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Posted (edited)

Let's all get to L32 and go back to Vault of Glass normal mode.


Dat no death trophy.


Anyone fancy nightfall tonight @ 8:30PM?

Edited by Sheikah
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The Dark Below release date announced - 9th December! Here's to lowdown on what you'll get for £20 (unless you have the season pass...)




Hopefully it's more content than it sounds...


Yeah, to me that really doesn't sound like it's worth £20, not in the slightest!


Not sure where I go with doing raids now. I feel like I've been kicked out of one group with the other group full as well.


I'll wait for the full details on the first DLC but at the moment that aint worth £20.


Had a great time with the game but I've done everything, I've got all the weapons I want and I'm probably only 2 raids off (which I doubt I'll get the opportunity to do) reaching Level 30.


That tiny jump to Level 32 and only 3 new missions, you what?!


Lol, that list is ridiculous.


Way too low on content...


I have the expansion pass and will probably play the new missions (three............................) but still...this expansion appears to be a joke.


I definitely want to do the Raid on Hard again. I mean, I don't but I'm itching to. I feel the need to do it. I don't think it'll be that hard with the sniper tactic for the oracles and pushing the Templar off the edge.


It's just the bloody Gatekeeper before Atheon. But I have Atheon's Epilogue now. The Void is with me. I will complete hard. I will kick its ass.


@Sheikah You up for trying this tonight? I feel like you'd definitely be up for it. Anyone else? @lostmario ?



Also, THE DARK BELOW, it's in line with CoD price/quantity of content. One more strike and a few more story levels and I'd have no complaints personally. As it is, the Raid is almost worth the price of entry alone. BUT I understand the complaints and it should really be more. I got both expansions and the game for £75 so I didn't even come close to paying the full price so I'm not to bothered.


I want to be more annoyed but I'm a borderline drug addict when it comes to destiny; I'll take any hit of new content. Seriously, I have a problem.

@Daft not sure about tonight, Sunday would be preferable for me for a hard raid. Would prefer to scoop up Nightfall and Weekly Heroics during the week in anticipation of Xur (plus they're easier). To be honest, I would be more up for one of us grabbing an Atheon final boss checkpoint from someone on Destiny Tracker and inviting everyone else rather than suffering through the garbage that is the gatekeeper again. Mythoclast/helmet only drops from the end boss anyway. :p
The dlc will have extra content on PS4


An extra raid too...






Extra strike, not raid, unfortunately.


I am happy with the content actually. Mostly because I get the next 2 expansions at no extra cost and I got a killer deal on the limited edition. But also because I know this will probably be at least 30+ hours of extra content for me (probably more).

@Daft not sure about tonight, Sunday would be preferable for me for a hard raid. Would prefer to scoop up Nightfall and Weekly Heroics during the week in anticipation of Xur (plus they're easier). To be honest, I would be more up for one of us grabbing an Atheon final boss checkpoint from someone on Destiny Tracker and inviting everyone else rather than suffering through the garbage that is the gatekeeper again. Mythoclast/helmet only drops from the end boss anyway. :p


I still need boots and chest armour...


I'll see if anyone is doing it on destinylfg.net later today.


@Daft I'm pretty sure that Bungie put a stop to knocking the Templar and Atheon off the platform with that recent patch.


Atheon maybe (and I'll happily do him legitimately since I don't think he's that hard) but we pushed the Templar off the platform post-patch yesterday. You were there, remember!!

Atheon maybe (and I'll happily do him legitimately since I don't think he's that hard) but we pushed the Templar off the platform post-patch yesterday. You were there, remember!!


I definitely picked a bad time to restock the autorifle with ammo packs when everyone pushed the Templar off. Thought we nuked him with rocket launchers haha.

@kav82 @Eddage @MilaGi @Agent Gibbs @Map


Cheers for attempting the Raid last night. I thought we did very well. We have now basically mastered it until we reach the final boss.


Next Raid will be Thursday at 20:00. The reset happens today so we will have to start again right from the beginning but that shouldn't matter as we all now know what we are supposed to be doing.


Please let me know if Thursday is unsuitable and I will try and rearrange!


Reminder for everyone. Tomorrow from 20:00.


Let me know if you cannot make it and I will rearrange.


