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Harmo Knight (eShop)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Some news.




Game Freak Hopes to Release Harmo Knight Outside Japan


In a recent IGN interview with Pokémon bigwig/Harmo Knight producer Junichi Masuda, he stated his desire to bring the game to North American and European audiences.


“In terms of a North American or European release, it's definitely something we'd like to do, but we're working out the details with Nintendo now and seeing what would be the best way to get that to players,” he said.


As for how this distinctly non-Pokemon game came to be, Masuda said it was conceived by James Turner, a British national who works at Game Freak. He and his team of 25 people have apparently been working on Harmo Knight for about a year and a half.


“Within Game Freak, we've implemented a kind of new system where employees can come up with original ideas for their games,” he said. “If they can find at least three co-workers to jump on the project and say they want to do it together, then they'll be able to proceed with that project.”


This company policy isn’t just to encourage the creation of cool, new IPs - it’s also meant to improve the quality of the Pokémon series. “One of the nice things about smaller projects like that is... since it's a project that you really wanted to do, you've kind of signed on to do that project. You're really interested in it,” he said. “There's also very few people and a short schedule, so everyone has to work on multiple aspects that they might not normally work with. So by doing that, you really build up experience, which translates back into the Pokémon games.”

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I'd expect a game that was concocted in the mind of a British person would at least make its way over to Europe.
I'm pretty confident we'll be seeing this at some point, yeah.

Just a shame that it's probably not going to be this year... :hmm:


Nintendo really need to speed things up as far as the eShop is concerned.

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  • 4 months later...
March 28 for NA...


They also get a Demo on the 14th of March.

I just don't get why it wasn't even mentioned in our Nintendo Direct. :hmm: On the December ND, Shibata said it would be coming to Europe in March 2013, so surely they could have given us a specific date for it today.


I'm getting a really bad feeling about this... :(


Other than Animal Crossing this is my most anticipated 3DS game, I'll be absolutely gutted if it doesn't get released in Europe. :weep:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Iwata Asks is out now!




The UK release must be coming very soon if they've just put the IA out :D


The comic book style design docs are awesome! (there are more pictures in the link)








Masuda: This is why we decided to change the internal structure of the company so that we could initiate new projects while still being able to give our all on Pokémon titles. We have structured things so that if you come up with an idea for a game, you can write a proposal for it;if you can then get two other people to support it, you will be given three months to make it.


Iwata: I see. So you have made specific rules, along the lines of Google’s ‘20 percent time’3 concept. Is any member of your staff free to work on coming up with a game?


3. ’20 percent time’: Google allow their development staff to devote 20 percent of their working hours to their own pet projects.


Masuda: Yes, that’s right. Anyone can work on developing a game, as long as you can find two other people prepared to come on board with the project. Then, after three months, we will check on the game’s progress.


Iwata: So you check to see whether or not the project is worth continuing.


Masuda: That’s right. And if we think it’s worth pursuing, we will give the team another three months to work on it. Then, six months after work begins on a game, the management will make a decision as to whether or not to turn it into a full-blown project. HarmoKnight is the first fruit of our company’s new system, which encourages people who have an idea to just give it a go.


Iwata: Ah, I see. Back when you and I began working in game development, that would very much be the attitude: ‘Just give it a go!’ That was how projects would get started.


Masuda: Yes, absolutely. In the old days, games would get started as tiny projects. You’d often just be toying with some idea or other that seemed like fun, and then you’d decide to take it further and make it into a game.


Iwata: I first got involved in game development back when you were expected to come up with a new title every three months. It’s unthinkable nowadays! (laughs)


Masuda: It really is! (laughs) But it is so much fun to have just a few of handful of people working on turning your very own idea into a game.


Iwata: Absolutely! (laughs)


I wish that Nintendo would apply this policy across all of their studios...

Edited by Dcubed
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Character customisation?! :love:


Endless Mode?! :awesome:


Online Leaderboards?! :yay:


Wonder if any of that stuff has made it into the final game. :hmm:

Either way...

NEED GAME NOW!!!!!!! :bouncy:


By the way, a trailer is now up on the European eShop, found it earlier when doing a search for "HarmoKnight". Yes, I still do that eShop search thing. :heh:


Come on, NoE. Give us a release date already!!

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By the way, a trailer is now up on the European eShop, found it earlier when doing a search for "HarmoKnight". Yes, I still do that eShop search thing. :heh:


Come on, NoE. Give us a release date already!!


Well it seemed to work with Sakura/Hana Samurai so keep at it!


I reckon it'll still come out in March like they originally promised. They wouldn't release a trailer and an Iwata Asks (which also promised a demo before launch) just now unless they planned on releasing it soonish :)

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I reckon it'll still come out in March like they originally promised. They wouldn't release a trailer and an Iwata Asks (which also promised a demo before launch) just now unless they planned on releasing it soonish :)
Let's hope so, but we really should have it already. :mad:


If they release it next week that's not too bad, but if it's the 21st or 28th... that be bad... And stupid... And annoying. :shakehead

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Let's hope so, but we really should have it already. :mad:


If they release it next week that's not too bad, but if it's the 21st or 28th... that be bad... And stupid... And annoying. :shakehead


I bet that we'll see the demo next week and then the full game the week after.

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Really enjoyed the Iwata asks, makes me want to pick this up out of support for both the guy who conceptualised it, and to support this sort of model of working.


Out of interest anyone know rough price tag for here, or for the foreign territories if not?

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Really enjoyed the Iwata asks, makes me want to pick this up out of support for both the guy who conceptualised it, and to support this sort of model of working.


Out of interest anyone know rough price tag for here, or for the foreign territories if not?


It's $14.99, so I expect a £12.49 price tag for us (Nano Assault EX translated the same way in terms of price).


From my understanding, it has the scope of a full retail title - so the price seems reasonable to me (plus it's cheaper than the Japanese version, which was around $20 IIRC :) )

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I'm a total fan of how this game came to be, and I really do hope more companies will implement the same kinds of systems! So no matter what the price tag might be, I'm buying this at day one, and I hope we will get so see more little original games from gamefreak in the future!

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Serebii thinks there's a Nintendo Direct on the 14th, maybe we'll get it then?
If there's a ND on the 14th and this game is the "you can download it right now" game, I'll literally explode with happiness. :bouncy:

But yeah, I'm just glad that it's finally confirmed for release in Europe. :yay:


I haven't used my 3DS all that much this year yet, but with HarmoKnight, Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing on the way, that's gonna change very soon. :hehe:

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