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Restored faith in nintendo?


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Hell NO! Nintendo are dead to me.


First of all, where is my 3D mario game!? I don't want some stupid shitty side scrolling Mario game, and NintendoLand? what the FUCK!? It's like they decided to fuck me over again after Wii Sports, I don't care if Wii Sports saved Nintendo financially, this is about ME! and only ME! I don't care if it's fleshed out more than Wii Sports the game can just fucking burn!

And I can't believe they are porting a FUCKING WII game over to WiiU Pikmin 3, yeah fuck off miyamoto, put that shit on the Gamecube because obviuosly it was built for that machine. Next thing. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY NINTENDO FANCHISES I LOVE!? Where is my Donkey Kong? Where is my Metroid? Where is my F-Zero? Where is my Zelda? It's like Nintendo really don't give a fuck about us. If they really cared they would have hired more people to help with the load but they are FUCKING STUPID!

Now let's talk about 3rd party games. Where the fuck are the games I want? Where is Bioshock Infinite? Where is GTAV? Where is Resident Evil 5? Or Metal Gear Solid? Final Fantasy? Yep Nintendo really don't give a fuck about us, instead we get fucked over by D list games like Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest and Bayonetta no one gives a fuck about those!


And where the fuck is Pokemon, when are we going to get a fully HD free roaming free mmo game on a home console? Jesus christ!


And the specs, please what era am I living? 1950!? Nintendo should be giving us specs that a state of the art PC should be AND should be $200 for the system with at least 3 free games. And if you start laughing that Nintendo will make a loss for each sold, who cares? After the shit we have put up with the Wii we deserve better and hey Sony sell at a loss and they are still going strong! So yes fuck you Nintendo and I am glad people on this forum are starting to see my point of view which I am very pleased with.


This post is bought to by NeoGaf poster. NeoGaf = First World Problems


This has to be one of the single greatest posts I've ever read!


Also, this 4k resolution stuff is nonsense. I really don't think the jump to the PS4 and XBOX 720 will be as big as some are making out. I think this for two reasons:


1) Current generation games look great. But I've played the current gen games on high end PCs which are far more powerful and believe me, they look better, but it's not that much better to make a fuss of. In fact, when you're playing and in the heat of the game you don't really notice. I would be very surprised if the next gen Microsoft and Sony systems were a big leap from the current gaming PCs simply because if they are the cost will cause one of two eventualities - either the consoles will cost the earth, or they will be sold at a huge loss.


2) Developers (especially Japanese developers) are already feeling the pinch from the costs of this generation. Yes, several have made huge profits, but we've also seen more studios close this generation than I can remember going under before. The costs of developing a game will go through the roof if the specs are as high as some people think they are. This will mean that small devs will either be forced to go all or nothing in the vain hope that their games will do COD numbers and they will continue to exist. Failing that they simply won't be able to get the most out of the systems they're developing for which will further widen the gap between the big AAA releases like Gears, Halo, COD, Resident Evil and Battlefield and the smaller releases.

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@Grazza, I believe it would be a waste of Sony/Microsoft's money to make it powerful enough to output in 4K resolution. No-one will benefit from it, so why put parts in to do that if it's not going to do it? Devs aren't going to be able to afford it, and if they do, games prices will go up even further. I think in the current market, people aren't going to spend £400 on a games console, and I don't think Microsoft and Sony will sell at such a massive loss as they did with the PS3 and 360.


Sure, they will be more powerful than the Wii U. But I don't think the jump will be that big. No matter how much everyone wants them to be straight games consoles with super super graphics, the next Xbox will feature Kinect more heavily, as well as integrating with the Windows platform, and Sony will no doubt pack Move in. It's becoming more than a power race.

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As someone who actually lost faith in Nintendo, I think I can safely say that the Wii U news has not restored any faith. As I stated here, the Wii U offers a new look on how to game, but aims to take the experience into a direction that I've never been comfortable with.


