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The Denpa Men: They Came By Wave (eShop)


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I snapped up 2 £15 eshop vouchers over the weekend. I think I will use one of them on this ( other going on Wii VC purchases ) as Grazza seems to be really enjoying it and he has good taste in RPGs. :D


Last time I checked he ain't a big fan of FFVIII(I could be mistaken)...still think he has good taste in RPG's?

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Where are people getting this stuff about me not liking Final Fantasy VIII or X from? I've never played them!

:heh: The only FF I really liked was III. I gave up on IV onwards because I didn't get on with the "ATB" system.


However, @killer kirby is correct in that I did enjoy aspects of XII, with its "ADB" system, and disliked other aspects, but I nowadays put that down to my inexperience with RPGs at the time. I was giving everyone the exact same skill tree!! Still think the Gambit system was overdone though.



Anyway, I completed the main game of Denpa Men last night! The in-game clock said it took 15 hours, but it's more on my Activity Log and there is a sizeable post-game. Denpa Men is a very considerably-sized game.


Since my last post (and Denpa Men-finding mission) I realised that ones with antennae are not necessarily the best. You certainly need their skills, but antenna-less warriors have better stats. Typically, a good party is your main Denpa Man (with Revive), a healer, someone to cure the main status ailment of any particular dungeon, a couple of Denpa Men with appropriate weapons for that dungeon and a few ordinary, antenna-less warriors.


The part I enjoyed least was the Ice level. Unless I missed something, it is very hard to nullify the ice damage you receive there, even if you've got plenty of light blue Denpa Men. I may be wrong about that, but you'll also need to protect against fire, and the boss represents a large difficulty spike.


Even so, I'm not going to judge a game on it being unbalanced in parts. I did enjoy Denpa Men, but I'm very confused about how much I enjoyed it. @Dcubed very astutely points out that it could be tedious if you power through it. @RedShell is right that you can't avoid enemies. Unlike Dragon Quest IX, enemies never, ever ran away from me, meaning that I frequently ran out of HP and AP (this game's equivalent of MP). Some of the dungeons needed combing many, many times.


Equally, I'm torn between being very grateful we got it over here, but also not wanting to hype it up too much. Either way, it's well worth £7.19 and, to me, is just about the best RPG that has been released on the 3DS in Europe so far (if Dragon Quest VII and Etrian Odyssey IV aren't significantly better though, something's very wrong! ;))


Overall, it's a very polished, impressive eShop game with a few belly laughs for Dragon Quest fans.

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Well, I'm still doing the post-game. Went out just now and bagged me a nice, red Denpa Man! :)


EDIT - Actually, I'm enjoying it more now. I must have an obsessive personality as I really take to post-games, like DQ VIII, IX and Etrian Odyssey.


At the risk of getting technical, there are really four factors to consider in your Denpa Men strategy:


Antenna - This determines whether they can heal, cure, buff, debuff or have a weapon (eg, fire, ice).


Colour of their suit - This signifies elemental defence.


Clothes - Some clothes have status effects but I mainly value them for their elemental defence.


Equipped item - This is your chance to balance-out your Denpa Man's elemental defence, protect against status ailments or add an attack bracelet.


Anyway, my strategy is to nullify the main element of any particular dungeon. The clothes aren't good enough to do that early on, but they are later. In this game, a rating of 4 = nullify. Let's say you're in a volcano. You want to protect against fire, so if you've got any red Denpa Men that's +2 already. The right clothes add another 2, so that's it nullified. You can use the "Equip" slot to have a Water Bracelet, for example, which adds water to your normal attack.


Sorry for rambling on, it's just that I can feel myself becoming obsessed with this now. :heh:

Edited by Grazza
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I put a couple of hours into this last night and it's fantastic! It has more charm to it in the first few mins than the whole of Paper Mario Sticker Star!


At first I thought I was gonna be screwed when playing it as I couldn't find any more Denpa Men to catch. I started walking around the house and finally found some to snap up.


I checked their abilities before I set off I decided on a team with a healer, a ice user and a rock user, as well as my main guy. ( wasn't sure if you could change him )


I spent a good bit just hanging around the cave entrance grinding so my guys were at a reasonable level before moving forward. I love the battle animations, they are hilarious, especially when your team charges an enemy and they all headbutt him, Pikmin style!


