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Yeah, I was hoping it was at Amazon because I reckon they'd push down the price a little. I figured if I didn't get it, not having those class items and emotes would nag at me. Like the Blacksmith shader...that I have...and never use.


I'm so weak willed.

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Kind of glad about Blink being nerfed because I begrudgingly use it on occasion only to counter other Blinkers. Much rather double jump and glide and all that.


Cannot fucking wait for all the new PvP stuff. Rift looks awesome.


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"Collections and Vaults"




I skimmed through the video, tried not to see everything. Hella hyped.


Give us an instanced, real space vault where you can display your shit as well as access it quickly from menus if you so wish. :)


Dibs on the Prison of Elders treasure vault.

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Teasing a lot of good stuff in there and looking very good so far. Particularly interested in seeing what the Faction Allegiance turns out to be as it hopefully doesn't just mean levelling up like it currently does but actually has some substance to it and the reputation it brings. Maybe it'll be a gateway to bringing around a factions war in the Crucible or something like that.


Will be keeping an eager eye out for what's shown later tonight.

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Did he just "blinked" me off the map? :( Warlock Blink too OP, Bungie PLS nerf!



Since no one posts the new information from the TTK 1st reveal last night so I'll do it.

  • Light Level is an average of your Attack and Defense across all equipped items (including Ghost Shells)
  • UI Tooltips on the stats (Strength/Intellect/Discipline) are now updated, show actual cooldown times
  • Quest Tab - Up to 32 in total
  • Spark of Light new consumable - 1 per TTK Purchase Boosts you up to level 25 - The minimum for The Taken King.
  • New Item limits or glitch/testing? Glimmer still at 25,000
  • Class Items no longer vanity items, actually help character become more powerful. like this
  • Ghosts specialise in collecting things on patrol i.e. Detects resources The spirit Bloom sensor
  • Collections keep track of what you've acquired (and what you haven't) over time, and stores them. Emblems, ships, shaders etc.
  • Rep changes for factions - Pledge allegiance to each faction vendor, each time you gain rep for Vanguard/Crucible will earn you faction rep AS WELL!
  • Year 1 Rep Carries Forward!
  • Can only change allegiance once a week.
  • Perks have been changed up on the armour, offering choices that you'll have to make. Do you want to be reactive or proactive?
  • Solar burn skull perk - Reduces the effect of a burn on you. Useful for Solar Burn Nightfalls!
  • Better rep packages! Guaranteed Legendary. Higher shader drop rates.
  • Once a shader has dropped, will be taken out of the pool, therefore more likely to complete the set!
  • Vanguard and crucible marks have been converted to legendary marks
  • Lord Shaxx has quests for you - PvP quests from level 5.
  • Weekly Crucible Bounties. If you complete all 5 weekly bounties, you get Nightfall Tier Rewards.
  • Lord Shax got a legendary Ghost Shell with a perk - Increased Glimmer from guardian kills in PvP!
  • Legendary marks are shared across characters. No limit on how many you can earn in a week!
  • Crucible/Vanguard marks are being cashed in to Commendations. Available on September 15th from your local postmaster.
  • Only Year 2 Legendaries will dismantle into Legendary Marks. Year 1 Legendaries shard into whatever they shard into right now.
  • Crucible Weekly Bounties also available from the Crucible Quartermaster
  • Exotic blueprints allow you to regain anything you might've lost or sharded or your girlfriend has broken up with you and thinks it's really funny to dismantle all your shit... Anyway moving on...
  • Account Wide Exotic Sharing via exotic Blueprints!
  • Some year 1 exotics have been upgraded for year 2 guys, costing some legendary marks
  • Exotic perks now unlocked from the get-go, you can enjoy it right away
  • New perk increasing super energy with Heavy Weapon kills
  • Only some exotics will be getting upgraded for Year 2
  • Attack values on year 1 weapons has changed. All values have been brought in line with each other (attack and defense). You have not lost any effectiveness though
  • Cryptarch will sell legendary engrams that won't turn into shards, for Legendary Marks.
  • Cryptarch rep carries forward, as everything else rep-wise.
  • Gunsmith's Field Test Weapons, similar to weapon bounties
  • Can gain rep with gunsmith now. i.e. completing quests or using the field test weapons
  • Gaining rep/rank allows you to choose Armsday Orders which will grant you a new gun every Wednesday, a day after Reset.
  • Armsday available from Rank 1 Gunsmith onwards. Every week there will be a new set of weapons available.
  • Infusion is replacing the ascension system.
  • Infusion keeps weapons current by consuming other weapons.
  • Infusion is available for all year 2 legendary/exotic weapons/armour pieces.
  • There are now pages relating to what you can store in the vault. i.e. General, Weapons & armour.
  • Motes of Light can be used to level up your weapons.

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Going to be on tonight, but to help Zell with Skolas for his Year One triumphs. Not sure what we'll be doing after that, probably Trials, but if you have two others lined up, @Zell and @Sheikah might be convinced to fly through Crota? I wouldn't mind doing a Nightfall too, since it's been a while.

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Sorry, I've left Destiny behind me, I completely fell out of love with the game after the first DLC, I felt truly ripped off by it.


I'm still only level 30 and I've actually not played the second DLC yet, haha. I don't think I've been on the game since last year.

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