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Weight Loss and Fitness 2013


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This website is awesome for calculating what you should be lifting for various programmes and where you are in terms of your main lifts.


The weight is fine, been using it for a few weeks (building up sets, this was meant to be the last week before moving up in weights), but I'm just off at the moment.


Someone at the gym has been quite helpful in giving me some advice. Unprompted, but welcomed!

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Do eet, Raineeeeng.


Had leg day, practised some more of the front squat, again with both grips. I just can't seem to get along with the clean grip. Cross-armed/handed seems more comfortable and natural to me, but I'm determined to get both done well.


It still feels pretty new to me and a different way of thinking. I can go much lower with the front squat than with the back. I managed to do a set of 5 reps for 68kg and then a set of 3 for 73kg. This was after various other sets just getting comfortable with it. One set I almost fell forwards and another I almost rolled backwards. It'll take some getting used to.


After the squatting, I had used up a lot of time and energy, so the rest of my workout wasn't that great, to be honest. Probably the "weakest" workout I've done in a while. Have to make up for it next time.

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Yummy, returned to high weights today for the first time in a couple of cardio-weeks. Did 5x4 100 kg squats and 5x4 120 kg deadliest. It felt great and the weights just flew up! Then some weighted pull-ups (4x4 6 kg between the legs). I should definitely keep it going with these weights, it really felt great.


Looking forward to feeling my legs hurt tomorrow...

Edited by MindFreak
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Gym goers, if you don't mind me asking how much does it cost you a month?


Thinking of joining a gym, scouting out the prices at the minute. My closest wants £36 a month, with a joining fee of like £27. Which I thought was fairly steep. Or is that reasonable?

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Was looking forward to some good workouts this week, unfortunately I sprained my wrist on Friday so no weights for me for the foreseeable future.


I could be in a similar boat, in addition to my dodgy back I've had a problem with my left wrist for a few weeks now, probably gonna have to see the docs, might be carpel tunnel syndrome or something like that.


However I'm already thinking what training I can still do, might not be more than bodyweight squats and lunges but it's a better than nothing. Sandbag carries and squats too maybe.

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Gym goers, if you don't mind me asking how much does it cost you a month?


Thinking of joining a gym, scouting out the prices at the minute. My closest wants £36 a month, with a joining fee of like £27. Which I thought was fairly steep. Or is that reasonable?


Mine is £26 or so (can't remember), but that is a staff price. Think the public memebership price is about £10 more. When I was checking even council gyms were £45+

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Prices can vary depending on region. My last gym was about £32 quid, or close to that figure. There's one gym next to our ASDA that is around £10 a month, but it's busier and harder to use certain equipment.


It doesn't seem too terrible what your gym is asking, @Ramar. Is it a year's contract or can you cancel at any time?

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Prices can vary depending on region. My last gym was about £32 quid, or close to that figure. There's one gym next to our ASDA that is around £10 a month, but it's busier and harder to use certain equipment.


It doesn't seem too terrible what your gym is asking, @Ramar. Is it a year's contract or can you cancel at any time?


That's a 12 month contract. The place also does Pay as You Go. I've emailed another gym, if that isn't any better I might just try a few PAYG sessions then when I can afford it go for the full membership.

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That's a 12 month contract. The place also does Pay as You Go. I've emailed another gym, if that isn't any better I might just try a few PAYG sessions then when I can afford it go for the full membership.


Be careful with 12 month contracts. I've never personally had trouble, but it's a hassle if you ever have to stop for whatever reason. How much is the pay as you go sessions?


Tomorrow: It's cutting time! Starting a cut in a bid to lose my belly. The ultimate goal would be to have good looking abs, never had those before. I'm satisfied with the rest of my progress, I'm benching more than I've ever done and deadlifting more than before. I'm playing squash about 2 times a week at the moment and I've got an afterschool football club every Friday which I run. In between all that, I'm going to start skipping again as that worked really well last summer.



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I used to go to a gym chain called Pure Gym which was £16 a month. I went for 18 months and changed. It was too busy and they stuffed so much in the tiny free weights area that you couldnt do owt without smacking someone (accidentally) with a dumbell or two.


I know go to the council run one called "Fitness Unlimited". Its great. For 26 quid I can use around 6 different sites around the city along with swimming all included. I go and do cardio in the city centre and do weights at Don Valley Stadium. All good.

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Gym goers, if you don't mind me asking how much does it cost you a month?


Thinking of joining a gym, scouting out the prices at the minute. My closest wants £36 a month, with a joining fee of like £27. Which I thought was fairly steep. Or is that reasonable?


Mine is ~£80 a month. However within that I get my tennis club membership which at is usually around £30 a month at other courts in Glasgow.


I don't mind paying that much. I'm up there all the time, playing tennis multiple times a week, using the gym loads. It's not too busy and there are loads of free weights. Rarely have to wait for any of the machines.


I deliberated over it for ages before signing up over a year ago now. Wouldn't go back - love it there.

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Busted out the ol' sandbag this evening, did 3 sets of 10 Zercher squats. I forget exactly how much it weighs, somewhere around 25kg.


I could front squat a barbell that weight fairly easy but the sandbag is something else. I'm feeling it in the back, biceps and abs as well as my legs, but just breathing is probably the hardest part.

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Sounds like a reasonable deal to me. I'd be wary of super cheap places, like its been said, they're not always as good as they seem. Mines £25.99 a month and I think I had to pay £40 odd to join.



On a slightly different note, my ass hurts, my legs hurt and my shoulders hurt. Ow. :( Also, I found a downside of being a woman. post squats, and having to sit on the toilet every damn time :(

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Squatted 3x5 90kg. Another PB. Trying to up it by 2.5kg each time I go in.


Also got up to 65kg bench press. I changed my technique recently and had to start back from 50kg to do it properly. Glad I'm getting back to where I was before!

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On a slightly different note, my ass hurts, my legs hurt and my shoulders hurt. Ow. :( Also, I found a downside of being a woman. post squats, and having to sit on the toilet every damn time :(


Welcome to squats! The pain does get better somewhat over time. Just don't take breaks spanning weeks...or else you have to start over with the pain.


I love that feeling when your arse hurts the next day. Hamstring activationnnn.


Squatted 3x5 90kg. Another PB. Trying to up it by 2.5kg each time I go in.


Also got up to 65kg bench press. I changed my technique recently and had to start back from 50kg to do it properly. Glad I'm getting back to where I was before!


Good work, dude. :D


Today was my leg day and I'm starting to fall in love with back squats again. Included both back and front in the routine. My legs want to die. Kill meee.

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Welcome to squats! The pain does get better somewhat over time. Just don't take breaks spanning weeks...or else you have to start over with the pain.


I love that feeling when your arse hurts the next day. Hamstring activationnnn.



Yeah I found overheads didn't really activate the legs as much, I spent more energy/muscle power keeping my body straight, and keeping the bar still above my head I guess! I've never felt doms in my hams before! I love it when new parts ache that never did before! And like srs swole, my legs are muscly today (no doubt they'll be gone in the morning :( )

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Yeah I found overheads didn't really activate the legs as much, I spent more energy/muscle power keeping my body straight, and keeping the bar still above my head I guess! I've never felt doms in my hams before! I love it when new parts ache that never did before! And like srs swole, my legs are muscly today (no doubt they'll be gone in the morning :( )


Yeah, I imagine overheads are difficult to do for that very reason, especially the heavier you go. Surely you'll also be limited by your shoulder/upper body strength, too?


I've got to play squash tomorrow. No idea how that's going to work. :p

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