It doesn't seem like, what, 8th generation gaming? It seems more like 7.5. From an outsider's point of view it's especially sad to not see better first-party support. I don't see how Nintendo's focus on TVii in any way makes up for a lack of premium 1st party launch support. NSMB is not the sort of Nintendo game that I used to love. I do not agree that Mario party 9 is what the company should've been focusing on when it was 25 years of Metroid recently (was there anything to mark the occasion, in the end?).


Nintendo struggled with the 64 and the GC because of how the playstation introduced gaming to a new generation of gamers. Nintendo learnt from that and expanded the market hugely, but in oder to reclaim a prominent spot as THE gaming manufacturer they kind of had to water down their content and make a lot of compromises that seem kind of... lame to an outsider such as myself.


I hope this makes sense.

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I won't buy the Wii U until a Zelda, Metroid or proper Mario game is announced, maybe not even then. That's a first for me in a long time, not owning an available Nintendo console. I can't see any reason I would choose to own a 3rd party title on the Wii U over the 360 or PS3, especially if I'm limited to 8GB of storage. And the U Pad is yet another "new way to play" that I never wanted in the first place.


Sorry, answer to the OP's title is a resounding "no".

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As someone who actually lost faith in Nintendo' date=' I think I can safely say that the Wii U news has [i']not[/i] restored any faith. As I stated here, the Wii U offers a new look on how to game, but aims to take the experience into a direction that I've never been comfortable with.


It doesn't seem like, what, 8th generation gaming? It seems more like 7.5. From an outsider's point of view it's especially sad to not see better first-party support. I don't see how Nintendo's focus on TVii in any way makes up for a lack of premium 1st party launch support. NSMB is not the sort of Nintendo game that I used to love. I do not agree that Mario party 9 is what the company should've been focusing on when it was 25 years of Metroid recently (was there anything to mark the occasion, in the end?).


Nintendo struggled with the 64 and the GC because of how the playstation introduced gaming to a new generation of gamers. Nintendo learnt from that and expanded the market hugely, but in oder to reclaim a prominent spot as THE gaming manufacturer they kind of had to water down their content and make a lot of compromises that seem kind of... lame to an outsider such as myself.


I hope this makes sense.


But one you thing you should see is that they are making a concerted effort to learn and adapt from their mistakes of the past. Granted they haven't totally learnt (AFAIK the wii u doesn't play DVDs or Blu Rays so you will have need of another appliance under the TV).


TVii seems intriguing, if it eventually works with Sky they are definitely onto a winner over here. Supporting third parties that actually make critically acclaimed games. A PSN/LIVE sort of network. Integrated web browser. No/limited use of friend codes (not sure about this but not seen it mentioned). Bloody HD nintendo games finally. System specs that make sense. There is alot to look at and nod your head in agreement of Ninty's view on what the consumer actually needs.

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All this wild speculation on PS4 and Nextbox 720 is ludicrous it really is! the 4K stnadard is so far off and since currently the general public has only really just fully adopted HD it would be pointless for companies to waste time, effort and money on even allowing for their consoles to be capable of it, well unless sony decides to be arrogant and tell you to get a third job


Nobody NOBODY outside of Sony and MS's r&d teams know anythign about the specifications of the next gen consoles, and given the problems sony have faced with producing a hugely overpowered system and it doing so badly and loosing them money, and likewise with the Vita, i think its exceptionally likely nigh on certain we will not see the same technological jump we did between the PS2>Ps3 generation.


And not just for that reason, the economy is dire, people are cutting back, the industry itself is loosing all the casuals to smart phone games (which is arguably a good thing as we might not see quite so much shite) so for MS and Sony to produce consoles that are double the current gen's power (as people widely seem to expect) would be financial suicide


Lower your expectations, the Wiiu is around the specs we will get for PS$/720, they will likely have the Same RAM, the Same type of GpGPU albeit with a slight increase in power, a slightly faster CPU and a freaking HardDrive and even then they will launch at a minimum of £300-£350 which will not see the same uptake in userbase.


