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Wii U HDD Buying Options


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is there absolutely no way to partition the drive so it doesn't use the full 2tb on the wiiU should i buy that?

I'd love a 2TB drive, but not for a games console, its overkill! i have 320gb on my ps3 and 250gb(?) on my 360 and they are far from 50% so 2TB just seems far too extreme! i'd want 500gb to 1tb at most.


Does anyone know of any "cheap" and decent 500gb drives?

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Quick question about the Hard Drive. Is it only for use with downloadeable games, or will we be able to copy games from disc onto it?


If I'm not planning (initially) on getting dowload games, do I assume that there's no rush to get an HDD as I'll be getting the 32Gb Premium Wii U and this will be enough to be going on with?

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Quick question about the Hard Drive. Is it only for use with downloadeable games, or will we be able to copy games from disc onto it?


If I'm not planning (initially) on getting dowload games, do I assume that there's no rush to get an HDD as I'll be getting the 32Gb Premium Wii U and this will be enough to be going on with?


Yeah, 32GB will be enough for the time being, if not downloading anything. I really hope you can install the disc based games onto a hard-drive as it would save a lot of hassle. You'll be able to be super lazy, pick up the GamePad and turn everything on from there, TV, console, no swapping dics, yeah. We'll go from activity based Wii to sedentary Wii U.

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Yeah, 32GB will be enough for the time being, if not downloading anything. I really hope you can install the disc based games onto a hard-drive as it would save a lot of hassle. You'll be able to be super lazy, pick up the GamePad and turn everything on from there, TV, console, no swapping dics, yeah. We'll go from activity based Wii to sedentary Wii U.


What's to stop you installing games then selling the disc? They won't let that happen, you'll still need to put it in. The only reason for a HD install is to run faster and I'd wonder if the USB will be good enough to handle it well, really.

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What's to stop you installing games then selling the disc? They won't let that happen, you'll still need to put it in. The only reason for a HD install is to run faster and I'd wonder if the USB will be good enough to handle it well, really.


It would be like the PS or 360 if they did it, where the disk is required in the console, and the install only allows faster loading and the disk is used more sporadically

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What's to stop you installing games then selling the disc? They won't let that happen, you'll still need to put it in. The only reason for a HD install is to run faster and I'd wonder if the USB will be good enough to handle it well, really.


It would be like the PS or 360 if they did it, where the disk is required in the console, and the install only allows faster loading and the disk is used more sporadically


Of course, damn discs. Didn't think it through. I really hope the eShop is a viable option monetary wise, I'm hoping to buy virtually everything via the eShop , I've had a guts full of discs.

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No idea what's inside, or if it's good/will work; but just seen this 'weekend deal' on eBuyer. 640GB portable drive for £40;




EDIT: hmm, a few Reevoos mention it's not quite standard usb cable? I'm thinking they're meaning at the drive end, but yeah...not sure if it'll be any good so take it at your own risk!

Edited by Rummy
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  • 1 month later...

So did anyone have any success with hard drives for the Wii U?


I bought a 320gb WD My Passport drive and got a Y cable for it, connected it to the Wii U which recognised a drive was attached, formatted it, I then saw the icon in the corner after resetting but when I went into data management it just wasn't there and then it vanished from the the corner of the main screen too. :/


It could just be the Y cable that I bought but Idk... anyway I just wondered if anyone has had any success with other drives.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive got a Basic Wii U so I need more memory. I dont wanna spend a lot of money either.


Thinking if either getting:








Will i need a y cable for these to work do you think? I really have no idea about these things.

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  • 1 month later...

Ended up ordering a Seagate STBV1000200 drive as my WD with Y cable had some issues with Monster Hunter just reading the patch data since the Seagate is mains powered and recommended by Nintendo (and the cheapest).


Transferred my Zombie U data quickly, need to use it more to test reliability. The drive is quiet, however the mains adapter is not and buzzes quite loudly, it makes more noise than the drive so I've emailed Seagate customer services to see what they say. Doesn't sound healthy to me. I hate technology.

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  • 7 months later...

Can anyone help out Gibbs's post from the Wii U general?


didn't we have a wiiu hard drive thread?i can't find it....



anyway i've been clearing out stuff and found i have a spare 7200 rpm 3.5 seagate 200gb hard drive in a box i've obviously not used for a long time, and i was wondering could i use it in a caddy with my WiiU, i can't find a decent answer online



(not surprised you couldn't find it Gibbs, was on Page 6 for me!)

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Where was this thread hiding? i searched for WiiU HDD and it didn't show up i'm sure of it! :scratches head: :hmm:


thanks @Ike that means i can make use of the spare HDD, i actually found a 120gb HP Pocket drive too....i don't remember where either came from....


You'll should have no problems if it's mains powered or if you have a Y cable for it. Either way the Wii U will auto-format the disc drive for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

has anyone had any weird problems with external hard drives? as above i used a spare 3.5" hard drive in an enclosure and today i first plugged it in, formatted the drive and attempted to transfer my files and it froze forcing me to reset the WiiU. i tried doing smaller transfers (the first was 14 files) and it seemed to work, but anything over 1.5gb crashed the WiiU if i attempted to transfer anything else with it, it had to be that file on its own


Annoying having to individually transfer any files over 1.5gb....

It runs things fine that are stored on it, i have no idea what caused it

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