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The Red Dwarf Mafia


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I thought Rummy claimed to be the cat?


I didn't, until Yvonne pointed it out, but yes, I am. I didn't want to make it too obvious too soon because I was expecting to be at risk form the polymorph since the beginning of the game. If we lynch Animal tonight and he ISN'T the polymorph, I suggest either I'm protected or Moogle is roleblocked; on Jon Dedede's claim he might be the polymorph. I don't know either either way, but for someone to come asking after me when I've been expecting a hit all game - it just seems too convenient for coincidence for me.


Ah yes. Did you target Danny that night, Rummy? Can't be bopthered to search the thread right now to see if you did. If so, Animal must be the hologram.


I targetted Danny the night before last, I apparently 'found' him, but my power didn't work and all I found out was that he was trapped in a lift.

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After much consideration, I've decided to Vote: Animal.


I targetted Danny the night before last, I apparently 'found' him, but my power didn't work and all I found out was that he was trapped in a lift.


I trapped him in the lift, but it shouldn't have affected you unless you tried to roleblock him.

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If you people do not believe me, roleblock and investigate me tonight. I don't mind.


I'd rather not. If you're the polymorph then I'd quite likely suspect you ellude people, just like in the show - which would mean you could be 'successful' even if roleblocked because the roleblock might go to someone else/whatever character you're disguised as/targetted night previously. I'd rather just kill you now, especially considering how quiet you were before all this; and how quiet you'll conveniently be for the rest of the game. Don't buy that Dog line at all either.


I trapped him in the lift, but it shouldn't have affected you unless you tried to roleblock him.


Indeed, though I already discussed/asked this of you yesterday's day phase. I don't know why, unless it's done that I can only know what someone's done if they manage to do it of a nighttime, which is the only explanation I can give. I was first to mention Danny was in the lift iirc though, so it's definite I wasn't lying/bluffing on nothing. I still wonder who it was that beat me so savagely last night in addition, as they seemed to take objection to prison officer being trapped in the lift as if I were to blame. Of course, if that isn't Danny, then it could refer to somebody being in the lift LAST night, but my PM made me think it referring to the night before('last night' during a night phase pm would imply so, no?)

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Thanks Rummy.


So if Moogle's info is accurate, and I see no reason why it isn't, Animal is a hologram. Rummy (Cat), Cube (skutters) and Animal (hologram) targeted Dannyboy, who was stuck in the lift. I thought Cube protected from roleblocks, so I'm guessing it wasn't a roleblock? Unless the stuck in the lift was what Cube did to Dannyboy? In any case, it appears that Animal is lying about his role. WHAT DO YOU DO ANIMAL???

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This show is a bloody mess! :heh:


At this point both Moogle and Magnus are suspicious to me, and I'd be fine with a lynch on either of them. I'm not for lynching neutrals on account of them being neutrals since some of them are what I'd call neutral/good, meaning they won't prevent the town's victory and can in fact be helpful to the town's cause. That being said, Moogle's role is one I suspect has its own agenda instead of simply surviving, hence why I don't trust him. The evidence against Magnus also seems to be stacking up, and despite my reservations I'm leaning more and more towards him simply being a natural mafia talent.




My thoughts on the other players who have been up for debate:


Animal gives me townie vibes, and I'm inclined to believe his role.

Yvonne is being as erratic as always. Can never tell if that's a town or mafia trait for him.

Sheikah is being a bit agressive, but that's also natural for him and thus doesn't really reveal anything.

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To be honest I'm not about this whole Moogle/Magnus situation. If what Rummy is saying is correct (and the fact that his claim is backed up by the death of Rimmer/Ace Rimmer suggests he probably he is) then there must be someone trying to 'turn' him. I don't really believe his role claim either - does anyone actually remember the Dog? It seems like such an obscure character that the mafia could have come up with it as a backup after a search of wikipedia, without worrying about anyone else claiming it.


I want to know what your power is, Animal, and all your results from previous nights (I know you've been roleblocked for some of them)


For now, I'll pressure vote: Animal


For the record, I'm really not sure about Moogle. I don't see why a neutral would have such a useful ability for the town - surely they would have something that would benefit themselves? I'm also pretty suspicious of Sheikah after he's been accusing me for the entire game based on nothing, and laying into Magnus to try and get a lynch before immediately backing off. Something isn't right there. Still, the primary target for me is Animal, and once I've got some information from him I'll decide who to vote for.


EDIT: (Sorry, to clarify, after the first sentence of that post I was referring to Animal. Forgot to explicitly say his name!)


