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Zelda II


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This is one reason I thought they should have made a 3D Classics version instead of putting it on the Virtual Console. I don't really want 3D Classics versions of Zelda, Metroid or Zelda II now I've completed them, but the point still stands. There are several alterations they could make to the code that would improve the game (yet might be controversial if applied to the actual Virtual Console version), such as:


* Start at beginning of dungeon if you're in one - the fact Zelda II doesn't have this feature must be one of the hardest things to understand, especially as it was in the original.


* Extra lives accumulated are permanent - it seems crazy to me that you have to think carefully about picking up an extra life, as you might need it more later on than you do now... In fact, you almost certainly need as many as possible for the journey to the Great Palace.


* Autosave - this is one of 3D Classics' main features. Get a key - autosave. Find an item - autosave. Beat a boss - autosave.


* Permanent "Shield" spell - OK, this one might be controversial, but once you have cast "Shield", it could stay for the whole game (just like a red tunic). Let's face it, it's not like there's a section where you don't need it...


* More fairies and magic refills


...So, things that would change the game quite a lot, which is why I think it wouldn't be done on VC. They would make it a lot more enjoyable to play, yet you'd still have to meet every challenge, beat every boss etc.

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Zelda II holds a special place in my gaming heart as it was the first Zelda game I played on my mates NES. Years ago, I downloaded it on the Wii VC thinking I would crack through it, using those snippets of memories I had to guide me. Well, the game totally kicked my ass - I remembered it being hard when I was wee, but not that hard... and for such little reward.


Kudos to everyone here who has played through and completed it, whether using save states or not. I would maybe buy it on the eShop if there was a 3D Classics version with some/all of the improvements Grazza suggests but as things stand, if you could trade in your VC games, Zelda II would be gone. :heh:

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It's one thing to restart a level when you die, it's another to restart a world.

Tis true that starting back at the castle every time is a ballache, but when I played it - it helped me get used to the world.

The RPG elements in Zelda II are archaic and amazingly frustrating.

Please elaborate - You kill enemies, get exp and as you level up choose which stat to increase. Sounds more standard RPG protocol than archaic.



On a sexier note, the Zelda timeline branches off from Ocarina where "Link failed" (something which technically could be said of every Zelda game) But the fact that they make such a point of that when it's Game Over, Ganon is ressurected. I think it's an avenue with potential of exploration.

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Tis true that starting back at the castle every time is a ballache, but when I played it - it helped me get used to the world.


Please elaborate - You kill enemies, get exp and as you level up choose which stat to increase. Sounds more standard RPG protocol than archaic.


Like I said, I was only going by Ville's comments, so I can't elaborate much more than what he said already.


But what you described is the barebones of an RPG experience. It's like comparing Castlevania and Super Mario Bros and say "You jump on things, you defeat enemies, standard platforming fare".


Just saying, even knowing little about Zelda II, I know that argument doesn't hold much water.


On a sexier note, the Zelda timeline branches off from Ocarina where "Link failed" (something which technically could be said of every Zelda game) But the fact that they make such a point of that when it's Game Over, Ganon is ressurected. I think it's an avenue with potential of exploration.


True that. Since Zelda is a lot more lighthearted these days, I doubt they're going to do a game where the land is already ravaged with Ganon in charge, but I'm betting another developer could get away with this idea.


If Nintendo ever decides to outsource the franchise again, that is.

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So this past week I have been playing through this on the 3DS and the save anyway feature has been a total life saver. The game is very unfair, it was back in the day and it still is now. Being able to save anywhere has made the game much more fair and a pleasure to play.


After a week long adventure I finally beat it this morning. It's only the 2nd time I have beaten the game and even though the save feature helped it still felt like an achievement when the credits rolled.





You go get some, Link. You've earned it!

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I started playing this a couple of years ago whilst waiting in the airport. I couldn't work out how to beat, what I assume was the First Temple boss! It also felt like I was missing an item to progress through to certain other parts of the overworld... a lantern maybe? (cant remember), but I couldn't find it anywhere and thus made little progress! :p


Not the most enjoyable game has to be said; but you're right in that it's much better on 3DS being able to save, than the version on the Zelda collectors edition!

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I completed the NES version. Not as a child, but when I returned to it at a later point. It is a tough game, but it's not unfair, it just requires skill and planning! I then went on to complete it when it was on the GC.


I remember actually making my own map of the caves at Death Mountain :)

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Well, we can debate whether this the game is fair or not, but it certainly wasn't much fun >_> Take a walkthrough with you, guys...


I actually enjoyed it too! But each to their own. I figured it all out and loved just exploring. I think the only thing I didn't like about it was the frequency of random battles, but at least you can use them to level up.

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