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Posted (edited)
Yesterday I hit 301, so hopefully that'll make the raid a little easier (Although I'm 299 with my preferred load out). In two rounds of Court of Oryx I got four Legendary artifacts, including a lute.


A lute drop. Ha!





I thought you'd be much higher with that loadout. What levels are your Ghost and Artifact?


Oh the ghost.....281 i think its much lower than the rest - i got a new artifact last night with 294 so i'm sitting at 292 base and 293 if i equip the strongest weapons


Where are you guys getting the high armour/damage drops? just from strikes? i've not had anything higher than my current equips in a long time now

Edited by Agent Gibbs
its exactly 281

I'm up to 295 with all my best stuff equipped. Think the lowest item I have is my hunter cloak which sits at 283.. so the sooner I get something better than that the better!


I should have the Touch of Malice for when we get to Oryx (unless we blitz the raid in one go tonight) and it's apparently the best the weapon to use on him. Just need to grab two calcified fragments from the raid (to bring my total up to 45) then defeat a special boss and it's mine :yay:


What a night, got the raid sniper which feels pretty nifty. Got the Warlock bond, too.


I also didn't earn my brand new Zhalo Supercell, 310 damage to boot.


Nor did I just earn a 310 Thunderlord from a purple engram I just decrypted.


Yes, excellent night.


Srsly, it was a lot of fun. Glad I didn't fuck up my part at Golgoroth.




I really messed up with the Eris mission you're meant to do before the raid though -_- I didn't read it carefully and thought it said defeat the warpriest, but what it actually says is "and stop the creation of a powerful Taken Warbeast". D'oh :(


Can you just select the mission (at Light 240) with the black spindle in at any time or do you need to wait for it to be the daily again? is it solo-able? not sure when i'll have free time this week to try it thats all


Got an awesome scout rifle from a dead orbit rank up last night a 299 dmg Omliion (or wahtever it was), so i'm at 293 now with that. also got a Legendary Rocket Launcher with tracking at 283 dmg

Still being let down by my ghost which is 281, there no sure fire way to get ghost engrams/drops and leaving it to chance is a bind! did a load of Vanguard strikes with some randoms last night before going out, just getting shit loot


last strike was a nightmare, three on our fireteam managed to stay together for about 4 strikes there was me at 293, a hunter at 296 and another warlock at 282...then the hunter dropped out on the new Rasputin strike, so it was me and the weak link trying it as a duo!

Medic was the name of the game, i'd kill most of the mobs at the satellite drop, super kill some more, he'd super off my orbs and go off under the nearest drop ship to kill spawning enemies....or so he tried time and time again only to be obliterated by the cannons on the drop ships

6 attempts later i managed to keep him revived long enough to clear that section.

The next bit with the taken mob was easy enough, on to the columns of electricity and the relic to move. It was left to me to get the relic, whilst he stood at the door with a hand cannon trying to snipe the exploding shanks - failed miserably protecting me and it took three goes at that (each time having to do the taken mob before) then the next section was more taken mobs and the first thing he did was run in super in the middle of a mob and get wiped out

At which point i was sick of baby sitting and left


no idea how someone with 280+ light seemed to have no idea how to not walk into cross fire and die, repeatedly

Posted (edited)

Anyone want to get the Black Spindle with me today? I think it's the relevant daily mission.


@Sheikah I'm pretty sure you don't have it, anyone else? @Eddage


I'll be on at about 8.


I really messed up with the Eris mission you're meant to do before the raid though -_- I didn't read it carefully and thought it said defeat the warpriest, but what it actually says is "and stop the creation of a powerful Taken Warbeast". D'oh :(


That's the stage I'm on.

Edited by Daft

I was given a copy of Destiny from someone at work who bought it a year ago, then bought the legendary edition (i think) that came with Taken King and all the DLC.


So he gave me the vanilla Destiny disc.


I said I'd never get into it. I wanted to avoid it, but for free I'm not going to pass it up.


I don't have PS+ so I'm only playing single player at the moment and just hit level 8.


Not entirely convinced by it so far to be honest. I'm already finding some of the single player missions repetitive. Go here, fight these enemies then hold out while Ghost does some stuff with something and fight off 2 to 3 drop ships of enemies then level ends.


I guess the Destiny experience is all about the online side though with raids and such?


They Year One mission structure is ass. They only start becoming something worth playing from the DLC onward.


And playing solo is how to make this game not fun.


And playing solo is how to make this game not fun.


Noted, PS+ is happening soon due to the other games coming out this winter so I'll give it another shot properly.

Posted (edited)

It is the mission for Black Spindle. It still drops at 310 apparently, but a patch is landing at 6pm which may change that. If you want a 310, you may need to get it sooner rather than later.


I'm happy to help people get this if they're short of players. (Actually I'd really like a second 310 exotic so I can level up a legendary secondary). I'll not be on til 5.45ish though :/


It wrecks raid bosses. I'd really like to do Golgoroth with 4x Black Spindle & 2x Weapons of Light, bring him down in one run then see if any secret doors open :D

Edited by Shorty

Maybe you can use your Black Spindle, to get me my Black Spindle. Plz, halp.


Also, you fancy doing that Eris 'Summoner's Circle' mission, with the Warbeast, together?


And thirdly, just some general advice for anyone doing the Gaze on Golgoroth, Red Death is your best friend in the whole world. It was a pretty good gun before 2.0 but fucking hell, with the Pulse Rifle buff and still only at 285 damage it was absolutely wrecking.


@Daft In case you missed my edit I won't be on til 5.45 and that's if traffic is forgiving. Can help then (would love to) but you'd be better off trying to get on earlier if you want a shot at the 310 ver..


Unless I can come up with some excuse to leave early...... :p

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