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The NEW New Super Mario Bros. U Thread


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Totally can understand that viewpoint - I never picked up the Wii one as it was always quite pricey and I was never really in the mood for it, having always preferred 3D Mario. I didn't get the 3DS one either, so really this bundle has thrown me back into it, and I'm glad it has as I've really enjoyed it so far. I think the fact the DLC was included on disk appealed to me too - I rarely buy DLC so to have it included seemed like a great deal.


Just looked it up and Luigi U is £18 to download - quite expensive. Haven't touched it yet, but I guess others will be able to say if they think that is worth it.


I never had the Wii one either - without getting a solid/regular multi on I didn't think it'd be worth it for me(tho I did really enjoy NSMB). Mario's good and all, but it has done the same things in the last lots of games. I actually DID buy NSMBU when I originally bought the Wii U - was £250 with Nland+NSMBU from Asda, but then the £200 NLand+ZombiU at HMV came up, and I returned the Asda one and this.


It's totally worth it. Stop bein a scruff Rummy and get your wallet out :p I kid, I kid :laughing:


Well YOU'RE not invited to my house party when I buy one :p

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I finally got round to playing this. I almost bought a Wii U at launch with this this game, but in the end waited for the Mario Kart + Wind Waker download bundle.


Anyway, I'm halfway through the 5th World, Soda Jungle, and am surprised to find I'm not enjoying it very much. Positive points first: I do like the Ice Flower, and the graphics are nice. However, at the risk of sounding weak, I'm finding it too difficult. Even the 1st World isn't a pushover. Normally I like to collect all the Star Coins as I go, but I'm missing so many I have just given up.


But games need challenge, right? Otherwise you might as well just watch them? Well yes, in a way, but I find this not at the optimum level. I like the early worlds to be easy, because I know later ones won't be. This, though, is giving me too much of a workout all the time. If the first half of the game has given me trouble, I'm not totally sure I'll be able to do the last. OK, I probably will, but this puts me off any attempt to 100% it.


It's a strange combination of over-familiarity with how these games work (and the jump mechanics are perfect, there's no doubt) with the difficulty being ramped to counterbalance that. It doesn't quite work, in my opinion.


I've been going back through this thread to see if anyone had similar experiences to me. Apologies to the following people for quoting old posts, but I agree with these points:


Is anyone finding this game to be a little tricky?!


I know some of you have finished it already but I am only into world 4 and already I am finding there are levels where I am eiher totally clueless ::shrug: or I am losing like 10 lives a time just trying to get through the course ha.


It's definitely a challenge and does feel like a step up from the other 2d Mario's I have played before.


I just hope it doesn't start to border on frustrating / annoying as I am losing my temper with it a bit already haha. :p


I just found the later worlds really really frustrating. To the point where I thought I would just 'get it out the way with' and then trade it in.


This is exactly how I'm feeling right now. I just want to get to the end and trade it in.


I'm finding the levels in this game really boring, predictable and repetitive. The vast majority play exactly the same way, with different backgrounds, and obstacles. I'm only up to Soda Jungle but so far so bad.


I've dragged myself up to World 3 so far but don't know if I can manage much more, it's just so bland and the music is a complete joke.


I'll try and complete it, but for me, New Super Mario Bros 2 was far more enjoyable. If this is meant to be the Wii U's "casual", broad-audience game (and I do realise the irony of me saying that), I can't help but think they misjudged it.

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I kind of understand where you are coming from and yet did not have the same experience. It is quite a hard game really but I did end up 100%ing it. There were some levels I loved (probably the majority) but there were definitely times when everything did seem like a chore as well.


Some advice - never play the Luigi DLC. That is much harder and had me turning the air blue. :indeed:

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Just to offer a difference of opinion... I'm currently playing through this and I've got to say I love it.


I've completed the first 8 worlds, beat Bowser and got 3 stars on every level I've unlocked. I'm now on the search for the 2 remaining secret exits that have eluded me.


Not say your opinion is wrong, but I thought NSMBWii was harder than this was (later on in the game anyway). Each to their own I guess.


Also the extras to NSMBU are great. I've only just started having a go at the Challenges, but I know I won't be putting them down until I've got gold on each.

I'm yet to touch Boost mode AND I've just bought New Super Luigi U to get stuck into :D


In my opinion Nintendo really excelled themselves with this offering.

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Too hard?! Pussy!!


I love this game to an extent, but I just wish the visual and audio design was better an more creative, like that one starry starry night level, I'd have taken a world of that, and each word could've been unique in another way, would've lifted it so much in my opinion.


As for NSMB2 on the 3DS, that has to be the worst main title mario I have ever played. I hated it!


*didn't hate it

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I can't say I ever found Mario U to be particularly hard, at all in fact. Nintendo games are so easy these days that a bit of challenge is welcome anyway IMO. That said I do remember it being a bit of a chore to get through. The levels just felt so similar and repetitive. The Van Gogh inspired one looked great but all it amounted to was jumping from pipe to pipe.