Above all else consider this, Developers like consoles around the same power, so if its cost prohibitive to go over powered and the Wiiu is a good enough leap to please consumers, while still keeping development costs low, then would you as a manufacturer like Sony/MS, produce something overpowered that requires developers to outlay huge costs and run the risk of being behind like the PS3 was(is? maybe not still)


This next generation will be a small leap a 7.5 gen if you will, that way the industry keeps ticking over while they prepare for the true next gen to become more readily available and affordable


Now onto the actual topic


I had lost a lot of faith with Nintendo with regards to home consoles, i don't know when i last used my Wii, probably when Skyward Sword was out, so the WiiU is a breath of fresh air.

Its powerful, its relatively cheap, it actually has good third party support, it seems to have a decent enough online system to draw some big online games, and they are doing a freaking nintendo TV service that is quite frankly unlike nintendo in every way. all that tells me they have finally got their butt in gear and are activly trying to be the nintendo of old and aim for the top, not mediocrity and surviving on soccer moms and casual people


There is a change in nintendo and for the first time in years i am genuinely optimistic.


Gotta say the whole apple style no info then BOOM everything and its out soon too has worked for me, at first i thought they'd dropped the ball, everyone did and they have played on that and caught a lot of people off guard

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So after having gotten up to date with the recent information with the wii u, my interest has increased by a factor of 100% (from 1%) mainly due to two things which are quite interesting.

MH3 ultimate and Bayonetta 2.


The plan is to get one around the release mh3.


Hang on, you're planning on buying one despite your interest in it only being 2%?!


What would you do if your interest in it was 100%, buy shares in Nintendo?!

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My faith in Nintendo has wavered over the years, sure, but I've come to accept that Nintendo will always thrill and frustrate me in equal measure with every move they make. There are always going to be ups and downs being a Nintendo gamer so just stick along for the ride and enjoy it.


Nintendo's decision to drop out of the technology race may have meant they missed out on big third party games, but at the same time it made the Wii a viable platform for the smaller quirkier titles that float my boat so much. I really doubt Fragile, Little King's Story and Zack & Wiki (to name but a few) would have got the greenlight on a HD console - they would have been too expensive and too high risk. Monster Hunter Tri was moved from PS3 to Wii for this very reason.


The Wii U will probably be my last console so I'm excited to see what they come up with. I don't think games need another massive graphical leap, partly because I'm not interested in realistic titles as it is, but also because they're too expensive to make already. Another generational leap that focusses purely on graphics will just bankrupt studios left, right and centre, or drive them into purely digital distribution.


I'll pick up the console on its release alongside a few third party games like AC 3, DS 2 and Rayman Legends. I'll save the Nintendo ones for Christmas day :)

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Why will it be the final console? And how do you even know?


As much as I've enjoyed the PS3 and 360 I doubt I'll have the time or money to spend on their successors. Wii U and 3DS should do me fine for the next five years or so, by then I expect the market will have moved to digital platforms.

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As much as I've enjoyed the PS3 and 360 I doubt I'll have the time or money to spend on their successors. Wii U and 3DS should do me fine for the next five years or so, by then I expect the market will have moved to digital platforms.


Ah I took it as you saying you won't play games anymore.

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But one you thing you should see is that they are making a concerted effort to learn and adapt from their mistakes of the past.


You're right, they have learned lessons. The 3rd-party support is really quite remarkable and I shouldn't have tried to take away from it. Another thing they've learned is to have a New Super Mario Bros game ready at launch, which hopefully will help a lot, commercially.


It's just that some of us (not many, I admit) thought they got the 3DS launch and first year just right, and so I would say the Wii U doesn't quite represent what I thought it'd be based on that. Although as I say I'm still hoping to enjoy it more than the Wii.


Sorry for some of my negative posts over the last few days. It's a terrible excuse but I've had a bad cold (which is clearing now) and my mood has been up and down like crazy. At the moment, I'm really looking forward to the Wii U!!

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You're right, they have learned lessons. The 3rd-party support is really quite remarkable and I shouldn't have tried to take away from it. Another thing they've learned is to have a New Super Mario Bros game ready at launch, which hopefully will help a lot, commercially.


