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Oh god the only new game sounds pretty awful. There is no story, no check points, no end, no progression, you just last as long as can, die and start again as someone else. Fuck me that will get so boring so quickly...


Just when you thought this couldn't get any more depressing!

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Hmm, that demo on Gametrailers was pretty lacklustre. So there's no story or end to this game, it's just about seeing how long you can survive each time you respawn..?

Doesn't seem there'll be any co-op survival online. If not, I may well give it a miss.

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That's not a game, that's a time trial mode. Ubisoft in lazy game shocker!!

Maybe I'll change my mind on reflection, but at the minute I'm seriously doubting whether I'll want one of these at lunch, and I'm a nintendo fanboy. That says everything about how "good" this is!

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Yeah Ubisoft are alwats lazy/dissapointing at launch.


At least Rayman looks decent enough and is exclusive, and Assassins Creed III will be out on Wii U at the same time as the others, so that's a decent launch title.


But yeah, basically give us Watch Dogs! :p




I haven't played ME3, Batman, so there are those too, plus ACIII and Aliens etc... Wii Fit I wouldn't mind giving another go. And hey Nintendo World could be fun.


and Wario Ware.

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Yeah Ubisoft are alwats lazy/dissapointing at launch.


At least Rayman looks decent enough and is exclusive, and Assassins Creed III will be out on Wii U at the same time as the others, so that's a decent launch title.


But yeah, basically give us Watch Dogs! :p




I haven't played ME3, Batman, so there are those too, plus ACIII and Aliens etc... Wii Fit I wouldn't mind giving another go. And hey Nintendo World could be fun.


and Wario Ware.


This is another classic Ubisoft trailer for Nintendo, just like they showed for Red Steel when they first announced that. Those that saw the in-game demo can tell. It's not quite as good as that trailer makes out!

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I don't mind jusy suriving as long as I can, if I'm doing it online with three friends - L4D style. If I'm doing it alone and it's just to see if I can beat my old time, this can go straight to the bargain bin as I won't be buying it.


Sad, as this looked like ti had real promise.

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I still think it looks really awesome. Finally, you don't get bitten and then are fine after a little rest. It's what zombie games are meant to be like. Get bitten once and you're done. And they don't just all stand around you clawing you like in L4D.


They're probably going to have some sort of progression where you explore further and further along even if you die. And graphically, it looks really good. So I think it will be more than everyone is thinking and dismissing already. I'm likely buying it. Love zombies.

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Gameplay Walkthrough



After watching that the game just sounds appalling. I love the idea of one life and having to forage for stuff and things being in real time - a bit like the DayZ mod for ArmaII on the PC. But if it doesn't have the chance to work with others and it simply boils down to a single player time trial - it'll stink.

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Looking at it again, you can see that you have missions. He had to go to the Nursery. So you won't just be sitting in a place trying to survive as long as you can "horde mode" style. Also, it's real survival horror. Little bullets, little health, lots to lose.

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Looking at it again, you can see that you have missions. He had to go to the Nursery. So you won't just be sitting in a place trying to survive as long as you can "horde mode" style. Also, it's real survival horror. Little bullets, little health, lots to lose.


Well, if it turns out that way, and has online, I'd get it!

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I wish the trailer hadnt been pre-rendered, it was Red Steel's early videos all over again.


Game itself looks okay visually, but I'd like to see Direct Feed.


It's one of the only games so far that seems kind of representative of what ground up games that try to push visuals can do, since most other "hardcore" titles shown so far are ports.


On that, there's no evidence of anything going on that the other consoles cant do at all, so either Ubisoft are just lazy (which is what people will jump in to say now of course) or we can assume that the Wii U being roughly "current gen" is probably true.

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I had watched that video when I made the post. That's not what I'm meaning.


I mean, just direct feed footage of the game being played. 720p footage ideally. Full audio, no narration. No cuts to an old person talking about it.


We can hardly judge its complete visual fidelity from a video that shows like 5 seconds of fullscreen footage at a time.

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Nah, as I suspected, this game is just a launch day cash in. You can see by the quality of the assets but you would think they could at least add a few layers of shine before it's launched. I suspect the gameplay will be as mediocre. Hope I'm proven wrong.

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