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The ign video of fzero looks a bit better. Also, do you guys even know Nintendo games? Do you not think there's a possibility that the game starts slow, then gets faster and faster? A lot of hands on reports speak of Nintendoland as ramping up the difficulty pretty sharpish.


And personally I think yoshi s looks okay, though it could get print pretty quickly. But I quite like the idea.but again, if its anything like the other attractions, I'd imagine there'd be more to it and modes then that. I reckon it'll be a pretty extensive puzzle game.


If by "a bit better", you mean "less inept" then I guess I can go along with that. Still doesn't strike me as something that warrant the F-Zero name though. Maybe it's because it's the first time he's playing it but he doesn't strike me as being particularly in control of the vehicle.


There is more to F-Zero than being fast - that's just of several issues that seem apparant from watching the videos. I suspect it will get faster over time but I'd imagine most F-Zero fans will be bored of it by that point or not just happy with the control scheme.

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If by "a bit better", you mean "less inept" then I guess I can go along with that. Still doesn't strike me as something that warrant the F-Zero name though. Maybe it's because it's the first time he's playing it but he doesn't strike me as being particularly in control of the vehicle.


There is more to F-Zero than being fast - that's just of several issues that seem apparant from watching the videos. I suspect it will get faster over time but I'd imagine most F-Zero fans will be bored of it by that point or not just happy with the control scheme.


Oh I agree completely, this isn't even close to representing fzero. Gx is one of my favourite cube games (if not games full stop), anything representing that woud be a dream. In fact I'd even take a remake of that, with 30 player online mode thrown in!

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If by "a bit better", you mean "less inept" then I guess I can go along with that. Still doesn't strike me as something that warrant the F-Zero name though. Maybe it's because it's the first time he's playing it but he doesn't strike me as being particularly in control of the vehicle.


There is more to F-Zero than being fast - that's just of several issues that seem apparant from watching the videos. I suspect it will get faster over time but I'd imagine most F-Zero fans will be bored of it by that point or not just happy with the control scheme.

Technically, it doesn't have the F-Zero name :p

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I'm sure F-Zero will be fun. However the Yoshi's fruit cart and Octopus Dance seem a little poor to be honest. I kinda get the feeling they've chosen to show those last two off last because they're not that good.


There seems to be a pretty wide gap between some of the games on this compilation. Metroid has 20 levels, Pikmin has 16 and Donkey Kong could easily be sold seperately as a budget title - it's really that good.


However Yoshi's Fruit Cart and Octopus Dance seem to be making up numbers at best. Granted, I haven't played them, but that's just my initial impressions.


The weird thing is with those two games is that when there's Nintendo franchises like Starfox, Kid Icarus, Battalion Wars, Fire Emblem and Pokemon that don't even get a look in they make for very odd inclusions.


I could easily see a tech demo using the pad to fly an Arwing, using the pad to aim Kid Icarus's weapons with a stylus like in the 3DS offering and I'd I've love to play Battalion Wars on the Wii U using the pad to have a map where I could control my troops using a stylus C&C style for tactical approaches.

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Yeah it would have made for a far more 'charming' game to atleast apply Pokemon to that dancing game, than some utterly generic (to the vast majority of the audience that won't know Game&Watch characters) guy in a diving suit!


I think the whole clockwork car concept would also have been better applied to Mario Kart.


Maybe they do want to try and introduce F-Zero to a bigger audience before making a full game. But chances are the general public playing this dumbed down [boring?] mini-game will then think it's representative of the F-Zero brand and not buy the game anyway! :p

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Technically, it doesn't have the F-Zero name :p


Thank you for that revelation - not that my post before that one mentioned the use of the Captain Falcon name of course. For the contents of the post you quoted, it was a brand association reference of which Captain Falcon is traditionally seen as part of F-Zero.


But, just to play your little game, calling it Captain Falcon's Twister Race is perhaps even worse than calling it F-Zero Twister Race.


If you just take the F-Zero game, known for it's high speed, high risk, high adrenaline gameplay, then this fails on account of having nothing in common with any of those facets.


