

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You shouldn't eat more than one egg a day. Something about the cholesterol. Also, sausages are not good as they are mostly fat and bad meat. Eat chicken and fish instead.


Where did you hear that? There's nothing wrong with eating fat either. Eating fat doesn't make you fat. Although I'd agree chicken is far better than sausages due to the protein and other macros.

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Sausages are fine, it's making sure your eating the right ones. Nothing wrong with eggs, great source of protein.


All the talk of 6 meals a day is bullshit. You need a calorific goal in total, how you split that up throughout the day is up to you.


If you're looking gain muscle get some protein shakes. Easy to take, especially if you're struggling to eat enough.


When you're adding size, you don't have to be completely anal with what you eat, you can do a bulk. You can always strip off any excess fat afterwards.

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When you're adding size, you don't have to be completely anal with what you eat, you can do a bulk. You can always strip off any excess fat afterwards.


As long as you're not making up the calories with fizzy drinks and sweets etc. That will just make you put on a load of fat as well as muscle.

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As long as you're not making up the calories with fizzy drinks and sweets etc. That will just make you put on a load of fat as well as muscle.


Yeah, I thought that was obvious :heh:


I meant more the odd treat now and again and not being too focussed on portion sizes and what you're eating.

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My PT is leaving the gym, totally gutted :(


He's the most amazing dorky ray of sunshine, and his love for lifting is infectious :D I'm gonna be lost without my sessions!


He's taught me most of what I need to know, but its gonna be weird not having my weekly sessions with him!


Also I totally rocked a 40kg hang snatch today. Kapow.

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I demonstrated my shoulder flexibility at work today. Holding my arms out straight, I can get my arms about 35 degrees past vertical, and my shoulders pop to allow it. Dat shoulder rotation...



They totally freaked out mwahahaha =D


Not going to lie, I'm a little turned on right now.

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I can barely get mine to 1 degree!


Keep contemplating a dirty bulk (worked for Daft and I'm not above copying people :p) but not sure what a veggie version would look like...


You can get great results from it, but there's so many factors you will have to take into consideration. If your calorie surplus is over the top, as in you basically eat very lazily, you can be in danger of just fucking it all up. Also, if you're not particularly lean to begin with, your physique will look a bit shit, tbh. Another name for a dirty bulk is a dreamer bulk, and it's called that for a reason. :p


You'll also have to really put the effort in with the weight you're lifting. Your lifts probably will go up, mine did quite significantly when bulking, but I really pushed myself there.


For some people, especially those who struggle big time with putting on mass, it does have its place, although be careful with it. It's essential you get your protein and carbs in there.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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