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10 years left to live.


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Its amazing how quickly 10 years would pass if you found out that's all you had.


Honestly, I just don't know, I would more than likely do something else, go see the world, take my time with it all, not stuck behind a desk doing 9-5, although quite frankly, thats already a goal set in motion anyway.


I still probably be a selfish bitch, but who cares? 10 years, thats it? Fuck, I'm doing what I want to do and see the people I want to see.


But then on the other side of things being guaranteed 10 years is better than thinking you might get hit by a bus.


So...yeah. Or something.

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I never make plans, but if i was told i had 10 years left then maybe making plans would be an idea. I would want to see the world before i go, so visiting places like Egypt, China and the US would be places top of my list. I certainly wouldn't be stuck behind my desk thats for sure.


Making peace with some people would be an idea, but i wouldn't make peace with everyone.


But, i may be hit by a bus so maybe my plans wouldn't work out.

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Haha, you should totally make a sig out of that. EddieColeslaw: 100% Neurotic Emo xD


That might put new people off from talking to me tbh, apparently we haven't been doing much to recruit new members already...


As for me, I don't really know. Maybe start putting forth all the crazy ideas I have, or not. My problem with life is that I'm a bit too aware of my own insignificance, hence little motivation to really do anything. It's not like anything you do is unique per se, there are always other people doing similar stuff. Thus I feel "nah, well good for them..." and slip back into my slumber of laziness.


Hmm, surely there is something wrong with this kind of thinking. I mean yes, we are all insignificant pieces of cosmic fly shit, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do anything...


Ah now, imagine if everyone thought like that :heh: It's all relative - if you want to do something that will impact the entire universe, we're probably out of luck. In that scale, we are indeed insignificant. But ask your family members - you are very, very significant to them. Why not start closer and change their lives for the better? Or your community? Or the world? With the Internet, social media, etc. etc., the medium to communicate with anyone in the world, no matter how far away, exists. It's up to you to use it! Don't aim too high and get nothing done - imo if I can make a positive difference in even one person's life, then my life hasn't gone to waste. But of course we're all capable of much more than that : peace:


If everyone is doing insiginificant, similar stuff, then the Awesome stuff thread would be empty :p

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If everyone is doing insiginificant, similar stuff, then the Awesome stuff thread would be empty :p


Right now it's full of cats singing the game of thrones theme tune, so i'm not sure that validates your arguement.....

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There's probably not a lot of things that I would do differently. I quite like my life now. I'd try to see friends and family a bit more because I'm not really great with that side of things. One thing I would do is go on a nice holiday somewhere, maybe Disneyworld with Ine or just somewhere really, really nice. To have a good memory.


Day to day stuff, I've got a job which I love and I find is quite rewarding. I feel I'm making a difference there. I'd get a band going! That's one thing I've wanted to do for a very long time and I've just never done it.

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Tbh, I find this one of the strangest notions. Pretty much the only certainty we have with life is an inevitable death, to ignore or run from it strikes me as foolish. I tend to think I'm happy to embrace death if I know it's coming, but of course, I don't right now so I can't say that for sure. I'm sort of generally aware in the back of my mind that I could die at literally, like, any time though.


I think it makes perfect sense that people find it hard to understand and accept death. It's pretty much the state of existence you can't possible imagine, because, well, it's non-existence! The self-preservation drive is perfectly natural and goes a long way to make sure we don't get ourselves killed. But yeah, it'd be nice to be able to gracefully accept death when it comes. I'm not really sure I'd be able to presently, though.


Ah now, imagine if everyone thought like that :heh: It's all relative - if you want to do something that will impact the entire universe, we're probably out of luck. In that scale, we are indeed insignificant. But ask your family members - you are very, very significant to them. Why not start closer and change their lives for the better? Or your community? Or the world? With the Internet, social media, etc. etc., the medium to communicate with anyone in the world, no matter how far away, exists. It's up to you to use it! Don't aim too high and get nothing done - imo if I can make a positive difference in even one person's life, then my life hasn't gone to waste. But of course we're all capable of much more than that : peace:


If everyone is doing insiginificant, similar stuff, then the Awesome stuff thread would be empty :p


Amen! This is the sort of post I expect from Ville, not to him! What's happening, buddy? :heh:

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That might put new people off from talking to me tbh, apparently we haven't been doing much to recruit new members already...


Nah, the emo crowd might be just the boost of sunshine we need. A little toe-slashing here, a few suicide attempts there, and N-E will be back to its chirpy glory in no time! : D


Ah now, imagine if everyone thought like that :heh: It's all relative - if you want to do something that will impact the entire universe, we're probably out of luck. In that scale, we are indeed insignificant. But ask your family members - you are very, very significant to them. Why not start closer and change their lives for the better? Or your community? Or the world? With the Internet, social media, etc. etc., the medium to communicate with anyone in the world, no matter how far away, exists. It's up to you to use it! Don't aim too high and get nothing done - imo if I can make a positive difference in even one person's life, then my life hasn't gone to waste. But of course we're all capable of much more than that : peace:


If everyone is doing insiginificant, similar stuff, then the Awesome stuff thread would be empty :p

Actually, I think I know the answer now. It's not about what I can do for my friends / family / town / country / globe, but what I can do for myself. What I find enjoyable, worth doing. People take so much unnecessary pressure for "having" to do this and that, saving the whole friggin' planet, feeding all the poor, and whatever. It's unrealistic, and creates nothing but people who are ashamed of being themselves. Well, the basic flaw of any ideology really, shaming people. "You're not good enough, you have to do this and that..." No you don't, screw that.


Anyway, I have faith in people. I know my friends and family can take care of themselves. They don't really need my help with anything and if they do, they will ask. Same thing with all kinds of local / global issues. There are people with motivation and inspiration taking care of the stuff, getting things rolling. So thus I'd observe this question from my own viewpoint: what do I like doing? Not what I can do for whomever, but for myself? What activities are enjoyable to me, what things feel liberating, challenging, worth doing? We all have our different skills, abilities, preferences, personalities, strengths and weaknesses. So it only makes sense to focus on your own personal points of interest and strength and using that momentum to your advantage. Make them shine even brighter and that way you'll inevitably end up being of some benefit / amusement to other people anyway.


If you have the motivation, that is... o_O


Amen! This is the sort of post I expect from Ville, not to him! What's happening, buddy? :heh:


Nothing new really. I've felt this kind of insignificance / laziness for years...I just watch the world go round me. Maybe I'd need to find new avenues offering some sort of instant gratification, as that seems to motivate me better than any long-term plans. For example, if there's a writing competition, I actually have some sort of a goal / purpose for writing an essay / review / whatever. Otherwise, I don't see why bother...


Prob just want to stop this endless studying, and go to work already...

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Anyway, I have faith in people. I know my friends and family can take care of themselves. They don't really need my help with anything and if they do, they will ask. Same thing with all kinds of local / global issues. There are people with motivation and inspiration taking care of the stuff, getting things rolling. So thus I'd observe this question from my own viewpoint: what do I like doing? Not what I can do for whomever, but for myself? What activities are enjoyable to me, what things feel liberating, challenging, worth doing? We all have our different skills, abilities, preferences, personalities, strengths and weaknesses. So it only makes sense to focus on your own personal points of interest and strength and using that momentum to your advantage. Make them shine even brighter and that way you'll inevitably end up being of some benefit / amusement to other people anyway.


I think you hit the nail on the head here. You won't excel at something you don't care about, so the best thing you can do is do what you like best, and odds are you'll achieve the most.

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