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Ooh, bit of extra detail...




The 3DS XL isn't due out in North America for over six weeks, but with the Japanese and European release dates less than a month away, several outlets have been able to get their hands on the large-sized 3DS. Early reports have suggested that the system's 3D effect has been improved, as well as the sweet spot for viewing the effect. With that in mind, questions started being raised about whether Nintendo has made any deliberate alterations to the system, or whether some of this is purely a side effect of making the system bigger.


We asked Nintendo.



First and foremost, the 3D effect and the 3DS XL's screens. Aside from physical size, Nintendo has made no changes to the 3DS XL's displays - they are made of the same materials as the original 3DS. Nintendo attributes the perception of better 3D to the actual dimensions of the screen, noting that the larger format can lend to a better impression of depth with some games.


Furthermore, Nintendo hasn't adjusted the 3DS XL to accommodate the 90% display increase. Early impressions of the XL have noted that 3DS games fare well in the expanded format, even going so far as to wonder if there are filters or aliasing effects being applied to assist. Nintendo denies this is the case, telling IGN that the XL features no such implementation.


A variety of cosmetic changes have accompanied the XL design, including what appears to be slight adjustments to the speaker design, which features a slightly different array of holes. Nintendo confirmed to us that those changes are simply cosmetic - "the speaker function of the XL is the same quality level as the 3DS's," a spokeperson told us.


Lastly, one interesting adjustment has been made to the XL. While the system's single circle pad remains the same as its original 3DS counterpart, Nintendo has adjusted all of the other inputs, including the D-Pad, shoulder and face buttons. They are all, according to the publisher, "slightly bigger than the 3DS buttons."


So no sort of post processing filter (a ridiculous suggestion to begin with!), the speakers are exactly the same as the original 3DS and the D-pad/Face buttons are slightly bigger than on the original 3DS!


Good signs for an improved D-pad all round :D

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"Q: On the possibility of additional 3DS models outside of 3DS XL


Iwata responded that users would be confused if there were too many choices. There's also the concern about mass production efficiency. So, there are no plans in the near future for new models. The 3DS XL was the result of there being great need for a large screen."



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So they haven't given up on the 2nd slide pad... 3DS XXL. :indeed:


Circle Pad Pro for the XL. Here's a link now anyway since one wasn't posted before.



This is rediculous; why are they wasting money and resources on the production of these instead of building it in!


Oh well, at least the size of it will get people used to holding a Wii U Game Pad!

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What colour are you getting?


Think if I was to get one it would maybe be red... but I don't like the black hinge bar that goes along the top.


Mind you, you'd only see that when it's closed. I wonder if that means it's black on the back as well and the colours is only on the top?

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What colour are you getting?


TBH I hate the EU release colours. It looks worse than the current glossy finish IMO. I know some people love the matte finish though.


I think I will go for red. Makes no odds to me really as they're all the same when open, but red and black look better together than the blue or silver I think.


I'm just looking forward to the bigger screen! :grin:

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DS mode footage:



Hard to say for sure but it looks pretty nice. Perhaps I can finally retire my DS units if it's improved on the 3DS XL.


Also quite like the design of the unit closed. The design is growing on me, but I'm not massively bothered by how it looks.


I'm going for the red one, but blue is pretty nice as well. Might have gone for the white even though I don't usually like the white designs, but NoE removed that option for me :P

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I'm going for the red one, but blue is pretty nice as well. Might have gone for the white even though I don't usually like the white designs, but NoE removed that option for me :P


Yeah same. I wanted the white one too :(


Probably gonna go with Silver or Blue (already have a red DSiXL, would be boring having 2 giant red handhelds!)

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Didn't he say a week ago that they didn't have any plans for an improved 3DS though?


Yes he did... Which means the next re-design will be announced at E313.


EDIT: There's colour on the bottom of the handheld!? either I've forgotten, or I haven't even noticed, but those games looked nice on that screen. back to the colour, since there's no Green or Purple I think I'm going for Blue.

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I personally think this will be the only redesign we see of the 3DS and we will have a new handheld in the next couple of years.


Very much agree. Wouldn't be surprised if it's a 4-year handheld. I thought the 1st revision would be dual analogue but a similar size to the original 3DS; then the 2nd revision a dual analogue 3DS XL. Now, though, I really can't imagine a more revised model than this.

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Hmm I actually quite like the look of the Silver one in the video above. Would still prefer a black one though. And will wait for a video of the red one, before thinking about upgrading.






What are the best deals/trade in deals around for this, do we know anything yet?


Amazon have the console listed for £180 atm, and are currently offering £60 for the 3DS... however £120 still feels like WAY to much to pay IMO to upgrade (in screen size only) a console I haven't had for very long.

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