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The new Trials matchmaking seems to be working for the most part. We were regularly stomping the first team we played, but would become stuck at around the 5 wins mark.


I think our tactics were off for the most part. Looking back, I spent far too much time sitting back and sniping, just because that was what so many other teams were doing. Too often we were out-killing the other team, but they were getting their revives off and we weren't. Hopefully this week we will have a less sniper-friendly map so we can be more aggressive.


Despite not getting to the Lighthouse, I really enjoyed Trials this weekend because we had a lot of really tight matches.


Yeah, I found at the 5-win mark that we just hit a wall. Think we managed a 6th win with Drift and Map the other day but seems like you can pretty much expect to come up against a tough team.


I think generally Me, @MilaGi and @Deathjam were pretty on it. I think we need to push for space much harder and push when we get a kill to stop revives. Also, we would probably do well to stick a little closer together or at least communicate what we're doing exactly when we aren't. The Heavy Ammo round in this match being an example of me thinking Deathjam was behind me, getting two kills and then shotgunned from behind only for their whole team to get revived. There were also a couple points of me sticking my head out for way too long, getting myself killed twice.



Considering that was our first foray as a Trials team, I was pretty fucking happy overall, though.


Sunbreakers think they aaaaall that :p I really like being a Sunsinger, but I sucked as Sunbreaker. I actually had more luck for the couple of games we switched to Striker.






I was pretty proud of that.

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I hit a few sunbreakers dead on with shadowshot and not only did it not kill them, but they got out of the tether's range before it kicked in >_>


Only took an hour:seven but I solo'd the nightfall. Got a class item worse than what I have and a mote of light that'll go swell with the other 289...


But that vanguard quest is complete


I think the biggest difference with ToO is the level of ruthlessness required in order to be successful.

I probably played a bit too cautious at times and those moments of hesitancy likely cost us some quicker rounds, especially when we were in a commanding position.


@Zell I pretty much held back a lot like you did. That seemed to be the same line of thinking as most opposing team snipers as any time I showed more aggression I ended up being taken out.


I also agree with @Daft about the importance of sticking together. Especially when the map is unfamiliar, so communication is that little bit harder. I'm sure we'll improve though. We made great progress, although getting beyond the 5th win is certainly a challenge in itself!

Posted (edited)
Those who want to do a normal raid on Saturday what are you're availabilities?



All day. Saturday is no life day.


Edit: changed to make more sense

Edited by Deathjam
Those who want to do a normal raid on Saturday what are you're availabilities?


Can possibly do from about 7pm onwards!

Might not be sober!



@MilaGi @Deathjam You up for Trials tomorrow night?


I'll definitely be around! Can't put a time on it though. All depends whether I get an early finish from work. At worst it'll be around 8pm.

I'll definitely be around! Can't put a time on it though. All depends whether I get an early finish from work. At worst it'll be around 8pm.


Ace, that's good for me! @Deathjam 8pm good for you?

Those who want to do a normal raid on Saturday what are you're availabilities?


I'd definitely like to as haven't done any raids yet! If there's space for another my mate would be interested in joining too.


re: availability I should be able to do anything as I haven't got plans, the only downside is I don't want to be up/on the PS4 much past 10/11pm as I've got work at 7am Sunday morning so wanna try and get in bed at a sensible(ish) time.


Right so looking like a Normal Raid Saturday at 7pm?


Is that okay for everyone? @Deathjam, @ Milagi & @Rummy seem to be able


That leaves two spots, i know @Daft and @Nolan showed an interest, although in nolan's case the time difference might be an issue


If either of those drop out Rummy said something about a friend, and @Blade usually wants to Raid - so it looks like we can make up 6 players?











Rummy's mate

Right so looking like a Normal Raid Saturday at 7pm?


Is that okay for everyone? @Deathjam, @ Milagi & @Rummy seem to be able


That leaves two spots, i know @Daft and @Nolan showed an interest, although in nolan's case the time difference might be an issue


If either of those drop out Rummy said something about a friend, and @Blade usually wants to Raid - so it looks like we can make up 6 players?











Rummy's mate



I think @Blade should be going instead of @Daft as he needs the normal gear more and daft said he was happy to make way for others who haven't raided as much.


Yep, Blade should definitely be in before me!! Really I only put myself forward if you needed someone to make up the numbers and I'm likely to be out on Saturday now, too.


7pm Sat is good with me! My mate is here somewhere(@Frag Grimes?) but I don't think he hung around much longer after mafia games. I'll G him up on the textual communications to get him to post depending on what @Blade's saying first.


Right cool that makes sense


what about @Nolan though? I'm not sure on his time zone, he could be 12 hours in front of behind for all i know


so if Nolan is out do we want it to be Rummy's mate?(who i'm assuming need gear) then @Daft in the pecking order?


I'm pretty sure I'm 5 hours behind? Nope 6 now that DST happened. So that's 1pm, I can do that, count me in.


It'll be odd raiding sober. Also keep in mind will be my first Kingd Fall raid.

Right cool that makes sense


what about @Nolan though? I'm not sure on his time zone, he could be 12 hours in front of behind for all i know


so if Nolan is out do we want it to be Rummy's mate?(who i'm assuming need gear) then @Daft in the pecking order?


My light's 296 with highest stuff on, and he's maybe 20ish behind at most but we both need gear to get us up a bit more(he's struggling to get much for infusions etc, I probably only have it from shitty grinding other tings and luck). Regards preference - obvs I'd like my mate to join but I feel it's fairer to go to forumites first if he's not here to post himself - so I'm aiming to change the latter by telling him to come post!


We're both Titans btw, and I'm fully levelled on my Arc and Solar, with a few more bits to go for void(not got the blessing/weapon boost unlocked yet). If there's a certain one that'll be beneficial to us I'm happy to rock it.

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