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The Wonderful 101


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If Wonderful 101 was an NFC game I prolly wouldn't get it. :heh:


Because that'd be a terrible idea :p


What would be so bad about it if it was optional? I'm proposing that they use the same setup as in Pokemon Rumble U, where all the characters are obtainable in the game itself as normal, but you would be able to get characters straight away by using the NFC figures.


The game would stay exactly as it is now, just with that extra NFC functionality added on (and it wouldn't break the game, as it already has a new game plus feature anyway!)


So it's just like with Rumble U, but the physical figurines are more interactive; with soundbites and magnetic pads to allow for Unite Morphs :) Surely it makes perfect sense for a Sentai game to utilise Sentai merchandising?

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Just started playing this an hour or so ago, finished the Prologue (holy ****, epic!) and Operating 1-A. Really loving it so far and also very glad I played through the demo a few times to get used to the controls.


Still not really bothering with team attacks, just tend to use United sword for all baddies! But yeah, awesome so far :)

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What would be so bad about it if it was optional? I'm proposing that they use the same setup as in Pokemon Rumble U, where all the characters are obtainable in the game itself as normal, but you would be able to get characters straight away by using the NFC figures.


The game would stay exactly as it is now, just with that extra NFC functionality added on (and it wouldn't break the game, as it already has a new game plus feature anyway!)


So it's just like with Rumble U, but the physical figurines are more interactive; with soundbites and magnetic pads to allow for Unite Morphs :) Surely it makes perfect sense for a Sentai game to utilise Sentai merchandising?


I'm still trying to figure out why they put the NFC chip stuff in the pad. I mean the only use so far is a Pokemon eShop game. Surely they have future plans for it?


For the record I love your idea.

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I'm still trying to figure out why they put the NFC chip stuff in the pad. I mean the only use so far is a Pokemon eShop game. Surely they have future plans for it?


For the record I love your idea.


Iwata already said in one of Nintendo's investor meetings that they're planning on using the NFC chip to allow for contact less card payments on the eShop, so that's one use sorted.


They could also use it to communicate with smartphones (without messing up the Bluetooth or WiFi signals in use by the Gamepad and Wiimotes/Pro Controllers/Balance Board) or future toys/figurines...

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On the subject of 5-A does anyone have any tips for....


Fight Prince Vorken.... dude always takes me ages.


My current tactic is to wait for him to do a hand or hammer, block/deflect it with Guts and try get in a few sword hits and maybe get in a multi morph too. But all the rest of his moves can't be blocked by Guts which can get annoying, (his sword, glider toss, claws, and even his Whip....which Guts does work for on those Block Ememy things that can morph too).


He's not even effected by Unite Bomb :mad:



You're pretty much doing what I was doing, which is taking advantage of the opportunity to attack him directly after repelling his unite hand attack.

But yeah, the battles against Vorken are designed in such a way that it'll always take a considerable amount of time. Even on Very Easy, where he has much less health and it depletes much quicker, you still need to take some time waiting for the right moment and then setting up your counter attacks.


I'm sure there are some really clever ways to make the fight a lot quicker by using certain morphs at specific times (that seems to be the case for most enemies/bosses in the game) but I've still not discovered what that is. :hehe:


One thing I like to do however, is hit him with the unite tombstone. If you get him with that while counter-attacking (can be tricky as the window of opportunity is pretty small) it can deal quite a bit of damage. ;)

Oh and forgot to mention yesterday, of course I got Wondeeerrrr-BLACK on my team now... he's pretty cool and I'm learning to use the Bomb to help make good combos....but his voice is just weird and doesn't seem right :heh:
Wondeeerrrr-BLACK is awesome, and Unite Bomb is an unbelievably effective morph. Not because of attack power (which is pretty terrible :heh:) but because of the fact that it buys you valuable time. Combine it with team attacks and other unite morphs and you're laughing. :cool:

It's no wonder they introduce it late in the game. ;)


As for his voice, I think it's pretty cool and fits his personalty. That muted whispering voice is basically saying "meh, I just wanna play on my Game & Watch". :laughing:

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Possibly a stupid question, I just finished Operation 01, but would like the chance to go back and perfect previous missions, can I do this without resetting my progress? Or is it like Pikmin 3 were you go back in time and have to carry on from where you start again from?