Ehm, what? Putting aside the 6 or so games when we've never ever been on the same team, of course, you've got a double vote and you were implicated as being someone bad for a while (during the chef/chief mixup fiasco). Note though I've not really said anything more against you since the chief mixup was cleared up.


Like I said, if I simply wanted Magnus dead for reasons most nefarious I would have pushed his lynch the other day when other people did. I tried to lynch him today because of what I found out.

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Hang on, people are finding Animal suspicious? Is this in relation to his character on the show?


Also, @Rummy, I can confirm I was the prison officer who was locked in the lift. I also have a good hunch why I was locked in it.


I also have a good hunch why I was locked in it.


Duh, I see my hunch is correct since it's already been confirmed in the thread! :p

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Can I just make a very quick note: DO NOT PRESSURE VOTE ME! THIS WILL NOT WORK! The reason why it won't work is because I'm not pressured to do anything because I'm doing stuff. Fair enough if you want to vote because you find me suspicious or whatever but don't vote for me to pressure me, it won't work. I've already made it clear I'm busy tonight and that I'll try and pop in when I can so don't pressure vote me, just normal vote me. Just thought I'd say that.


To be honest I'm not about this whole Moogle/Magnus situation. If what Rummy is saying is correct (and the fact that his claim is backed up by the death of Rimmer/Ace Rimmer suggests he probably he is) then there must be someone trying to 'turn' him. I don't really believe his role claim either - does anyone actually remember the Dog? It seems like such an obscure character that the mafia could have come up with it as a backup after a search of wikipedia, without worrying about anyone else claiming it.


I want to know what your power is, Animal, and all your results from previous nights (I know you've been roleblocked for some of them)


For now, I'll pressure vote: Animal


For the record, I'm really not sure about Moogle. I don't see why a neutral would have such a useful ability for the town - surely they would have something that would benefit themselves? I'm also pretty suspicious of Sheikah after he's been accusing me for the entire game based on nothing, and laying into Magnus to try and get a lynch before immediately backing off. Something isn't right there. Still, the primary target for me is Animal, and once I've got some information from him I'll decide who to vote for.


EDIT: (Sorry, to clarify, after the first sentence of that post I was referring to Animal. Forgot to explicitly say his name!)


I don't even know The Dog if I'm honest with you. I've never seen an episode with him in it and I didn't even know he existed (then again, I never knew the toaster existed either, I really need to watch all of the episodes, I remember some of them but not all. I remember Kryten trying to lie and some other bits but when it comes to characters, I'm kind of screwed. Is The Dog well-known or not?).


Regarding my targets, I've told you everybody I've targeted and what happened. THIS IS MY LAST TIME I'M TELLING YOU because I've done this twice. My power is unknown to me but to know, I need to find my owner, which is why I need to find Duane as the note says unless someone knows something of my character. If you do, please speak now for God sake! I will say, it's an interesting role but it's annoying to not know!


I guessed since it would probably take me some time to find my owner, I didn't have much choice but to find out my power myself so I targeted someone random for my first night. I targeted Yvonne and I protected her, which interested me so I thought I was a protector. I then targeted Magnus Peterson because I thought he was good at first (not so sure now) and this was his first game so I thought he should have fair crack at the whip and see what the game is about (nobody likes to be killed early in their first game) and I thought that he might get killed so I wanted to protect him. Alas, it did jack shit which intrigued me so I thought that it might work on select people. I then targeted Dannyboy but couldn't get to him because he was in a lift or something and targeted Dedede last night but I was trapped in a box. I think I'm a protector but I can't be so sure. It's quite an interesting role, never had anything like this before.


I think it was after targeting Dedede that I got the note saying Duane knows something I don't. I don't know why Rummy's so fixated on getting me lynched but I want to know what the heck my power is as I've not had much luck at all in finding my bastard owner! I don't remember the Polymorph all that much really, I remember it taking emotions away (making Lister angry and I think Kryten turned nasty or fearful, can't remember it from the top of my head) so I don't get why Rummy is scared.


As I said, investigate or roleblock me if you don't trust me. All I want to know is where my owner is and it seems that Duane Dibbley knows so whoever he is, step forward! The only thing I can think of is Duane Dibbley is Mafia or someone's lying about him or lying about knowing something about me. Either way, as much as the role is entertaining, it's bloody annoying!


Okay, that's all I know. I'll be back on tonight around 11-ish. DO NOT PRESSURE VOTE BECAUSE THIS WON'T MAKE ME COME BACK FASTER! Just normal vote if you wish and I'll try to come back and reply.