I have to say the the auto play AI is great. My healer heals when he should, my main guy, who revives, revives as soon as someone goes down ad everyone uses the spells and attacks they should. It makes for a great, streamlined experience and makes it a joy to battle.


I've defeated the first 2 dungeons, although there are areas in each of them that I still need to explore. In the the first there is an area with a bunch of chests that I can't seem to find a way into. In the second there is a poison area that is very hard to trek through.


This is the type of RPG i've been craving for a while now. It's nice a simplistic but it also has some depth to it. You can decide if you want to get all tactical and use some strategy or you can just grind ( usually what I do :D ) and use pure brawn to make your way through the game.


I'm off to work now but i'm taking my 3DS with me and I will have a walk about with it on my lunch to search for some more Denpa Men!


Love it!

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I don't know why, but this game doesn't want you to be able to protect against ice, even in the post-game! Most other elements, yes, but not ice.


I have to say the the auto play AI is great. My healer heals when he should, my main guy, who revives, revives as soon as someone goes down ad everyone uses the spells and attacks they should. It makes for a great, streamlined experience and makes it a joy to battle.


Yes, very true. I also love how all your Denpa Men level up at basically the same rate, even if you've left them in the house.


I've defeated the first 2 dungeons, although there are areas in each of them that I still need to explore. In the the first there is an area with a bunch of chests that I can't seem to find a way into. In the second there is a poison area that is very hard to trek through.


You'll be able to access that room in time. There's no special way of getting there; you'll stumble upon it a bit later on.


As for the second area (with the poison), that's worth doing, but you just have to wait until you're at a higher level than you generally need for that stage.

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So I finally got Denpa Men! (starting my 1 eShop game per week run up until March now - been wanting this for a while!)


My work commute is GREAT for catching many different kinds of Denpa Men! Was just going around looking for them while I waited for my overground train (loads of WiFi spots around :) )


I probably look like a right pillock LOL! :laughing: (Luckily I have no shame :D)

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Good man! Glad to see someone else playing this gem.


I'm still at the 3rd dungeon. I've just been going in and out while leveling my team.


I took my 3DS to work the other day and managed to grab a few more people but I tried again today and i'm getting sod all. It says there are 55 that i'm able to catch, but I can't get any. :(

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I've got to the ice island so far. The boss has destroyed me about 3 times now though and I'm out of usable Denpa Men. I'll have to go on a catching spree next time I venture into town!


I took my 3DS to work the other day and managed to grab a few more people but I tried again today and i'm getting sod all. It says there are 55 that i'm able to catch, but I can't get any. :(


55 is the amount of space left in you Denpa Men house, not the amount that are currently available to catch.

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So, at 27 hours, I have completed the post-game. It is my 2nd-most played game on the 3DS, beaten only by Ocarina of Time. :o


It's a decent game, but does have a habit of offering you clothes for sale precisely after you really need them. The shop has loads of really cool stuff for sale now but I've no intention of playing it again!


For some reason, I feel like a long rest before I play another game! :laughing:

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55 is the amount of space left in you Denpa Men house, not the amount that are currently available to catch.


Ah, I see. :D


What determines the ones that are available then? I picked my mate up for work this morning and grab some Denpa Men while I was waiting outside. There were quite a few floating around but most of them were black ones.


So, at 27 hours, I have completed the post-game. It is my 2nd-most played game on the 3DS, beaten only by Ocarina of Time. :o


It's a decent game, but does have a habit of offering you clothes for sale precisely after you really need them. The shop has loads of really cool stuff for sale now but I've no intention of playing it again!


For some reason, I feel like a long rest before I play another game! :laughing:


How high a level for your team are we looking at for the end game and post game stuff? Did you attempt to finish the Museum off?

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Ah, I see. :D


What determines the ones that are available then? I picked my mate up for work this morning and grab some Denpa Men while I was waiting outside. There were quite a few floating around but most of them were black ones.


The properties of the WiFi networks you walk past (SSID, security settings, signal strength etc)


You will always get the same Denpa Man from any specific WiFi spot (they really DO live in radio waves... ever present... always watching you... :shakehead)

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The properties of the WiFi networks you walk past (SSID, security settings, signal strength etc)


You will always get the same Denpa Man from any specific WiFi spot (they really DO live in radio waves... ever present... always watching you... :shakehead)


So once I catch all of them in that area no more will appear?

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