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NEW! Super Mario Bros. U


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Can you show me some examples?


I really loved the distortion effects on the ghost house level, I loved the backgrounds on the tropical/waterfall level and I also really liked the new cave levels backgrounds. Just my opinion, but I thought they looked really good.


Thanks to @bryanee for posting some shots, especially the ghost house one that I mentioned!

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Make sure to post your impressions in the thread, I'm quite interested in that one!


I do like that first world, but I still think the backgrounds aren't even remotely close to those found in DCKR.


The thing with DKCR is that the background played a part in the game itself. Alot of them interacted with you, hell you got to even run along parts of them.


God damn I gotta buy it again when the Wii U comes out.

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The thing with DKCR is that the background played a part in the game itself. Alot of them interacted with you, hell you got to even run along parts of them.


God damn I gotta buy it again when the Wii U comes out.

It's not just that though, but backgrounds like the jungle with the towering pyramid and Donkey Kong Statue on top are beautiful. And animated backgrounds like the level that has the waves rolling towards you that you have to avoid. Not saying Mario has to feature interactive backgrounds like that but there are better things that could be done with them.


Yeah I sometime regret trading the game in. Hopefully there'll be a sequel along at some point.

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Yeah I sometime regret trading the game in. Hopefully there'll be a sequel along at some point.


You traded DKCR? I love that game so much and thought it was a masterpiece. I actually enjoyed it more than NSMBWii. I hope it's playable on the Wii U tablet alone as it's the kind of game I can imagine myself playing through again using just the tablet as the screen whilst I'm half watching TV on the sofa.

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I do like that first world


I like all of the above. Well, maybe not the third; I have never really liked the swimming levels in Mario.


I still think the backgrounds aren't even remotely close to those found in DCKR.


I agree. DKCR is the most beautiful XY-platformer for, I don't know, over fifteen years? And the most fun too.


But how much more could they improve on the Mario formula without losing the Mario feeling? I would love to see actual concept art of gamers' own dreams, beside the one posted a couple pages back.

Edited by are1981
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The backgrounds are fine, a couple of nice ones (and a couple of plain, simple ones that look upscaled from the DS) but there's no creativity or originality there. Unlike Rayman, DKCR etc. I would never call the level design of the NSMB games lazy, just the art style of this particular game, because it clearly is.

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I'd genuinely like to see them try an animated/cartoony looking (like Wario Land Shake Dimension) 2D SMB.


You traded DKCR? I love that game so much and thought it was a masterpiece. I actually enjoyed it more than NSMBWii. I hope it's playable on the Wii U tablet alone as it's the kind of game I can imagine myself playing through again using just the tablet as the screen whilst I'm half watching TV on the sofa.
Yeah I just couldn't see myself replaying through it all again... at least not for quite sometime. But now I kinda have the urge to play the occasional stand-out levels. But I have too much else to playthrough anyway so.


Wonder if there's any chance of Wii games being put up as digital downloads on the Wii U. No reason why not.

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Today I was lucky enough to have been able to play New Super Mario Bros U. I went through the whole demo at the Play Expo (and managed to do so without losing any lives much to the surprise of the attendant).


First things first - the game looks great. For anyone worried that it might look a little standard or not be as attractive as it could be - you have no reason to be concerned. The game is full of colour, is very vibrant and the backgrounds look fantastic. I was surprised just how nice it looked.


Secondly, it plays really well. The level design on the levels I played was fantastic. It seemed like it was heavily influenced by Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros 3. There were plenty of secrets, a lot of verticality and an awful lot of do in the levels. The controls were tight and responsive and the squirrel power-up is really fun to use. One thing they kept from NSMBWii is the little extra boost at the end of your jump when you shake the remote, but they've also integrated it with the squirrel power-up so you can glide beneath a platform and then fly upwards at the last moment.


The thing I was most impressed with was the use of the tablet. I played one game as the fifth player and used the tablet to assist the other players. This feature is a lot deeper than you may think and is really fun and engaging. When you're using the tablet to assist you really feel like an integral part of the experience.


