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Enjoy the ending!




I've seen eet.


I actually really enjoyed that ending! It's open, but not on a too-terrible-to-live cliff-hanger that I was expecting. It makes sense in a lot of ways, yet leaves a lot open to interpretation and discussion.


Fuck, I can't believe there's no more. I want to cry.


Also, Summer Glau...my new favourite famous person.

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Just finished watching all of Breaking Bad that is available to watch.


Damn that cliff hanger at the end of the season 5 mid season finale. AWESOME stuff.


I had expected....


With Walter quiting cooking that maybe the guys he was working with who were doing distribution (and the pest control crew) might have gotten upset with Walt for quitting. And at the scene with Walt and family at the pool side was waiting to hear a gunshot and see Walt Jr fall in the pool with the water turning red.


Was prepared for that...but not what happened next. Of all the precautions Walt took through the whole show I can't believe he didn't think of that book. :heh:



Can't wait to see the 2nd half of season 5 now and find out how it all ends up. Given the flashforward we saw at the start of the season it could be a very different feel to the show.

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The first thing that bugged me about the latest episode of Zombie Simpsons was Otto picking up a bunch of senior citizens at the nursery home for a trip to a casino, and Agnes Skinner being among them.


Anyway, the A story (or the B story, I can't tell these days) was about Lisa getting a new substitute teacher. Lisa gets a B and passes out and wakes up on the couch at home, where Marge promptly causes her to pass out again ("I just thought she needed more sleep") - mother of the year right there. Luckily Bart is there so Marge has someone to tell that zinger to. It's not like he's supposed to be in school or anything. Nope, just sitting on the couch doing nothing so Marge will have someone to talk to.


Meanwhile (one would assume) Homer walks over to Flanders's house to worm himself into a free breakfast. Because apparently he doesn't need to work and Marge has stopped feeding him? Flanders's parents are visiting and take a liking to Homer, Flanders gets frustrated and takes a six-mile walk and when he gets back they're sitting around smoking weed. I guess Homer really doesn't need to work. Anyway, it ends with Flanders punching Homer in the eye.


At the hospital, Doctor Hibbert puts an eyepatch over Homer's heavily bruised eye and tells him that he'll have to wear it for a couple of weeks ("and... you may never see a film in 3D again, heeheehee"). Ned is wracked with guilt and that night (one would assume) he turns to the Bible for help, eventually coming across a passage that tells him how to make up for what happened, and he's really excited.


Then there's a bunch of stuff about Lisa's substitute teacher and Homer and Marge end up going to the school to try to straighten things out. The next time we see Homer he's sleeping at work, when Ned bursts in, acting like he's just figured out how to make up for punching Homer in the eye. Because when you have an epiphany, you wait until the person it's relevant to is at work and bother them there.


Also, Homer no longer needs to wear his eyepatch when Flanders comes to see him, so apparently a couple of weeks have passed at this point. Anyway, Flanders ends up punching him in the other eye, and the next time we see Homer, he's wearing sunglasses and steps out in front of a speeding truck, so I guess at that point he can't see at all? Or maybe Flanders didn't punch him very hard and Homer is just wearing sunglasses for absolutely no reason, because in the next scene, his eyes are fine once again.


After everything's been wrapped up, there's a barbecue with Flanders's parents who are apparently still staying over, which just makes me even more confused about whether the episode took place over a couple of days or several weeks.

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The Christmas episode was only good compared to the rest of the trash they churn out these days. It's like going to a restaurant for years because their food is amazing, then it gets worse and worse until eventually it tastes like vomit, but you keep going because occasionally it'll just taste like dishwater instead.


At this point, I'm only watching it because I didn't watch twenty-three and a half seasons to give up this close to the end (knock on wood).

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Yeah you heard! Watching that episode as an adult really struck a chord with me, it's a spot-on representation (minus the obvious comedy sci-fi) of what going home at the holidays is like.


Unless your family is perfect, in which case go punch snow :heh:

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A perfect representation with a ton of jokes that fall completely flat, really forced insertions of secondary characters and a Maggie storyline that's completely nonsensical.


I'm not saying it's completely terrible, but one of the best episodes they've ever done? That's just... wow.

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It's a pain in the arse it's US only, but I think that's Kickstarter rather than Rob Thomas, right?


Might still see if I can find an Ameican to channel money through.


Less than 12 hours up and at 25% of the target. Not a bad start.


I loved that the video referenced the fact Ryan Hansen and Kristen Bell used to live together. And the general fanwankery.


Hmm $1000 to go to the premiere and after party....man. If only I could get more money for my body :(

Edited by Ashley
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