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The Wonderful 101


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This game is off the motherfucking chain! :D

Can't believe I wasn't feeling it before... :nono:

If anyone catches me acting like a crazy fool again, please snap me out of it! :heh:


Gutted for the devs though, as I reckon it's gonna bomb big style. :(

It's way too hardcore, but it looks "kiddy" :indeed:and it's exclusive to a struggling system... GAME OVER MAN. :shakehead

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Got my ass kicked on the first level after the Prologue :D


When I got to where the demo ends I thought the actual level ended there too but it kept going.... found 3 secret missions too.... Serect Mission 11 destroyed me numerous times.


Playing on Normal mode too.... I only played the Demo on Easy so when I got the full game I could play on Normal and not feel too comfortable :D


As for controls I'm switching between the touch and the stick. I find the sword easier to draw with the stick and the circles easier on the touch screen haha.


Where is WOnder-Green though? He was in the demo but not here... did they just add him to that part for the demo but you don't get him till a bit later in the game?




Didn't go to operation 2 yet as I got a consolation prize on opertation 1 so went back to try better it and got Silver on 2nd go.... noticed an option for Operation 1-B.... anyone try that yet? What is teh difference?




Going back to the prologue for a minute, man that was jst pure AWESOME. The early part with the logos and "Directed" by bits was good and the transformation sequences AWESOME...... especially Wonder-Blue.... and loved how he acted then went the narrator just kept talking :D



Had to stop playing for a bit and going away the weekend, might get a nother go later but prolly won't get a proper go till Sunday or Monday :mad:

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Going back to the prologue for a minute, man that was jst pure AWESOME. The early part with the logos and "Directed" by bits was good and the transformation sequences AWESOME...... especially Wonder-Blue.... and loved how he acted then went the narrator just kept talking :D


I was in stitches during that scene. Just how he kept doing different actions and then frantically tried to claw his way back up to his original position before the narrator stopped. :D


I'm actually looking forward to getting in from work and giving this another try. Hopefully I will have more success than last night.

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Ahhh, I want this game so badly. Next week (payday) can't come soon enough!


Got my copy, sat on my desk here at work... crap thing is, I'll not be playing it this weekend as my girlfriend booked a surprise weekend stay in north Wales. Gutted!


Stealthy off-screen play may save you, but probably not.

Edited by Guy
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Had a couple of annoying glitches. On a boss, and it prompts me to "Wonder Jump", but never actually gives me the prompt, but rather I instantly die and use a continue (of which you can only have 5 per operation)


If you're on a platform, you may have to actually move to the edge of it before the prompt comes up. A couple of bosses are like that; it's not a glitch.

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If you're on a platform, you may have to actually move to the edge of it before the prompt comes up. A couple of bosses are like that; it's not a glitch.

It's in a bit where you don't see any platform, though...you just see the saw. THere's no chance to move.

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@RedShell was right. It was just the tiredness that was effecting me yesterday.


I fired it up after work and am pulling off combos left and right and haven't had any issues forming the weapons or hand glider either. :D


The back and forth between Blue and Green is hilarious and when Green asked Red about his test scores...LOL.


Wonder Pink has just joined the party.

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Wow just finished Operation 1-B


Lol, for some reason when I saw 1-B on the menu I thought it was like a slightly different version/path to Operation 1-A, didn't think it was a continuation and what I thought was gonna be Operation 2.


Anyway.... damn just EPIC..... have I used that word today yet?



That battle with the Giant Mech was awesome, and I thought that was the level Boss but there was still tons more. LOVED the dual screen puzzle for getting inside the Stadium, had me scratching my head for a fair bit trying to figure it out haha. Then the Boss(es) inside the stadium.... BLOODY HELL.....EEEEPPPPPIIIIICCCCC.


And I got Wonder-Green on board too... his introduction was awesome and loved teh dialogue between him and Red and Blue :D





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@RedShell was right. It was just the tiredness that was effecting me yesterday.
Awesome. Glad to hear that. :)



That battle with the Giant Mech was awesome, and I thought that was the level Boss but there was still tons more. LOVED the dual screen puzzle for getting inside the Stadium, had me scratching my head for a fair bit trying to figure it out haha. Then the Boss(es) inside the stadium.... BLOODY HELL.....EEEEPPPPPIIIIICCCCC.


And I got Wonder-Green on board too... his introduction was awesome and loved teh dialogue between him and Red and Blue :D

Was so satisfying using the baseball bat at the end of that fight. I didn't miss a hit either, which unlocked a bottle cap achievement.


I just got Wooonnndddeeerrrrrrrrr... White! (love the way Red introduces each character :hehe:) The story is starting to get interesting now...

...that Red and Blue are falling out. ;)


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Awesome. Glad to hear that. :)


Was so satisfying using the baseball bat at the end of that fight. I didn't miss a hit either, which unlocked a bottle cap achievement.



I just got Wooonnndddeeerrrrrrrrr... White! (love the way Red introduces each character :hehe:) The story is starting to get interesting now...

...that Red and Blue are falling out. ;)

Damn, you're just about to overtake me :p


Trying to take my time with this one, though I can see me going back more

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Just played this for the first time (the demo stage), quite enjoyed it :) Very chaotic and it's hard to distinguish your characters from the smaller enemies sometimes but good fun.


Drawing shapes seems ridiculously hard, and the right analog stick seems to have a mind of its own sometimes.


The controls will take some getting used to I think.


Stupid question... if your pack gets blown apart and you run away from the battle, do you lose any temporary heroes? In other words do you have to 'collect' them all again before moving on or will they eventually re-join automatically?

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Did an operation, got Platinums and Golds across the board (barring one Bronze), but still ended up with the Consolation Prize -_-
Hehehe! I've been getting plenty of those myself. :heh:

You still on Normal difficulty?


Anyway, I just did operation 005... absolutely mind blowing! :p


Giant robot Punch-Out!!

:bouncy: That shit had me right on the edge of my seat! :hehe:

Just when you think you've seen the most spectacular, intense, and explosive action, along comes something else that makes what you just did seem like nothing at all! :laughing:

It's crazy! I can't get my head around how amazing this game is. :D


And to top it all off, it's funny! Really funny. icon14.gif

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