You not only place blocks, but you stun enemies, force turtles into their shells and cause power-ups to be dropped. You can be very creative with the blocks using them to trap enemies, stop piranha plants from coming out of pipes and use them to help players access secret areas. The team work between two players (one controlling Mario and the other adding platforms) is really fun and requires a lot of co-ordination and thought.


I can understand why people might have thought this was a gimmick or just another way to help less experienced players through a level, but it's much more than that. When playing with a seasoned player it actually allows for a well executed speed run and adds another layer of depth to the game.


Out of the different games I played I enjoyed NSMBU the most. It felt familiar but really fresh at the same time.

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very little i could add to the above, but if anything i can understand why people are "down" on NSMBU, in that its not as stand out as say Mario64, Mario Sunshine,Mario Galaxy or Super Mario 3DLand were when launched on their respective consoles, so as such it seems lacking in a way, in reality however it is not lacking anything it still has that mario charm that everyone loves

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  • 3 weeks later...

Coin Battle: Up to five players can play together and compete to see who can collect the most coins. One player will use the Wii U GamePad controller while the other four players use the Wii Remote controller. The player using the Wii U GamePad controller in Boost Mode can place Boost Blocks to help grab hard-to-reach coins. Players can also use the GamePad to edit and customize the coin layout in courses found only in Coin Battle. The coin layout can then be saved and played by the players using Wii Remote controllers.


OH MY GOD YES!!! I freaking LOVE the coin battle mode in NSMB Wii! (And that's a GODLY use of the Gamepad!). DO WANT!!! :D


There's more info here as well... http://www.gamexplain.com/article-885-1351616454-new-super-mario-bros-u---bulletpoint-preview.html


BTW, the more I hear about this game, the more I think that they should've called it New Super Mario World.

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Another VERY positive preview:


By far and away, New Super Mario Bros. U is not only a significant improvement on its 3DS counterpart, it’s rapidly shaping up to be one of the best Wii U launch titles. Regardless of what you thought about NSMB2, keep an eye out for this one. It has something for everyone, and is a clear tribute to Mario’s past while finding very smart ways to advance its future. Just weeks ago I was ready to dismiss Mario U. Not anymore.
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Here's the best bits from the IGN preview:


This is precisely what this franchise needs. It’s simultaneously respectful of its heritage while adding numerous new ideas in what amounts to a fantastic mix. In fact, alongside ZombiU, New Super Mario Bros. U is now my most anticipated Wii U launch game.


It’s clear that the team working on Mario’s inaugural Wii U adventure has a fondness for Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World. A great fondness. And for someone like me, whose childhood was defined by those experiences, that’s great news. The Torpedo Teds. The vast, continuous overworld that stretches and offers branching paths. The return of the Koopalings. Monty Moles. Perhaps more than any ‘New Mario’ game before it, this one brings back elements of some of Mario’s greatest adventures –some of the best in gaming history – and runs with them. And we’ll all benefit from that.


Nabbit is, quite simply, a thief. And you have to catch him if you want to recover the powerful prize he has stolen from the Toads – a P-Acorn that will give you the power of infinite flight. To do so you enter a stage you’ve already completed, this time risking life and limb to catch the little bugger.


Oh YES, it's back from SMB3!


New Super Mario Bros. U features a Challenge Mode, which tasks you with insane, incredible objectives that will push Mario veterans to their limits. Each ‘level’ is very simple in its design and execution - say a single, narrow platform surrounded by spikes - with an insane request - like dodging fireballs thrown by two devious Fire Bros. You’re then graded, and assigned a bronze, silver or gold trophy based on your performance.


For the first time ever, Nintendo will allow you to customize the level with coin placement. That’s right - you have hundreds of coins at your disposal, and can craft even crazier tasks for you and your friends, daring others to jump blindly off ledges or risk everything for just a little extra gold.


It seems like Nintendo are pulling out all the stops to add plenty of new features and added gameplay as well as Miiverse connectivity to make this the best NSMB game to date.


This looks awesome and clearly everything being said about this game from critics is the exact opposite to what the 'haters' are saying on forums!

