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Lego City: Undercover


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Having serious fun with this. It is absolutely hilarious, good fun and just...well, brilliant!

I can't believe some of the reviews for this were limited as it's the best open world game I've played since San Andreas. GTA IV bored me after awhile as did RDR.

This keeps you hooked and the LEGO design is genius. Eastereggs are also great. Had a brilliant Mario Sunshine reference earlier!


The load times when starting the game and going into the police station are PS1 long. The rest are about 10 seconds.

Nothing major. You only go in the station occasionally to trade in studs/bricks. Obviously it takes awhile to jump into the game though.


According to some who have finished it, Iwata is in the credits as an executive producer...I think this HAS to become a Nintendo exclusive franchise. Its the perfect fit for Nintndo systems.

How about using the medieval/pirate sets in future too? Would be great.


Seriously - best LEGO game ever. And Frank Honey is just brilliant as a character. You can also build your own characters like the previous versions. I've a Karate Chuck Norris!

Have also just started a mission with Starksy and Hutch where you are dressed as Huggy.



Those who haven't got it yet...you are in for a treat if you like sandbox games!

Edited by tapedeck
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I've never really played many (any?) sandbox games before, and I'm certainly interested in giving this a shot, as I loved Lego Harry Potter. May wait until it comes down in price, though - perhaps it'll be one for the summer holidays.

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Do you ever shoot guns, cross bows etc. in this game? Never seen it in any of the videos.


Couple of things you shoot yeah.


EDIT: Cheers Serebii


Nice that they use some recognisable pop/classic music in this game. Wasn't expecting that.

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I figure the odd few long loads are, yes, long, but not as long as waiting in a CoD lobby for a game.. no way near as long in fact.


Some of the animations when motion blur and DoF kick in make it look like a real brought to life toy town.


Over all this game just gives me a warm glow inside, not had that feeling for a long time, discounting my Naga ghost chilli vindaloos.

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I figure the odd few long loads are, yes, long, but not as long as waiting in a CoD lobby for a game.. no way near as long in fact.


Some of the animations when motion blur and DoF kick in make it look like a real brought to life toy town.


Good points!

You won't get disconnected when playing the game either! :laughing:


This amount of collectables here remind me of DK64. Insane!

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Payed for a couple of hours... Hmmm.... Not mega convinced yet.the jokes are 50/50 and the load times ARE horrific. Really breaks up any momentum. There's a lot to like thgh... I hoping it sorts itself out, still feels like itmin the tutorial and getting introduced to everything.

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Might be being a bit dense here but how do you buy and use any disguises you unlock?


Go to the basement of the police station and you can buy unlocked disguises from Ellie, you can then swap between disguises in changing booths like the one you build when you first get the police uniform.

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Been playing this over the last few days and loving it. Does anyone else lose the voices in some of the cutscenes? I've had numerous cutscenes play were you just can't hear any voices. Good thing I turned subtitles on.

Nope, but I have had it freeze on me a few times :/

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I've loved the few missions I've done so far, especially the one where you jump from one building to another :D I'd agree about the jokes though, some of them are hilarious whereas others just fall so flat, I can't tell whether or not it's intentional :P


Can't wait to play more of it though! The (few) long loading times can be annoying but I played the hell out of My Sims so I have years of training as far as awful loading is concerned.

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