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SEGA 3D Classics


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What's the trick to fighting the Blaze clones in SoR? They've taken so many lives... :(


The game is a lot harder than I remember.


Omg they are near impossible. It depends who you are playing as but normally they are weak to air attacks (but holy crap it takes a while).

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There's one who will always grab you and one who will always jump kick you... Focus on the jumping one first. Take care to avoid her flying kick then grab her as she lands and do 2 hits then throw her. Repeat til she's dead then you can do the same on the 2nd girl. Also if you get grabbed by the girl and she throws you, you can hold up + A to land safely but if she does a suplex then you're screwed

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Omg they are near impossible. It depends who you are playing as but normally they are weak to air attacks (but holy crap it takes a while).


Axel. Wasn't working for me (at least on the stage 8 versions). Just had to get lucky and land a hit after they land, which resulted in me getting thrown most of the time. I'm sure I knew how to beat them "back in the day". Always was scared of stage 5 because of them.


Edit: Thanks, @f00had. Managed to recover from the throw by mashing A/B not sure if I was holding up. Maybe that's why it didn't always work. Will try to remember that for next time.

Edited by Ike
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The way I remember Streets of Rage, you really had to play as Adam or Blaze to complete it. Of course, I'm sure it's possible as Axel, but doesn't he have quite a poor flying kick?


In a similar way, I could only play Golden Axe as Gilius or Tyrus. Wanted to use Ax Battler, but could never use his dash attack very effectively.

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The way I remember Streets of Rage, you really had to play as Adam or Blaze to complete it. Of course, I'm sure it's possible as Axel, but doesn't he have quite a poor flying kick?


It's pretty short range, thought it was pretty strong myself but I've never really used the other characters, I've always played as Axel. ::shrug:

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Decided to have a bit of a Sega Night yesterday when I came in from work and played my 3D Classics a bit more.


Streets of Rage

I picked up my playthrough from about halfway through and progressed all the way to the end. Although it was indeed hard to remember the technique for the Blaze clones, most of the game felt like putting on an old, familiar pair of slippers. In fact, apart from the fact I wasn't playing on a TV screen with someone else (I used to love playing this with friends), I actually liked it more than I remembered. Back in 1991 I thought it felt a bit sluggish and low-tech compared to, say, Final Fight, but the 3D Classics version is so slick, it's a dream to play. Highlight of the game was, as ever, Round 7 with its amazing music:



Sonic the Hedgehog

With this, I picked up from two-thirds of the way through. I honestly can't tell you how much I like Sonic the Hedgehog, or how good a game I think it is. It sounds like an exaggeration, but the game is simply a part of me. Although I can no longer remember every nook & cranny, the game still felt familiar enough to get through quite easily. I only got three Chaos Emeralds though, so I'm definitely not as used to it as I was! Like Streets of Rage, it's lovely to have such a slick version (certainly the best version I've owned).


Space Harrier

Of the four games I bought, this was the least wise purchase. Although I did used to like Space Harrier, I feel it's impossible to master and just designed to take your coins! Still, it's quite a blast and, using the level select, I've now played through the whole thing.


Super Hang-On

It's hard to explain how I feel about racing games of this era. Unlike beat-'em-ups, I always got the feeling that I'd never be able to become good at them. I've always wanted to master OutRun or Super Hang-On, but there's something about the way the road scales at you that I find difficult. Still, in a way, this is why I bought it. The time limits are very tight (but can be made easier via the options) and the music in particular makes me feel like I'm back in a holiday camp in the '80s. Super Hang-On is the most thrilling of the games I downloaded and might even be the best racing game available for the 3DS (I like it more than the others I've tried, anyway).


So, really enjoyed playing them. With Virtual Console type emulation, my instinct is to always want coin-ops (as I used to want them so much as a kid, for the superior graphics). However, with Sega's 3D Classics, I possibly enjoyed the Megadrive games more as they are perhaps more thoughtfully designed for slightly longer play sessions. I probably won't buy any more for now, but am very eager for Round 2.



Super Monaco GP

Streets of Rage 2

Golden Axe (coin-op)

Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder

Arabian Fight


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Space Harrier is the only game I play with the 3DS (XL)'s 3D slider turned all the way up. The exaggerated 3D really works well on this game, unlike others where it feels "too much" and I normally play with it around 50%.


I've always appreciated this game despite never getting very far on it. They had it at a holiday resort when I was young, I later got the Sega Ages version on the Saturn and played that a lot, but if you enjoy the game this is easily the definitive version to get. Widescreen is a welcome improvement, but do yourself a favour and turn the 3D slider all the way up for the full distance effect, and you'll be surprised how much better you are at dodging between pillars than you ever were on the 2D versions.


I can't wait to try the others as time & cash flow allows. I think Galaxy Force II is next on my list...

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Lol, nah.


