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Right so I finished the game, I think...


Tried to escape to the Tower of London but an exploding zombie got me. So can I not attempt this again? It says my save file is complete and won't allow me to select it.


That is correct... Weird huh!

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This game is not good for my heart rate. I lost another survivor when:


I was at the turrets by the palace and a whole swarm of them came at me. I fended them off for a while, and then seemed to spaze out due to my failure with the controls and ended up running back to the save point. A load of them followed me.


When I opened the door to leave the safe point later, one of them managed to get inside and destroyed me. :'(



On a good note, I destroyed @Blade's zombie. :D


Seriously, I'm bricking it most of the time playing this. By far the best survival horror I've ever played.

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This game is not good for my heart rate. I lost another survivor when:


I was at the turrets by the palace and a whole swarm of them came at me. I fended them off for a while, and then seemed to spaze out due to my failure with the controls and ended up running back to the save point. A load of them followed me.


When I opened the door to leave the safe point later, one of them managed to get inside and destroyed me. :'(



On a good note, I destroyed @Blade's zombie. :D


Seriously, I'm bricking it most of the time playing this. By far the best survival horror I've ever played.


Hahaha, seriously, wait till you get to the nursey, then you will know fear!

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This game is not good for my heart rate. I lost another survivor when:


I was at the turrets by the palace and a whole swarm of them came at me. I fended them off for a while, and then seemed to spaze out due to my failure with the controls and ended up running back to the save point. A load of them followed me.


When I opened the door to leave the safe point later, one of them managed to get inside and destroyed me. :'(



On a good note, I destroyed @Blade's zombie. :D


Seriously, I'm bricking it most of the time playing this. By far the best survival horror I've ever played.


Haha!! I think it was there where I panicked and scanned the zombies rather than get my bat out.


The game is fucking shit scary isnt it? Good job I dont suffer from any heart conditions if im being honest!

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Hahaha, seriously, wait till you get to the nursey, then you will know fear!


I'm not looking forward to that.


The palace is creepy as hell. The locations in this game are really well done. I do feel that I am right in the middle of an apocalypse. Everything feels dirty and torn.


Haha!! I think it was there where I panicked and scanned the zombies rather than get my bat out.


The game is fucking shit scary isnt it? Good job I dont suffer from any heart conditions if im being honest!


I don't really look forward to my playthroughs. It's in the same vein as when you see a massive ride at a theme park and you're thinking, "why the fuck am I here?"


All this talk and I really want to play through this again, damn too many games at the moment.


I've got 5 games already for this and am struggling to play them all. This, Need for Speed and Batman are taking up all of my time. :D


Also, whoever did the sound design for these zombies deserves a medal. Horrible. I LOVE smacking them with the bar, but the sounds are just yurrrrckkakvke.

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Fuuuuck thiis gaaaaame.


This is how tension is done. Fuck, I lost two survivors tonight. One of them was killed because I got rushed by about 4 zombies at once and the other one was a stupid kill. I hit the helmet off a riot police Zombie and it fell on the ground. Because it was dark, I couldn't see where it went. It ended up behind me and killed me in one hit.




I pulled off some spectacular shots tonight. I had two bullets left against about 4 zombies and somehow managed to get two headshots before dismantling the other two with the bat. My heart was racing and I was thinking shit, shit, shitttt.


I have no idea how I'm going to do this game on survival...:shakehead

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I think I might have to play this again soon, just to hunt down your zombified survivors and steal your gear. I actually felt guilty for doing over Stankind, he had soooo much ammo hahaha.


He was my favourite survivor as well, losing him then hitting a grenade zombie in the face with the bat, blowing us both up, on the way back to recover his loot myself almost made me stop playing the game! Glad it all went to a good home though ;)

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Fuuuuck thiis gaaaaame.


This is how tension is done. Fuck, I lost two survivors tonight. One of them was killed because I got rushed by about 4 zombies at once and the other one was a stupid kill. I hit the helmet off a riot police Zombie and it fell on the ground. Because it was dark, I couldn't see where it went. It ended up behind me and killed me in one hit.




I pulled off some spectacular shots tonight. I had two bullets left against about 4 zombies and somehow managed to get two headshots before dismantling the other two with the bat. My heart was racing and I was thinking shit, shit, shitttt.


I have no idea how I'm going to do this game on survival...:shakehead


The 'Circus' bit I found the most horrificly stressful... wait until you get there!


(Although nursery is the scariest by far!)

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I think ive got Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after playing some more of this game.


I'm guessing you got to the supermarket and found out the chocolate bar isle was empty? Don't worry mate... it's only a game!






I'm going to play some more of this tonight. I've got my GP's number on stand-by.

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@Sprout, cheers for your loot, brah. You must have had about 30 bullets in your backpack, aha. They came in useful. My current survivor is the best one yet. :D


I did really well tonight. Managed to get back to the Brick Lane flats and killed my old zombie. Made it through the next sequence all ok.


I've done the Brick Lane flats (for now, I expect) and now need to find the 7 Dee Letters.



Also, also:


That room with the zombie rave is really fucking weird. I almost felt bad for taking them out. Are they stoned? Mesmerised by the lights and sound? I was tempted to turn that sound off but I expected that they would just come and maul me.