It's just that some of us (not many, I admit) thought they got the 3DS launch and first year just right, and so I would say the Wii U doesn't quite represent what I thought it'd be based on that. Although as I say I'm still hoping to enjoy it more than the Wii.


Sorry for some of my negative posts over the last few days. It's a terrible excuse but I've had a bad cold (which is clearing now) and my mood has been up and down like crazy. At the moment, I'm really looking forward to the Wii U!!


You're bi-polar posts are pure awesomeness!


But I am genuinely happy you're now looking forward to the Wii U, join us on the hype train - you know it's going to be fun!

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You're bi-polar posts are pure awesomeness!


But I am genuinely happy you're now looking forward to the Wii U, join us on the hype train - you know it's going to be fun!


LOL, I don't think I'm bi-polar. It's a physical cold, honest! Plus I had to work all day yesterday and had to come in and catch up on the news, rather than see it as it happened. I think it was all a bit too much for me, to be honest!

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And where the fuck is Pokemon, when are we going to get a fully HD free roaming free mmo game on a home console? Jesus christ!


I know you're being facetious, but this is a common request so I'm just going to answer this for anyone who actually wants it.


Pokémon as a concept is designed to be handheld. Something you take with you to trade with people, hence the increasing amount of local wireless features in the games. Home consoles do not do that. The developers have said outright that the main games will forever remain handheld.

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But one you thing you should see is that they are making a concerted effort to learn and adapt from their mistakes of the past. Granted they haven't totally learnt (AFAIK the wii u doesn't play DVDs or Blu Rays so you will have need of another appliance under the TV).


TVii seems intriguing, if it eventually works with Sky they are definitely onto a winner over here. Supporting third parties that actually make critically acclaimed games. A PSN/LIVE sort of network. Integrated web browser. No/limited use of friend codes (not sure about this but not seen it mentioned). Bloody HD nintendo games finally. System specs that make sense. There is alot to look at and nod your head in agreement of Ninty's view on what the consumer actually needs.

I appreciate your reply.


Yes, Nintendo is catching up at long last - but it is still important to stress that other consoles have had much of this stuff for years. It is odd to see people waving these things as if they're amazing elements in gaming when they've been happy to ignore their existence elsewhere for 6 years.


If these features were not enough to make a Nintendo fan try a different console 5 years ago then why should their existence on a Wii U be enough to win someone like me back?


These features are pretty much the standard; the minimum requirements any console from here on out should have. TVii looks interesting but again largely due to its novelty aspect - and it's got nothing at all to do with gaming either, so I can't legitimately get excited about it, let alone justify spending a large sum of money.


But a new generation of nintendo consoles at least brings back that hope that maybe the games will be too good to miss.

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I know you're being facetious, but this is a common request so I'm just going to answer this for anyone who actually wants it.


Pokémon as a concept is designed to be handheld. Something you take with you to trade with people, hence the increasing amount of local wireless features in the games. Home consoles do not do that. The developers have said outright that the main games will forever remain handheld..


...and that's where the Wii U controller comes in buddy. Handheld right there.


I grow tired of this excuse as its pretty lame. Handheld main pokemon games are predictable and boring.


No reason why concepts such as Conquest can't find a home on home consoles. All this needs is a little more thought and open mindedness and a little less laziness.

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As for my faith - yep, it was completely lost after Skyward Sword; a monumental edition in the series met by classic present day Nintendo 'play it safe' uninspired, almost lazy story.


I'm not a hardcore gamer, never have been, never will. But I won't really settle for something close to what I'd expect. And I expected a decent pokemon entry on Wii, a pikmin game, and yes, a better Zelda game - but didn't get it - fine - I lose interest and move on. I'm weird in that I don't feel at home with other consoles, so only prefer to have a Nintendo - thus I've lost interest in gaming - but still love a good game (if it makes sense.)


I'm always optimistic though - how is it a bad thing to have a fresh new console out in time for Christmas? Actually has made me look forward to this winter. Wii U looks fresh and exciting. Powerful too, so at least it will awe me ( as someone who didn't dabble muh with the HD stuff).