So Atheon on hard is...a real cluster fuck. But I was talking to a lvl 30 and he was saying you can basically do it in one teleport if everyone has the Gjallarhorn (probably maxed out).


I kind of didn't believe him until I saw him blow a fuck-chunk of health off Atheon with it. Soooooo, I started leveling up my Gjallarhorn.




Also, I'm thinking of getting rid of my lvl 25 Hunter and rolling a second Warlock to run the Raid twice a week. I already have a second set of Raid Gauntlets. And Exotics armour coming out of my ears.


I'm really not a fan of the Hunter. What does everyone else reckon? I already have a lvl 26 Titan, so i can already do the weekly Strike twice until he's leveled up properly.


I definitely picked a bad time to restock the autorifle with ammo packs when everyone pushed the Templar off. Thought we nuked him with rocket launchers haha.


The rockets are meant to help, too.


I am thinking we wait for L32 before doing hard. :p Guns right now feel like they do next to nothing against Oracles/Supplicants.


Early December, right?


We had it down to a pat by the end. Three people get teleports, two defend the plate, one man runs through the portal to help with the oracles.


Then people had to go and it all went to shit.

So Atheon on hard is...a real cluster fuck. But I was talking to a lvl 30 and he was saying you can basically do it in one teleport if everyone has the Gjallarhorn (probably maxed out).


I kind of didn't believe him until I saw him blow a fuck-chunk of health off Atheon with it. Soooooo, I started leveling up my Gjallarhorn.


I've been trying to tell you to check this out for a while (second clip at 30s in)


I've been trying to tell you to check this out for a while (second clip at 30s in)



I totally missed that. I kind of dismissed Gjallarhorn because I thought it was a waste of an Exotic slot but with Raid primaries, that isn't a problem anymore.


Why is the boss standing still for most of while Time's Vengeance is active? Normally he would turn around and kill you.


He stands like that for the first 10 seconds of Time's Vengeance.


Also Time's Vengeance starts as soon as the last oracle is killed. That's super important to maximize TV.


Stolen from Reddit,


Times vengeance is started the moment the last oracle is destroyed. You only get 30 seconds and every second counts. When the last oracles spawn above the portal exit, cleanse the 2 teleporters and exit. Communicate to the supplicant killers your coming through the portal. All defenders collapse to the center platform and immediately switch to ice breaker. One of the defenders is hopefully a titan who can put down weapons of light at the back of the platform. All defenders run through the bubble activating weapons of light.


At this point, the last oracle should have been destroyed and the clock is now ticking. The first 10 seconds atheon will not move!

Posted (edited)

Yeah, it's pretty smart. I think there are a few little tricks like that that we've missed that would help immensely.


Edit: Some general tips for relic carriers.


Edited by Daft

Think I've reached the point in Destiny where I don't know why I'm playing it anymore.


I've done everything I can do on my own.


I've become a bit of a lone wolf on this game the last few weeks with first Hero then my brother stopping playing the game and now with both raid groups full, what is there left for me to do.


DLC content is underwhelming so I'm seriously considering sticking it on eBay this weekend.

Think I've reached the point in Destiny where I don't know why I'm playing it anymore.


I've done everything I can do on my own.


I've become a bit of a lone wolf on this game the last few weeks with first Hero then my brother stopping playing the game and now with both raid groups full, what is there left for me to do.


DLC content is underwhelming so I'm seriously considering sticking it on eBay this weekend.


Ain't not the raid groups full...was a happy coincidence with the king of drifting joining us. What's a fucker to do? Refuse the king drifter?


Straighten yo back and reentet the ring. Ain't no guy gonna refuse you at yo L29 prowess. Prove yo' worth guardian. Settle YO BAWZZ in the ring.



@Blade @Eddage @MilaGi @Map @Agent Gibbs, great gaming on the Raid with you guys again. Just Atheon to beat now!


I loved tonight! Did the Daily Heroic with Blade and Eddage, then the Raid with everyone and then did the Weekly Heroic solo to get my 9 strange coins. Awesome nights gaming!


Yeah, another great laugh raiding with you lads again last night! I've gotten a decent haul so far on this raid.


Praedyth's Revenge - Void sniper with bonus Oracle damage, very handy!

Hezen Vengeance - Solar rocket launcher.

Kabr's Forceful Greaves.


Would love to pick up a Void primary or another armour piece, looking forward to raiding again Saturday!

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