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I'm finding him suspicious down to what appears to be a lie. Moogle came out with this info independently of what was happening with the Animal case. There doesn't appear to be any trace of a dog.


Dannyboy, can you diverge why you think you were stuck in a lift?

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I didn't, until Yvonne pointed it out, but yes, I am. I didn't want to make it too obvious too soon because I was expecting to be at risk form the polymorph since the beginning of the game. If we lynch Animal tonight and he ISN'T the polymorph, I suggest either I'm protected or Moogle is roleblocked; on Jon Dedede's claim he might be the polymorph. I don't know either either way, but for someone to come asking after me when I've been expecting a hit all game - it just seems too convenient for coincidence for me.


Rummy, for the final bloody time, I didn't ask for you! I asked for Duane Dibbley! You are The Cat!


I wanted Duane Dibbley and I was told that he was The Cat's alter-ego so I thought it was you. Now that I know it's not, someone in the game MUST be Duane Dibbley!


Jesus...it's hard work!


Back at 11pm guys!

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I'm finding him suspicious down to what appears to be a lie. Moogle came out with this info independently of what was happening with the Animal case. There doesn't appear to be any trace of a dog.


Dannyboy, can you diverge why you think you were stuck in a lift?


What is this lie about Animal? I can't seem to find it. His latest post does seem a bit more suspicious, though.


It's quite simple: My PM said I was. :heh: Also, I am the prison officer.

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What is this lie about Animal? I can't seem to find it. His latest post does seem a bit more suspicious, though.


It's quite simple: My PM said I was. :heh: Also, I am the prison officer.


Ah, I thought you had some other sort of evidence/knowledge of the power that trapped you! And it definitely roleblocked you?


I believe Animal is lying because of this:


I've already given all of that information. My win condition is to survive. And I do that as long as the main four survive. I follow people and find out who else targeted them.


Night 1 I targeted Nintendoughnut, he targeted me and annoyed me with toast.

Night 2 I targeted Yvonne, I followed him through the time drive and witnessed the JFK assassination. When we got back to the time drive DuD was there.

Night 3 I tracked Dannyboy to the prison blocks on floor 13. He was roleblocked and trapped in a lift. I found Cat hunting mice, a hologram appear out of the vending machine, and 2 maintenance droids doing work on the lift. Which I'm guessing was Cube/scutters.



Cat is Rummy.

Scutters is Cube.

Animal targeted you that night too. He claims this and I can confirm this to definitely be true. Which means he must be the hologram appearing out of the vending machine.

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Moogleviper - Magnus Peterson, Jon Dedede, Sheikah, EEVILMURRAY (4)


Animal - Rummy, Nintendohnut, Yvonne, Cube, Moogleviper (7)


Majority is 7 (13 players)


Majority was reached


The day had just begun, people were going around and around debating who to go for. Was it the blob, or the contents of a box. The crew decided and went for the box. Only to find the contents was missing. Hurrying around trying to find it, not knowing what it could and would be they just about gave up hope.


That was, until they heard a sound coming from the medical room. The crew ran to the room and they found it, it was surrounding the recently assaulted Cat. Quickly, one of the crew grabbed a fire-extinguisher and fired it at whatever this thing was. Laser cannons were fired, and alas it was dead.


Animal is dead. He was The Polymorph




As a creature of an unknown proportion, you’re main objective in life is to camouflage your way around and suck the elements out of random targets. By doing this, you become more powerful as each day passes.


Your power is as follows. Power reflector, if you target anyone you will reflect their power back onto your target. You also have the double vote.


He was neutral


But the damage was done.............


Day is over, majority was reached. Let the night begin!!!!!.



Alive - 12 players




@Jon Dedede


@Magnus Peterson






The Peeps




Get them PM's in, night ends 10pm tomorrow.

Edited by Jimbob
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Rummy, for the final bloody time, I didn't ask for you! I asked for Duane Dibbley! You are The Cat!


I wanted Duane Dibbley and I was told that he was The Cat's alter-ego so I thought it was you. Now that I know it's not, someone in the game MUST be Duane Dibbley!


Jesus...it's hard work!


Back at 11pm guys!


You DID ask for me, as I've already explained. Whilst I'm starting to feel unsure whether you're the polymorph and Moogle is indeed such, you don't seem to add up to me anyway so I'm keeping my vote.


(oops really sorry didn't see day ended, harmless post anyway)

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