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Dragon Quest VII - Remake for 3DS

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Thanks @Blade. :D


It's a really fantastic title, I'm really glad people have been enjoying reading my review, it was a pleasure to write and I can definitely say that its an adventure which is more than worth investing the time in. :)


If anyone is buying it physically then you get that fantastic boxart as well...






Indeed if anyone is picking up a copy of the game in Game or an independent retailer and manages to snag a pre-order/display box with that artwork then I'd gladly pay them for it... no deal-breaker just saying. ;)


The only downside of reviewing a digital title, of course you get to play the game early - certainly not complaining - but no box art to stare at, either way though... I'll live without it but it's certainly some excellent art fit for a fantastic game. : peace:


I can't wait to see more of you playing the game soon hopefully, for anyone who doesn't already have me on their list and is planning on picking this up, please add me and we can *trade Traveller's Tablets. :cool:


*It sounds like an awesome idea because it is, more dungeons to explore!

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My copy shipped earlier today. Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow. I've just finished one of the games I've been playing through and I'm gonna try and get the other one finished before going to bed. I want to be ready in case it does pop through the letter box.


While I've only played through a few of the DQ games, I do really love the series. They are very old school in terms of their gameplay, which makes it great for people like myself who enjoy grinding levels. The soundtracks are always epic, yet, at the same time, whimsical and I always love seeing the DBZ style artwork.


Im very much looking forward to the game now. :bouncy:

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I'm gonna stick with my Shopto preorder. It's cheaper and there's a chance for a super early delivery again. :D


Well that didn't happen. :p They didn't ship mine until this morning. Ah, well.


N-Europe Review




: peace:


Interesting that you put "Slow to start" since they cut content from the start after complaints about the original.

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Interesting that you put "Slow to start" since they cut content from the start after complaints about the original.


It's the only real criticism I could think of, it's not even that bad either, just that I was perhaps really eager to get into battles but I suppose it does help set the scene at least. ;)


But yes, when I learned about just how much from the start they had already cut, it surprised me as well; I must stress that it's certainly not a huge deal though, just something I thought worth noting. : peace:


Once you get into the flow of things, the game is amazing! :D

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I preferred the longer version, but that's just me. ::shrug:


I respect that, you've been into Dragon Quest as a series for far longer than I have. :)


For me the remakes are for the most-part the only way I'll likely experience a lot of the series but being that I own the original I should go back to it one day. :D


It's a shame that I haven't experienced more Dragon Quest titles as it's a series that I have respect for but I need to dedicate far more time to clearly... :hmm: but I do intend to do this in the not to distant future, after I've lost many more hours to this excellent remake. :grin:


I couldn't believe the awful article I stumbled across a moment ago on Kotaku though - stupid clickbait, I shouldn't have bothered I know - as all they could do was berate the saving system! :hmm:


It's all part of the charm, or at least I thought so... ::shrug:

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I couldn't believe the awful article I stumbled across a moment ago on Kotaku though - stupid clickbait, I shouldn't have bothered I know - as all they could do was berate the saving system! :hmm:


It's all part of the charm, or at least I thought so... ::shrug:


Oh no, it's Tokyo Mirage Sessions all over again, isn't it?


"What do you mean I have to save manually!? How dare they put that responsibility on me!"

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I couldn't believe the awful article I stumbled across a moment ago on Kotaku though - stupid clickbait, I shouldn't have bothered I know - as all they could do was berate the saving system! :hmm:


It's all part of the charm, or at least I thought so... ::shrug:


I read the article the other day and I can kinda see their point. As I mentioned earlier, I enjoy the old school approach the series has but I can see why it puts a lot of people off.


There's a lot of QoL stuff that could be done to speed up or make the games smoother. Just look at what Bravely Default has done. It's very much a traditional JRPG but the way you can customise how you play is very refreshing. However, doing this could then turn off the core fans of the series. Just look at what happened when DQIX was originally announced to be real time rather than turn based.

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Yeah, it is a fair point to make, even if it is being dramatized to some extent.


The DQ games are kinda clunky in that regard. It's hardly the game killer that article makes it out to be though and it is part of the series' old school charm.


Oh no, it's Tokyo Mirage Sessions all over again, isn't it?


"What do you mean I have to save manually!? How dare they put that responsibility on me!"


THIS so much though!!! I hate it when people moan about manual saving. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it FFS and it's often preferable to autosaving, especially in an RPG.

Edited by Dcubed
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Just got this through the mail this morning, finished a 4 hour binge on it a few minutes ago and it seems really fun so far. First DQ game I've ever played and now I kinda wanna look for the previous entries or atleast watch a playthrough of them.


