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Lego City: Undercover

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ONM gave this a 90 in their latest issue.


The only real negative comments where that when in cutscenes, the camera zooms in close to the characters and

at these points the low-res shadows and jaggies along the edges of surfaces are very obvious.
The other was no offline or online multiplayer.


One of the things I did like was

each vehicle is visibly modelled from individual LEGO elements and there's a good reason for that: every mode of transport can be gradually degraded (through crashes and bad landings) until you're left with a bare chassis and some animated pistons.

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This has always been a 6/7 out of 10 game in my mind. Too many Lego games already, saturation at its finest.


It looks decent, but it was never going to be a 9/10 game. I'm still a bit surprised at the way this was announced right at the beginning of the WiiU's reveal.


Well, I think the reason it's been trumpeted is Lego is a huge franchise and the Lego games have sold really well. I mean across all platforms Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga has sold nearly 14 million units. For the frequency of the games the sales certainly hold up well and there are 32 Lego games that have sold in excess of a million units.


When you look at the scores it's getting, if it averages out around the 8/10 mark it's in the same league as Crysis 3 or Metal Gear Rising, and not far off the 87% Tomb Raider has averaged!


Overall I'd say the game will rate good/very good on a reasonable scale judged roughly as below:


10 - Magnificent/Virtually Flawless/Genre Defining/Master Piece

9 - Great/Excellent/Top of the Genre

8 - Very good

7 - Good

6 - Average

5 - Sub Par

4 - Poor

3 - Appalling

2 - Appalling/Largely broken

1 - Unplayable/Totally Broken


So overall, it's averaging in the good/very good sector. It might not be top of the tree, but as Lego is a strong franchise this should have a wide appeal and be a lot of fun for those who like that type of game!


But I wasn't expecting Skyrim, GTA or Zelda style scores for this game either!

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I hear ONM gave this a 9/10.


Edit: This made more sense before Madeinbeats deleted his post.

Edited by Magnus

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I hear ONM gave this a 9/10.


Edit: This made more sense before Madeinbeats deleted his post.


hahaha, serves yourself right.


Two new ads. Readying an advertising blitz?


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Are Wii U adverts back on TV yet?


Also Horse Riding ftw! and a nice little nod to the chickens in Zelda! :p

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hahaha, serves yourself right.


Two new ads. Readying an advertising blitz?



At least they got rid of the awful music from the previous american ads

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Edge are always anti nintendo and games they deem for kids , take no notice


Really? That must explain the 10/10 Mario Galaxy score then.

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Edge are always anti nintendo and games they deem for kids , take no notice


I wouldn't say that. However Edge scores can sometimes lead to great internet explosions. Does everyone remember the issue where Killzone 2 scored a 7 whilst House of the Dead Overkill scored 8?


Oh the popcorn was out that day!


Edge also scored Skyward Sword a 10.

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Nintendolife Review:

"There are technical cracks in its brickwork, but in combining the familiar constructs of the LEGO video games with an original story, huge amounts of humour and a ridiculous number of things to collect or discover, LEGO City Undercover proves that LEGO titles can be blockbusters without a big licence." 8/10



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Looks like it's heading for a solid 8/10 average.


Man, those guys over at Eurogamer with their anti-Nintendo bias eh?


11/10 confirmed.


Click rev stories are still click rev stories, it changes nothing.

Edited by madeinbeats

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The first thing I saw on that Eurogamer review was the big header screenshot featuring REAL TREES IN A LEGO CITY.


Why does this continually happen with LEGO games? When will we actually get an entire world made of LEGO? Is it really too much to ask?

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The first thing I saw on that Eurogamer review was the big header screenshot featuring REAL TREES IN A LEGO CITY.


Why does this continually happen with LEGO games? When will we actually get an entire world made of LEGO? Is it really too much to ask?

Can you imagine the complaints about graphics with that? Already some places are complaining at "low tech visuals". Of course it's low tech, it's bloody lego

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Can you imagine the complaints about graphics with that? Already some places are complaining at "low tech visuals". Of course it's low tech, it's bloody lego


I guess you have a point, but I think kids would appreciate it for recreating the worlds they play in every day. Maybe they could work in a menu option to Toggle the LEGOifcation of the graphics on/off. Maybe I'm just crazy.


Glad this is receiving decent reviews. Wii U really needs good exclusive software at the moment and I'm looking forward to playing through this when I finally get my system within the next few months.

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IGN wade in with a 8.0, fairly solid as was expecting them to slate it, sounds like this is going to be well worth a punt!

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Can you imagine the complaints about graphics with that? Already some places are complaining at "low tech visuals". Of course it's low tech, it's bloody lego

What places have complained about the use of LEGO buildings/cars/people in a LEGO game?


It's like you read nothing but troll posts on IGN.

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What places have complained about the use of LEGO buildings/cars/people in a LEGO game?


It's like you read nothing but troll posts on IGN.

The Metro review complained about low tech visuals

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The actual quote from the Metro review:


The cast is immediately likeable then, but we can’t help but feel a beat has been missed when it comes to the city. It’s extremely well designed, and far more interactive than other open world games, but the building themselves are not made of Lego; they’re just ordinary real world objects. As a result the city can look a bit bland at times, and it’s really only the vehicles and characters that maintain the Lego theme.


There are far greater problems with the visuals than the generic art design though, and we have to say that on a technical level this is a deeply unimpressive game. The frame rate seems constantly on the edge of disaster and there’s so much pop-in that smaller objects just teleport into existence in the middle distance. The textures are very low resolution and the shadows are distractingly low tech.

Doesn't seem like they had a problem with the visuals because of the use of LEGO at all. In fact, they said the complete opposite!

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IGN Review/Video Review - 8.0





Positives include Humour, characters, open world.


Negatives were mainly, inconsistent framerate and long frequent load times... sometimes well over a minute and several within the case of a few minutes.


Oh and lack of co-op compared to all other Lego games, especially given the GamePad.


Actually having just finished watching the video review I'm actually a bit surprised it scored that high! :p

Edited by Retro_Link

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