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Splinter Cell: Blacklist


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I'm going back and forth as to whether to pick this up. I enjoyed the early SC games but as the series went on it turned into more of an action game rather than stealth.


Well if impressions are to be believed there is more emphasis on stealth this time, or at least you have more of an option. I agree though, as much as I enjoyed it, Conviction was an action fuelled romp. Looking forward to a return to stealth!

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I've only really played the original Splinter Cell on GC, which I enjoyed, but have been reluctant to continue with Pandora Tomorrow given how loud the disc is in my Wii when it loads.. which is constantly :hmm:


I had a look at this game but something about it just seems much less appealing than the first game and I don't find myself particularly interested..

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My copy of ONM arrived today and they reviewed this.


I'm sure most of you have already seen reviews elsewhere but this is their overall verdict:




Seems pretty good to be honest.


Might be one of those that goes down in price quickly though and is therefore worth waiting for? ::shrug:

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Got my copy, sat on my desk here at work... crap thing is, I'll not be playing it this weekend as my girlfriend booked a surprise weekend stay in north Wales. Gutted!


Nooo! (although I am sure will be a lovely weekend!) Haha mine hadn't arrived by the time I left for work, better be there when I get back! Also I pre ordered with Amazon and got an email with a download code for a tactical pre order pack which was news to me, anyone else get this?

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Played two missions so far. Hasn't impressed me as much as the Gamecube games yet, and I'm finding the controls a bit robotic, but gonna spend more time with it today, so hopefully things will improve :smile:


Load times are really annoying. They're even longer than LEGO City's! Wonder if they'rethis bad on PS360?

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Played two missions so far. Hasn't impressed me as much as the Gamecube games yet, and I'm finding the controls a bit robotic, but gonna spend more time with it today, so hopefully things will improve :smile:


Load times are really annoying. They're even longer than LEGO City's! Wonder if they'rethis bad on PS360?


The load times really do take the piss! I thought the game had crashed the first time.


Im really enjoying it but as ive not played a SC game before I cant compare it to the others. In this genre ive only played Twin Snakes on the cube and I cant remember much about it. Im getting to grips with everything at the minute and the stealth. I like the fact that save points are quite common meaning that if you fuck up you can easily try a differeny tactic without trawling through lots of the game.


Have you tried online yet? I had a brief "quick game" with randoms last night. I think I was a merc and was supposed to be defending these hacking points. I killed two people and literally within 2 mins of the game it ended and I won. No one else on my team killed anyone. I had no idea what happened. May try it out again later tonight. I imagine it is a lot better playing it with your mates to be honest.

Edited by Blade
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Played two missions so far. Hasn't impressed me as much as the Gamecube games yet, and I'm finding the controls a bit robotic, but gonna spend more time with it today, so hopefully things will improve :smile:


Load times are really annoying. They're even longer than LEGO City's! Wonder if they'rethis bad on PS360?


Apparently they are long but not as long as the Wii U version. The 360 is the fastest due to being able to install the game.

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Finished the campaign this afternoon. It got better as I got more used to the controls, but wasn't fussed about the story, which resulted in me skipping a lot of the cut scenes, to get on with the game. It was enjoyable enough, but not as memorable as the first few games in the series.


Anywhoo, currently playing the 4th Echelon missions, which are less linear than those in campaign mode, which also include Spec Ops style - defeat as many waves as you can - missions too. Lots more fun than the main game! Going to improve some high scores for the online leaderboards, and explore Spy Vs Mercs mode in the next few days, so looks like this game will be keeping me busy for some time!

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How many missions are there? They are taking me about 50 mins to complete. Does anyone know when you get to a save point whether you can switch off your console and come back to it later or do you have to complete the whole mission?

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How many missions are there? They are taking me about 50 mins to complete. Does anyone know when you get to a save point whether you can switch off your console and come back to it later or do you have to complete the whole mission?


You can quit a mission if you don't have time to finish - when you start up the game next time, the game will ask if you want to continue from your last checkpoint.


12 in Campaign

14 in 4th Echeleon


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completed the solo campaign last night, really enjoyed it all from start to finish, the genre is my cup of tea so really bought into the story, thouroughly enjoyed it! Loading times bordering on disgraceful though...


Just hope my net gets back online soon so I can attempt some spies vs mercs and the 4E missions as co-op as well as solo!

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