The next room was even weirder, where you find that book. The zombies were just on the floor in a straight line up to that desk...creepy as fuck.


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That room with the zombie rave is really fucking weird. I almost felt bad for taking them out. Are they stoned? Mesmerised by the lights and sound? I was tempted to turn that sound off but I expected that they would just come and maul me.


The next room was even weirder, where you find that book. The zombies were just on the floor in a straight line up to that desk...creepy as fuck.


I really wanted to turn the music off too just to experience the probable chaos.. but I was too scared to attempt it :eek:


I'm definitely doing it next time, though :heh:


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I really wanted to turn the music off too just to experience the probable chaos.. but I was too scared to attempt it


I'm definitely doing it next time, though :heh:


I was really tempted, too. :D


There were about 6 of them? I had 4 bullets, haha. Or something really low like that. I seem to be going through most of this game with that loyal cricket bat. I wish you could find a crowbar or something...

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I had the crossbow for the 'disco' bit... that help a lot!


I have yet to find that. I think I've missed it somewhere.


I had a major FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU moment, again. I couldn't sleep at all last night, so decided to play this...until about 5:30 in the morning. The sun was coming up, it was quite eerie.


I've made it to the Tower of London.



But, I lost survivors along the way, quite a few in succession. My one survivor who I was going strong with was doing really well. I made it to the docks before the tower and I lost a shit ton of health. Then, somehow, I fell off the platform instead of using the ladder and died. No worries, I'll get my next survivor and get all my equipment back.




I got there, and my survivor had gone. I had lost my upgraded weapons, my shotgun, carbine, losts of flares...:'(


What's annoying is that if I had lasted another 10 minutes, there's a way back to the safe house just up ahead. I could have made it. My poor survivor. :'(


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@Fierce_LiNk glad you're still enjoying.

The crossbow is in Buckingham Palace, when you go in the lift from the underground, and enter the first big room with the large staircase. On the far left of the room is a secret opening, it looks like a recessed pilar, but upon approaching it, it opens like a revolving door. The crossbow is inside.



The reason I explicitly tell you the location of the crossbow, is that it is just an awesome weapon, and if you don't get to use it it would be a great shame. *Dreams of being Daryl, from The Walking Dead

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I have yet to find that. I think I've missed it somewhere.


I had a major FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU moment, again. I couldn't sleep at all last night, so decided to play this...until about 5:30 in the morning. The sun was coming up, it was quite eerie.


I've made it to the Tower of London.



But, I lost survivors along the way, quite a few in succession. My one survivor who I was going strong with was doing really well. I made it to the docks before the tower and I lost a shit ton of health. Then, somehow, I fell off the platform instead of using the ladder and died. No worries, I'll get my next survivor and get all my equipment back.




I got there, and my survivor had gone. I had lost my upgraded weapons, my shotgun, carbine, losts of flares...:'(


What's annoying is that if I had lasted another 10 minutes, there's a way back to the safe house just up ahead. I could have made it. My poor survivor. :'(


@Fierce_LiNk glad you're still enjoying.

The crossbow is in Buckingham Palace, when you go in the lift from the underground, and enter the first big room with the large staircase. On the far left of the room is a secret opening, it looks like a recessed pilar, but upon approaching it, it opens like a revolving door. The crossbow is inside.


Did you go back for the Crossbow yet Flink?

If not you should go back it is an awesome weapon.


Silently headshotting Zombies from a distance and then picking up your arrows later is awesome :D


(Though small tip

I do remember Spitters and Riot zombies dont die from an arrow headshot :mad:




Anyway I had a sudden urge to boot this game up for a few mins.

Remembered I had a Survivor file that is still yet to be finished (I've finished Survivor mode twice had started a 3rd run going for a high score but stopped right before the point of no return when I got Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate).


So booted that up... damn the tension of this game still rocks and makes me nervous :D LOVE IT


I worked out I was near the end of the game but decided best not continue the "Mission" as I'm way out of practice and instead just went through some of the early areas looking for stary zombies to kill...found a few and all are out of their misery.


Truth be told was hoping to find a Flinky Zombie running round but alas he was not to be found. Did find one player zombie but it was a random :heh:



The reason I explicitly tell you the location of the crossbow, is that it is just an awesome weapon, and if you don't get to use it it would be a great shame. *Dreams of being Daryl, from The Walking Dead

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Gave my cousins 3 kids (ages 17, 15 and 12) the fright of their lives letting them play the Demo of this over the weekend.


None had played the game or a Wii U before and hadnt seen ZombiU before so let them try the Demo.


As you know the demo takes place in the nursury anyone who has played the demo or been through that part of the game itself will prolly know exactly what scared the shit out them. Needless to say the whole atmosphere and tone of the game set them on edge from teh get go but "that bit" made all three not just jump, the one playing tried to cover his fave with the game pad (as he saw it happen on the TV so putting the gamepad to his face just made it worse HAHA) and one nearly jumped off teh sofa to hide and the other covered his face with hands.


Lots of screaming too.


Was awesome :D



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