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Once again, not bothering to give us original music for half the game. I wouldn't be surprised if the castle tracks are the usual stuff as well. So lazy, ffs Nintendo.

My god, I didn't notice at first when I saw the vids last night! That's awful!! Reusing the Wii soundtrack for the third time in a row ._.


I hope the final game will have original level music, but I believe this *is* the final build, so I'm not getting my hopes up. It's such a shame as music adds so much and creates a unique flavour to each game.


Have half the sound department died or something? Or are they busy on a million other things? Maybe they tried to come up with new themes and they were all total duds. Is it really just bare-faced laziness?? They do seem to have put effort in to the level design and content from a gameplay perspective. Really disappointed and confused. I suppose something had to rain on the parade.

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Can't wait for this game, seems like they've given the game justice. Still think the boss fights look cack though (the laziest pars of a lazy game in nsmb2).


With zombi u nailing it, Nintendoland nailing it and now mario. Things are looking very positive indeed. Now just nail miiverse and online Nintendo!

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"The previously stated information about video output for this game was inaccurate. The Wii U console supports video output of up to 1080p.

While all Wii U software titles display high definition graphics, resolution for specific titles may vary."


I could imagine Nintendo commenting and correcting the facts it if a journalist made a query on the 1080p output, but I did not expect Nintendo to publicly print this.

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Has anyone seen the GamesMaster review summary?


New Super Mario Bros. U


- May look the same, but there are some “incredible tweaks”

- GamesMaster feels it’s easier than NSMB Wii

- Took under seven hours to complete

- More to the game outside of the main campaign

- Most of the innovation is saved for the final levels

- “Without wishing to spoil anything, we were surprised, excited, and twinkly-eyed during an excellent finale. It’s almost as if Nintendo suddenly realised that they were in fact working with a Wii U, with a game-changing GamePad and everything.”

- Hopes Nintendo will “build on this solid, if not mind-blowing, foundation.”

- Graphics: 82%

- Gameplay: 85%

- Accessibility: 90%

- Lifespan: 80%

- Innovation: 75%

- Overall: 82%

- “A great excuse for families to gather round the TV, and an enticing glimpse of Mario’s HD future.”


Sounds good, but I'm taking the "7 hours to complete" as meaning "race through the minimum number of levels and see the credits. For me these games are all about the hidden coins and routes. There are whole worlds that can be skipped here apparently, but that's not why I shell out £40 for a new Mario game!


NSMB2, which wasn't earth shaking by any means, went up hugely in longevity and fun factor AFTER I'd "completed" it. Same for 3D Land.


As for the difficulty, so far I'd rank it NSMBWii > NSMB2 > NSMB. If it's somewhere between Wii and 2 that's fine by me.

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- More to the game outside of the main campaign


Given the plethora of different modes on offer, I can believe this. I get the feeling that this game is gonna have a LOT of longevity :)


I will profess though that I am a bit disappointed that it seems like it wont be as hard as NSMB Wii. Granted, it's the hardest game in the series and represents The Lost Levels if you were to chart the NSMB series against the SMB series timeline (SMB/NSMB, SMBLL/NSMBWii, SMB3/NSMB2, SMW/NSMBU), but I was still hoping for that kind of level of raw challenge.


Oh well, I guess that's what the in-game challenges are for!

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Not a bad review, but not as high as I'd hoped for. I reckon NSMBU is going to get some harsh reviews from people aiming to hate on the franchise.


I also think calling it a 7 hour game is laughable. If you literally run from A to B and do the bare minimum maybe. But if you get all the coins, secret exits and do all the challenges and speed runs I bet it's a lot longer.


One thing I do wonder about with these two reviews from GamesMaster is whether they actually have final review copies. The reason I wonder this is because the system isn't out in the US yet and we haven't seen a single US review.


I smell a little bullshit when a European publication which gets a super early review of a game when it's nearly a month until release and the US reviews aren't out and they're getting it two weeks before Europe.


Makes me wonder whether they've sat down with a proper copy and played it as it should be played or just had a few quite in-depth sessions at press events.

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