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I never stopped being a scruff as @Aneres11 suggested (:p) but luckily this eventually came in sub-£20 somewhere so I started it off, and whilst I've still got plenty to go I can't say I ever found it terribly difficult, missed a star coin here or there but usually went straight back in and went after them, tended to find them too. Might fire it up a little later this evening for a bit of a play through, see where I was upto and how I'm getting on. Whilst I didn't struggle with it, I'm sure I did appreciate at least a little bit the challenge in the star coins/gameplay. Watch this space as I go re-cap!

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Well, in the time since my last post @Grazza (so like...4 hours?) I've 100% star coined Sparking Waters and Frosted Glacier from scratch, barring one star coin on the latter(can probably guess where :p). I died quite a lot, and found a couple of star coins pretty tricky to figure out - but would I call the game hard? Hmm. I dunno, it's giving me more than enough lives to die this much, I can't even begin to think what I'd be like at this were I playing as a kid - going back to games now, I realise I was a really fucking basic kid when it came to playing games, probably due to sheer overexcitement/lack of forward thinking, something still kinda in me in Mario as I kept rushing into deaths in this.


My biggest gripe that I forgot I had with this game - worse than fi, worse than clippit, worse than navi herself...OH MY GOD YOU X'D Y THAT TIME!! WHY DON'T YOU POST TO MIIVERSE EH? POST TO MIIVERSE YES? MIIVERSE? POST? YES? POST TO MIIVERSE COOL OK YEAH!!







EDIT: Never mind, found that star coin after all. Also maybe know half hour off that 4 hours as I forgot I stopped for munch. Also consider I may not have found any secret exits that exist.

Edited by Rummy
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I kind of understand where you are coming from and yet did not have the same experience. It is quite a hard game really but I did end up 100%ing it. There were some levels I loved (probably the majority) but there were definitely times when everything did seem like a chore as well.


Some advice - never play the Luigi DLC. That is much harder and had me turning the air blue. :indeed:


This is something I never understood. Luigi U was meant to be harder, but personally due to how the game was changed...I actually found it easier.


I did use a guide for a few missing star coins over the course of both games, though.


I got the Luigi/Mario U combo pack when it came out. Played 2/3 through Mario until 3D World came out, then from there I just got stuck playing other games for ages, then I came back to Mario and aced it and Luigi in succession. I think I enjoyed it the most coming back to it the second time.

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Looking through the thread again, it seems most of us feel this game was the most challenging in the series, well apart from the Luigi DLC.


I honestly wouldn't mind going back through the whole series again at some point. I love me some 2D platforming action and have only played through each of these once.

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Looking through the thread again, it seems most of us feel this game was the most challenging in the series, well apart from the Luigi DLC.


I honestly wouldn't mind going back through the whole series again at some point. I love me some 2D platforming action and have only played through each of these once.


I also thought this version was the best out of the NEW series. I loved it!!

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I'm really starting to enjoy it now, actually. I don't know why, but I just didn't have my platforming skills when I started playing this. Now, though, I can land on platforms I had trouble with a few days ago, make difficult jumps etc. I'm going back and am able to get the Star Coins I missed.


Not a bad thing when a game re-awakens your gaming skills, really. :)

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Finished it now. Gave me quite a workout just to get to the end! If I could make some additions, it would be an extra checkpoint in each Castle/Fortress (before the boss) and the ability to use a spare power-up whilst in a level. Overall though, I enjoyed it quite a lot, with the final Bowser fight being one of the best.

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Finished it now. Gave me quite a workout just to get to the end! If I could make some additions, it would be an extra checkpoint in each Castle/Fortress (before the boss) and the ability to use a spare power-up whilst in a level. Overall though, I enjoyed it quite a lot, with the final Bowser fight being one of the best.

You should give the New Super Luigi U DLC a go. It's quite fun and challenging, and 80+ levels for £18 is a bargain, even though they are a little bit shorter.

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Finished it now. Gave me quite a workout just to get to the end! If I could make some additions, it would be an extra checkpoint in each Castle/Fortress (before the boss) and the ability to use a spare power-up whilst in a level. Overall though, I enjoyed it quite a lot, with the final Bowser fight being one of the best.


A reserve power-up is definitely something I missed from the original NSMB on DS, can't see why they didn't incorporate it here either(was it in NSMBWii?) but that's the game I guess. Haven't played much since the other day, maybe gonna get through a bit of it in the morning and over the next week. Hoping to have this completed up by next weekend. Did you 100% it along the way Grazza?

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It wasn't actually that tough once you've got the timing down.

I was trying to judge the jump for the 3rd coin without sound (Mrs watching the tele), which took quite a few goes. Getting to that point was a breeze in the end.


I'm doing the challenges now. Got golds so far but only up to the one with the crabs. Can see these getting hard.

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