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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (March 22nd)


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Shadow is back!!!


Just need to get darksnowman to come out from hiding and all will be right in the world. :D


Perhaps I should be ShadowV8 now? :p


But when watching the Nintendo Direct, and wee we're getting a special Message from Ryozo and I heard Monster Hunter... My hype levels. Utterly unreal. Looking forward to this the most of all.

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Perhaps I should be ShadowV8 now? :p


But when watching the Nintendo Direct, and wee we're getting a special Message from Ryozo and I heard Monster Hunter... My hype levels. Utterly unreal. Looking forward to this the most of all.


Indeed. :D


Yeah, I went nuts when it got announced. A bunch of us were in the chat area of the forums and I couldn't contain my excitement! Roll on March!!! :bouncy:

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  • 2 weeks later...
As confirmed in today's Nintendo Direct: "MH3U has over 2000 additional weapons and pieces of armour, and over 30 new monsters." Good luck forging all of those...


Oh god...this game will be the end of me lol, i hope they do a pack in with both the 3ds and WiiU game in one set, i love the idea of having a single profile between both games. Although...id also love to have the game literally on my 3DS memory so its with me by default and i dont have to worry about having the card in the machine, maybe they could package the downloadble game code with a special edition of the WiiU game...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Soooo......any Monster Hunter news?


There's a Capcom Unity blog going over some of the localisation choices and why some monster names were changed/unchanged from the JPN version...




Interesting stuff :)


Otherwise... It's out in Japan and (surprise surprise!) it's supposedly the dog's bollocks. That's about it in terms of news :p

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Guys, does anyone know:


- How many hours into/at what point in the game does the new content (the monsters, not the equipment) pop up?


- How many of the 30 new monsters are clones? (ie Baggi/Jaggi, Rathalos/Rathian)


The new content is interspersed with the old, so you'll find new quests scattered amongst the old as early as the 1 & 2 star quests.


Can't remember how many monsters are clones, but the majority of new ones come from Portable 3rd IIRC.

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Guys, does anyone know:


- How many hours into/at what point in the game does the new content (the monsters, not the equipment) pop up?


- How many of the 30 new monsters are clones? (ie Baggi/Jaggi, Rathalos/Rathian)


Think the new monsters have different attacks and patterns so I doubt there are any clones. Can't speak from experience tho. And rathalos/rathian aren't clones. They look similar, have similar moves, but they are quite a few differences between them to make them have their own feel and impression on the player.

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Think the new monsters have different attacks and patterns so I doubt there are any clones. Can't speak from experience tho. And rathalos/rathian aren't clones. They look similar, have similar moves, but they are quite a few differences between them to make them have their own feel and impression on the player.


Like Smash Bros clones? ;)

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Think the new monsters have different attacks and patterns so I doubt there are any clones. Can't speak from experience tho. And rathalos/rathian aren't clones. They look similar, have similar moves, but they are quite a few differences between them to make them have their own feel and impression on the player.


Yes Rathalos/Rathian aren't clones but I'm sorry this is a lazy port and an easy cash-in from Capcom. Where's the rest of their support? For all we know that game could have been promised as part of the original contract between Nintendo and Capcom.

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Yes Rathalos/Rathian aren't clones but I'm sorry this is a lazy port and an easy cash-in from Capcom. Where's the rest of their support? For all we know that game could have been promised as part of the original contract between Nintendo and Capcom.


Can you please go into your reasoning more. I am practically buying the wii u for MH3U so I need to know why you have this view of the game.

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