If you take Captain Falcon himself, what is he known for? His racing prowess on the said F-racing Zero circuit. His bounty hunter activities away from it. And for his deft defying combination of speed and power in Smash Bros. Therefore, they've focused on one third of the things that comprise what we know, and like, about Captain Falcon and still cocked it up thus making the argument that it's a bigger injustice to relate this to solely to the character and not the franchise itself.


It would have worked so much better as a Mario Kart game or Kirby Air Ride game (of which the controls sorta mimic give you accelerate automatically and only have a brake button - all of the touch screen apparently). Heck, why didn't they make this the start of a Mach Rider comeback and let you shoot stuff too.


F-Zero is in a bad enough place already and Nintendo can't view it as a high priority or they would have developed more than just 1/3 of the series in house - this is insult to injury.


Which isn't to say that it couldn't be a fun game, though it doesn't look that way - just that it shouldn't have been tied to the IP in question.

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I think people are taking things too seriously, it's just a game! Enjoy the fact it is themed on F-Zero, we haven't had one for years, it may be fun and everyone's just judging it on a short video clip! :p


I actually think the F-Zero game looks fine to be honest and will probably be pretty good if it's got several tracks.


I played Nintendoland and I was really impressed - which is why I'm so disappointed at the unveiling of Yoshi's Fruit Cart and Octopus Dance because they just look like after thoughts to make up numbers compared with the rather awesome offerings I sampled at the Play Expo.


@Captain Falcon - don't take it so personally 'Cap. You'll star in something better soon, I'm sure!

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I think people are taking things too seriously, it's just a game! Enjoy the fact it is themed on F-Zero, we haven't had one for years, it may be fun and everyone's just judging it on a short video clip! :p


You hit the nail on the head!


We haven't had an F-Zero, a very beloved franchise, in seven years. And Nintendo make this seriously flawed mini game as part of a minigame compilation which probably had the budget which probably would be enough to develop a real F-Zero.


This is a very sadistic tease... like the most gorgeous woman in the world standing naked in front of a virgin guy... only there's a sheet of glass between them.

Edited by darkjak
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I have no problem what-so-ever with the F-Zero game. I just think the Yoshi game and the Octopus game look a little poor - as if they ran out of ideas. Still, I haven't played them so I may be wrong.


IGN really seem to like Yoshi's Fruit Cart...


Yoshi's Fruit Cart impressed us a great deal during our time with it. Your goal is simple - get Yoshi to a door that will only unlock once you've collected all of the fruit that's set out on a map. But doing that is more complicated than you might think. You control your 'Yoshi Cart' by drawing a path on the GamePad's screen. When your path reaches the door, the game prompts you to let Yoshi begin your dictated journey. But on the Pad doesn't display the fruit, just the basic map, and your television won't show the path you've sketched out.

Achieving your goal is a matter of coordinating and reconciling each screen's missing information, using textures and shapes that exist on the map's background to guide your path. If you reach the door without all of your fruit, it won't open, and you'll lose a life. And just in case you think this might be completed rather easily once you get past the first few areas - there are about 50 stages to complete, and things get complicated quickly, with moving fruit, holes and numerous other obstacles quickly appearing. The game does feature a system to 'fast travel' to later levels once you've reached them, but saying Fruit Cart will be a formidable challenge is an understatement.

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First review from GamesMaster:

- “…Luigi’s Haunted Mansion, Animal Crossing Sweet Day and Mario Chase offer up some of the most innovative, raucous and party-fueling fun we’ve ever had with a console”

- Plaza is filled with all things Nintendo

- There’s menu music for each attraction that bleeps out in NES chimes

- Monita, the floating computer, guides you around the park’s features

- Spend winnings on pachinko-esque coin game

- Win a jukebox, day/night cycle button, and more

- Miis from your console and other consoles through the Internet

- Attraction mode: set up a Nintendo Land party; choose a time limit and player count and then head to a points-based tournament of mini-games

- Multiplayer games are fun, but GamesMaster says the single-player ones are sometimes forgettable

- A few games highlight “some seemingly inherent problems”

- Ex: Takamaru’s Ninja Challenge – “constant screen misalignment”

- GamesMaster says GamePad/TV crossover usually works best when done in tandem

- “As a discerning gamer, you may not find all that Nintendo Land has to offer to your liking, but should you fork out for a Wii U, you owe it to your family, to your friends and to everyone else you know, to bag a copy of this to go with it.”