I had heard what happens from the schoolyard rumour mill but I wasn't entirely sure if it was true.


Don't think I got to the end very often back in the day and didn't want to waste it by joining him. Also too scared. :p


You've never done it before? :eek: just wait til you see what happens when you do it in co-op with one player agreeing and one player refusing.


Oh, I think I heard about that.


You fight each other, right?


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Finally got round to buying the last 3 remaining SEGA 3D Classics games, so now I have all of them! :D (except Ecco, because lol - no amount of 3D can make that game fun for me)


Man, the 3D really does breath all new life into the visuals and makes them all feel fresh again! It also actually really benefits the gameplay of Streets of Rage, I'm having much more fun with the 3D version than I did with the original! Being able to actually see my character's depth position really makes the game much easier to play :) (and the B/C back hit being assigned to a separate button is also much appreciated!)


Shame about the lack of Download play though. Guess I'll have to get my friend to get a copy of his own.


Altered Beast is also more fun on the 3DS than it was on the Wii VC. I feel that the game is a better fit for quick fire handheld play than on a console, due to its short length and simplicity.


Anywho! Without further adieu, here's the full list of M2 interviews for the 1st round of SEGA 3D Classics (would be nice to stick these all in the first post for easy access ;) )


Space Harrier 3D


Super Hang On


Sonic the Hedgehog 3D


Altered Beast 3D


Ecco the Dolphin 3D


Galaxy Force 2 3D


Streets of Rage 3D (@f00had There you go :) There's the interview you wanted to read)


Shinobi 3 3D


Here's to the next volume! (And hopefully the one after! :hehe:)

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Finally got round to buying the last 3 remaining SEGA 3D Classics games, so now I have all of them! :D(except Ecco, because lol - no amount of 3D can make that game fun for me)


While I admire your enthusiasm for the Sega 3D classics I really do feel that you might wish to reconsider not buying Ecco because honestly the game has some of the best 3D I've seen on any of the classics so far, plus the save states actually make it so much more playable; so much so in fact that I was able to beat the game properly - without skipping the 'hard bits' with a password - for the first time. :)


Plus you can even use 'Super Dolphin Mode' which makes you invincible if you really don't get on with the whole 'finding air' element of it, though to me it feels like cheating... but it's still a viable option, heck some would even probably say to me 'save states' are cheating but to them I would say, 'do you know how unfair this game can be at times?' but yes... in any case, give it a go one day perhaps as I think you might just be pleasantly surprised by it. : peace:


I'll have my review finished for it soon hopefully, that and Sonic. :D

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I've been kicking it old-school with Streets of Rage 3d this evening. It brought back loads of awesome memories! Just waiting for one of my sisters to pick it up so we can go co-op like we did when we were kids. The 3D effect looks amazing. I'll pick up Ecco next. Hope they do another round of 3D classics, Toe Jam & Earl, SoR2, and Sonic 2 would be top of my wishlist.

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I've been kicking it old-school with Streets of Rage 3d this evening. It brought back loads of awesome memories! Just waiting for one of my sisters to pick it up so we can go co-op like we did when we were kids. The 3D effect looks amazing. I'll pick up Ecco next. Hope they do another round of 3D classics, Toe Jam & Earl, SoR2, and Sonic 2 would be top of my wishlist.


They ARE doing a 2nd round right now. First game from this new set is Afterburner 2 (the arcade version) :)

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Can't wait to tuck in to Shinobi 3 - one of my favourite side-scrollers and a true 16 bit masterwork.


How's about Landstalker in the next batch? Now there's a game that would benefit enormously from stereo 3D! Wonder if it could be done for a game without parallax and a non-perspectival isometric viewpoint - how would the depth be added? This team have been working wonders so far.

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Did anyone download Altered Beast?


I mentioned before how this was like one of the games of my childhood, but yesterday I got my Nintendo mag through and they rated it like 25 or something shit! Said it was one of the worst games and didn't really deserve a remake! :o


Was it really that bad or am I looking at it with nothing but nostalgia?!

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Did anyone download Altered Beast?


I mentioned before how this was like one of the games of my childhood, but yesterday I got my Nintendo mag through and they rated it like 25 or something shit! Said it was one of the worst games and didn't really deserve a remake! :o


Was it really that bad or am I looking at it with nothing but nostalgia?!


No, I didn't download it, because I feel a bit annoyed at it being the Megadrive version when the arcade original is available.


However, I don't think it's half as bad as people say. It's quite thrilling to get the power-ups, and I can play it all the way through, which puts it way above loads of other games I've played. I actually used to cycle to a not-so-local fish & chip shop just to play it.

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I ended up downloading it. It doesn't seem to have aged well at all! :laughing:


It's very basic - and when compared to something like Golden Axe it seems even more archaic!


I got to level 3 - and then died. :heh:


I never did complete it. And I'm not confident I'll be changing that any time soon either!

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