Stopped after I raised my first island. The beginning seems kinda slow, alot of wondering around, going back and forth between places and talking to random NPCs. Picked up once the first encounter started though.

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Just to be clear, I'm not disagreeing with you or anything. I just thought it was interesting.


Oh no, it's cool Ike. :)


I often get somewhat impatient in RPG's anyway, I think it was around 3 hours before I actually got into a battle but I was dawdling somewhat at the start. ;)


It is nice that the time is taken to set the scene. :D


I think I just like battling a little too much :blush: when I saw that first Slime though... damn! I thought to myself... Now I'm officially playing a Dragon Quest game! :hehe:

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Man, the start of the game is an absolute killer. I think I spent close to 2 hours just running back and forth between towns and I still haven't seen an enemy! I'm hoping I get to something soon ( well tomorrow because I got fed up and called it a day ) because it's been a very boring affair so far. :(


It reminds me of Persona 4, where all I done for the first few hours was run around and talk to people. I gave up playing that due to how slow the start was but I'm hoping I can get through this rough period and push forward with this game.

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Man, the start of the game is an absolute killer. I think I spent close to 2 hours just running back and forth between towns and I still haven't seen an enemy! I'm hoping I get to something soon ( well tomorrow because I got fed up and called it a day ) because it's been a very boring affair so far. :(


It reminds me of Persona 4, where all I done for the first few hours was run around and talk to people. I gave up playing that due to how slow the start was but I'm hoping I can get through this rough period and push forward with this game.


I'm very interested of your thoughts after you get past the beginning. As mentioned, i'm tempted to pick the game up myself.

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Stopped after I raised my first island. The beginning seems kinda slow, alot of wondering around, going back and forth between places and talking to random NPCs. Picked up once the first encounter started though.


Man, the start of the game is an absolute killer. I think I spent close to 2 hours just running back and forth between towns and I still haven't seen an enemy! I'm hoping I get to something soon ( well tomorrow because I got fed up and called it a day ) because it's been a very boring affair so far. :(


It reminds me of Persona 4, where all I done for the first few hours was run around and talk to people. I gave up playing that due to how slow the start was but I'm hoping I can get through this rough period and push forward with this game.


Hmm so it isn't just me then it seems... part of me did think, maybe I was just being impatient? Perhaps part of me still is but that battle system is so good once you start levelling and hit your stride. :D


It's so worth sticking with, I really hope you both continue playing as once you start advancing through the story, it's really, genuinely compelling. :)


In fact, I'm going to play a bit more now as I haven't had much of a chance to play anything today aside from a bit of MK8, time to get Dragon Questing! ;)

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@S\.C\.G is the story gripping then? Does it make you want to play more to find out what happens next?


It certainly is and it certainly does. :D


Think of it as being on big mystery, then along the way having lots of stories which stand up on their own but then become part of something greater in time. :)


Without giving anything away or spoiling anything, that's all I can really say... there are some really fantastic moments in the story-telling which just make you want to carry on playing, it all gives you a reason to care about not just the main characters but all of the characters in the game, no matter how big or small a part they may play. :smile:


I've not felt anything this strong for a games world or characters since playing The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask...


Now in no way is that a direct comparison but rather it is very high praise indeed because I really didn't think it was possible, until now. : peace:

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We had a terrible thunder storm last this morning which woke me up at 1am. I figured I would crack on with the game, seeing as how the thunder was so loud that I couldn't sleep.


When I loaded the game up I found it had just been an hour and a half that I had been running around without a fight. Literally five minutes after loading the game up I got into my first battle. YAY! :bouncy:


I started grinding a few levels as soon as I could. I've played more than enough JRPGs to realise that...


Maeve would probably leave the party as soon as I entered the village. She was a beast in comparison to Auster and co. and this usually means that character will leave the group and is only there to get you to your destination.



I used this opportunity to level my characters all the way to level 7.


Broadcast Yourself


This also netted me a nice amount of cash that allowed me to buy all the best gear for my team, in the nearest town.


I just finished up collecting the green stone for Patrick and i'm now about to go to some shire, just across from the village.



I think i'll do some more level grinding on my lunch break which should keep me well ahead of the enemy levels in the up and coming area.

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Must have just been around my area. My mate at work lives in Seaham and didn't have any either.


I managed to get the tower during my lunch break and level my team up to level 9. I'm back home now so let the weekend DQ binge commence! :D


We in Sheffield had a massive thunderstorm about 4am/5am. Absolutely loud banging thunder and bright lightening then it absolutely pissed it down :D

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