But again its all about Nintendo's attitude - are they paying attention to people like us? Because E3 almost wasn't surprising with how lacking it was - that's the image I tend to have of Nintendo. With the economic situation - are they going to make risks? Or let the dark side corrupt them again and do the quick buck easy option in all that simple Wii Sports stuff? I dunno. And E3s showing kind of lead towards it with how much they focused on it.


My demands or rather expectations are: a decent and/or imaginative Pokemon game and an addictive seamless online experience. My lovely girlfriend will buy it for me :) so as a gift, can't complain. At least it will give me reason not to sell it - I'll put in the £££s when I see quality. Fair do's.


As for 'faith', let's just say I'm interested - but I won't bet anything on expecting anything outrageously amazing for the next five years.. Just how it kinda was with the GC and Wii.


Colin Moriarty, Editor, IGN PlayStation says


- I have to be reminded every once in a while that one should never underestimate Nintendo. No matter how down-and-out they seem, no matter how completely irrelevant their hardware appears to be compared to Sony’s and Microsoft’s, and no matter how bitter and jaded the hardcore community seems towards them, they always pull a rabbit out of their hat. I have little doubt that the minds at Nintendo will perform a similar feat with the Wii U.


Nintendo simply isn’t the same company to me, and many others, anymore.


With that said, temper your expectations. Many of Wii U’s most appealing games will have already been out on other consoles by the time it launches. Its touch pad -- like the Wii’s controller -- is yet another gimmick, something Nintendo doesn’t even need with its strong library of legacy exclusives that will no doubt find their way in one form or another to the Wii U. And the casual gamer that made the Wii a rousing commercial success will not be back. Nintendo now has to cater again to the hardcore audience, and they lost some of that audience -- including me -- by refusing to give me much, making me long for the glory days of my youth, ranging from the NES and SNES to the N64 and the GameCube. Nintendo simply isn’t the same company to me, and many others, anymore.


Wii U is also too expensive. For a console that -- at best -- is marginally more powerful than this generation’s consoles, a $300 minimum price strikes me as strange. Then again, while the next Xbox and PlayStation will undoubtedly leave Wii U in the dust in terms of technology, it doesn’t really matter if the games are on Wii U. There are already some interesting titles announced and on the horizon, but I need to see more. Just like my wait-and-see approach with the 3DS (I finally acquired one this summer), I will be watching Wii U eagerly, waiting for a price drop and some compelling games for me -- the hardcore gamer -- before I drop my hard-earned dough.

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...and that's where the Wii U controller comes in buddy. Handheld right there.


I grow tired of this excuse as its pretty lame. Handheld main pokemon games are predictable and boring.


No reason why concepts such as Conquest can't find a home on home consoles. All this needs is a little more thought and open mindedness and a little less laziness.


The Wii U controller is not handheld. You can't play games away from your home which is their intent with Pokémon.


I never said spin-offs won't be on the Wii U, believe me, they will. However, the main games will NOT

Edited by Serebii
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I haven't been around for a while but I poked my head in the homepage section a while back and the Wiiu's September the 13th thingii coincidentally caught my eyes' attention. So I thought I'd check up on all that was dropped, as well as the reactions from fellow N-E members. :D


... I saw the conversation of the following quote and felt an urge to add a comment on a whim.


The Wii U controller is not handheld. You can't play games away from your home which is their intent with Pokémon.



I never said spin-offs won't be on the Wii U, believe me, they will. However, the main games will NOT



As with Monster Hunter Ultimate (and perhaps the new Super Smash Bros titles for Wiiu & 3DS), could it not maybe be a potential possibility to perhaps transfer game saves from theeee, errrr, Wiiu, TO theeeee, errrrrr, 3DS, and go out 'n' about to trade 'n' slade then return to your crib and transfer your game progress right back to the Wiiu?


Could also have Wiiu online players and 3DS players battling and swapping online together, better. :idea:

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