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Possibly a stupid question, I just finished Operation 01, but would like the chance to go back and perfect previous missions, can I do this without resetting my progress? Or is it like Pikmin 3 were you go back in time and have to carry on from where you start again from?
Yeah, you can replay any stage (without resetting your progress) by using operation select.
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Just beat Operation 6


6-B was one hell of a long ass level wasn;t it, and gave me my 3rd Consolation Prize :mad: Not gonna go back to try rectify that just yet cause of the lenght of it though, haha.



But loved it all the same.


LOVED the flash back scene and getting to control Nelson as the previous Wonder-Red..... I BETTER get him to join the team, I want to use his drill again :D


Learning that it was Laambo that killed Red's Dad was cool.... though looking back I do wish they elluded to that more in Op1.

I get that they were using it to show Blue the difference between him and Red (how Red put aside his person feelings for teh good of the mission) but at the end of 1-C you'd think Red could have said something about having took revenge?


Immorta then just randonly joining was cool and odd at the same time. It's like she joined but she's not really a "Wonderful One" yet she can Unite Morph.... does her Arrow do anything special BTW? All I can figure so far is it is pretty much like the Gun but with more power?





Then the boss....


Kinda disappointed to be honest.

As I said before, the Prince Vorken fights I'm not a big fan of. I don't mind them but the inability to be able to get any good combos in annoys me.


Also find it annoying that there was a Geathjerk boss there that Vorkken got rid of insead :mad: They could have at least let me control Vorkken and do that fight :heh:


But the whole story progression involved was pretty awesome....and the end....that damned Luka...WTF Kid. I hope he gets a right slap latter. And seriously how did nobody on the Virgin Victory notice that

1: The master control Key was missing


2: The kid had it





Onward to Operation 7!:D




Oh and anyone got any tips for using Custom Blocks? Or what set of Blocks are people using?


Also how do you earn points to unlock more slots for more blocks? I've only got 4 slots currently and using


Speed Charge

Energy Converter

Healing Guts

Double Power

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Operation 7 Complete...



Well that was an interesting one.... never thought this game would take me inside a characters body :)


Little disappionted though that it only had parts A and B with no C though :mad:


But the boss fight was cool, P-Star finally doing something was good and the ending STOMP was awesome :D


Oh and this part with Chewgi




I'm gonna assume/pretend that was an intentional BSG reference :D



Also figured out what it is that unlocks new Custom Block slots (had to google).

It's tied to character levels, each Wonderful One can level up 4 levels. I never paid much attention to this before but it turns out when using a Unite Morph all characters that use that Morph (eg: Hand) gain EXP when it is used. But the Wonderful One using it gets more EXP so it is faster to level up characters individually by "setting" them as the lead user of each morph.


The funny thing whenever I noticed the game had for whatever reason auto-changed the "set" characters on me I just changed them back to the default "colour" Wonderful One :heh:

Little did I know the game was trying to help me level up other Wonderful Ones :heh:

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The only negative I can think of it the game can be quite unpolished at times. Random cutscenes where no one speaks for 5 seconds or even worse when you're introduced to (for example) Wonder Pink and you can hear and feel the battle going on as they're talking.

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Has the hype/discussion on this game died down already? :(


Anyway I haven't started Operation 8 yet.


Decided with my new found knowledge of how the levels and unlocking of custom block slots works I've been grinding a bit till I unlocked a 5th Slot, which I just did (still 2 more to unlock, but I'm happy to continue now with just 5)


So now my Custom Blocks in use are


Speed Charge

Energy Converter

Healing Guts

Double Power

Hero Time


What Blocks are ye using?