- Graphics: 90%

- Gameplay: 86%

- Accessibility: 95%

- Lifespan: 82%

- Innovation: 92%

- Overall: 86%

- “An essential purchase for party lovers that whets the Nintendo appetite. Bring friends.”


Chiptune music and "all things Nintendo" sound right up my street! Also I wonder if Monita is any relation to little eshop guy :grin:

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- Attraction mode: set up a Nintendo Land party; choose a time limit and player count and then head to a points-based tournament of mini-games


Oh boy! All those memories of Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2's minigames suddenly come flooding back to me :bouncy:


Can't wait! (BTW, I still play those minigames with my friends occasionally)

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I definitely experienced this when I played it at the London Expo the other weekend.


Yeah, so did we at the Play Expo in Manchester. However there were two things to be taken into account on this:


1) The old build of the console and the game itself.

2) The amount of interference from phones, wireless connections and other consoles.


I call bullshit on these early reviews.


There's no way a European mag has got these games in full on proper working consoles this early. The systems aren't due out for nearly a month and the US gets them earlier - on the 18th. There's no US reviews up yet and there's no way they could've tested the Miiverse features either.


What's more, this is a printed magazine and that means the reviews would have to have been written several weeks ago to get into the mag (due to print deadlines).


The whole thing stinks to me of a review being written by someone who's played these games at an extended press event - not someone who has sat down and played the game properly and taken their time.

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I think the Gamexplain guys mention this issue as well, being to do with the Gamepad not doing an auto-recentre with the sensor bar as the Wiimote does. I suppose it can't when held lengthways? vOv


I call bullshit on these early reviews.


There's no way a European mag has got these games in full on proper working consoles this early. The systems aren't due out for nearly a month and the US gets them earlier - on the 18th. There's no US reviews up yet and there's no way they could've tested the Miiverse features either.


What's more, this is a printed magazine and that means the reviews would have to have been written several weeks ago to get into the mag (due to print deadlines).


The whole thing stinks to me of a review being written by someone who's played these games at an extended press event - not someone who has sat down and played the game properly and taken their time.


I agree it does seems suspect. There's a fair bit of new info here though - stuff we've not heard from IGN for instance from their extended play. Speaking of IGN, I heard their American team are only getting their mits on the games this week sometime. Seems odd.

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I agree it does seems suspect. There's a fair bit of new info here though - stuff we've not heard from IGN for instance from their extended play. Speaking of IGN, I heard their American team are only getting their mits on the games this week sometime. Seems odd.


It stinks. Usually IGN, Gamespot and Gametrailers get their copies first - especially when the launch is two weeks earlier in the US.


This isn't the first time a print publication has printed BS reviews based on preview code to get sales though.

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What's more, this is a printed magazine and that means the reviews would have to have been written several weeks ago to get into the mag (due to print deadlines).

I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but after you pointed this out I have to say it seems highly unlikely! Even so, I think the review scores are good. I'm not of the 8/10 = fail school.


Might have a read of it in Smiths tomorrow.


Edit - German mag Gamepro now:

Nintendo Land – 80%

New Super Mario Bros U. – 85%


Similar scores.

Edited by Lens of Truth
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I've only just realised that dispite already pre-ordering this game (I'm getting the WiiU/ZombiU pack) I actually know pretty little about it....


Mainly I'm getting it cause A: I need a 1st party game with a Nintendo system (it was what my 3DS lacked on day one so so much) and B: It (should) make a good party game come Christmas when a ton of guests come to visit...and show off the WiiU in a similar way I used WiiSports to show off the Wii and try to convince my cousins to buy one :D



So I have a feeling I'm gonna be very surprised (in a good way) by this game when I do get it and play it... not often I go on black out of a game that is not Zelda :heh:

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