I'll get to Operation 8 tomorrow and try to hold off the completing of the game till the weekend so I can try to record myself while playing the final Operation as I keep reading bout how crazy-awesome it is... I'll try but no promises ;)


Something I keep forgetting to mention (which I now remember :D) is how much a love the puzzles in the game. Some can be quite head-scratching at first then when you figure it out it's very simple and bit of a facepalm moment. Love that.


And the use of the two screens for some puzzles/areas is great. Again another example of great 2nd screen usage and again it is not Nintendo making the game :heh:



The only negative I can think of it the game can be quite unpolished at times. Random cutscenes where no one speaks for 5 seconds or even worse when you're introduced to (for example) Wonder Pink and you can hear and feel the battle going on as they're talking.


Not really sure what you mean, or maybe I've just not noticed :heh:


One negative that does get me however is while (as mentioned above) I love the puzzles that make use of both screens there are some where the camera can be really annoying in "inner areas" that require a fair bit of moving about in tight spaces.


It's managable but they could have improved the camera control a bit more.

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Has the hype/discussion on this game died down already? :(
Everyone's finished it already, Mokong. :heh:


What Blocks are ye using?
Can't remember to be honest. :blank: Definitely still only have 5 slots though.


I'll get to Operation 8 tomorrow and try to hold off the completing of the game till the weekend so I can try to record myself while playing the final Operation as I keep reading bout how crazy-awesome it is... I'll try but no promises ;)
Not good enough. You must do the vid. :D
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Everyone's finished it already, Mokong. :heh:


I haven't started yet, still waiting for that all important delivery, should be with me next Tuesday if my calculations are correct.


Edit: My calculations were incorrect and this turned up in my mail box this afternoon, after work (8 p.m. tonight) it's time to bring it on!

Unite Morph!

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Everyone's finished it already, Mokong. :heh:



Pretty much this. Most of us have moved on to playing other stuff now. :D


Well sorry for not having the same amount of free time as ye all :(

Still shouldn't stop peeps from discussing the game/giving others still playing tips etc when asked :wink:



Not good enough. You must do the vid. :D


Haha, I'll try but will have to try play during the day to do it as my camera gives a shitty picture with artificial lighting :heh: And playing during the day means my son will prolly be awake and will want to bother me.... also my sister is coming for the weekend again tomorrow evening so Conor would definatly be bothering me, haha.


Maybe I'll just replay old levels over the weekend and try up a few bronze and silver trophies to gold and try finish the game next week when Conor is gone :heh:


You said to start from 8-C.... does Op 9 have 3 parts too?

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There isn't a more demoralising moment in gaming than when you're charging up your Wonder Yellow hammer to smash those f-ing annoying turtle things and get blasted mid smash, with all your team scattered EVERYWHERE.

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Righty all set up for the end game. Just played parts A and B on Operation 8.... fully enjoyed them. Things are pretty trippy as things are right now. Looking forward to see what the rest has in store.


@RedShell, I might get a chance tomorrow afternoon to make for the endgame so might get a chance to record my reactions as I play.


How long roughly did it take you first time on the last part? Just so I have an idea how long time wise I'm gonna need to myself.


Definatly won't get to play tomorrow evening due to international footy :D



Oh and I found this new recruit to my Wonderful Ones just Brilliant


Wonder-FIXIT, real name Felix and he uses a Hammer. :D





There isn't a more demoralising moment in gaming than when you're charging up your Wonder Yellow hammer to smash though f-ing annoying turtle things and get blasted mid smash, with all your team scattered EVERYWHERE.


Man I hear that. Those damned turtles are annoying bitches. Extra annoying that no other unite attacks do damage till you break the shell (get their health to yellow)

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To anyone who has already finished it, I need some help as I am stuck!


I don't know what mission I am on exactly, but I will explain it here:


Ok so I have Wonder Yellow and I did that whole level where you have an aircraft falling apart, sort of like a twisting tunnel where you have to follow a specific path. After that you are put on top of a plane (the one that saves you), but the plane has fire everywhere. I have no clue where I am supposed to go on this plane. The fire keeps hitting me back and I can't find any clues as on what I am supposed to do. =(



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