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  Hero-of-Time said:
Not yet. Capcoms Sven will probably tease about a western release for a year or so and then then game will just not get released.

Ah I see, won't hold my breath then, cheers.

  • 2 weeks later...

EX Troopers promo.


- e-Capcom sales site posted a listing for an exclusive limited edition

- ¥9,990 on the 3DS

- includes a figure of the Tikki character with stand, a rubber strap for Tikki, and another rubber strap selected at random

- standard version includes just the random rubber strap


  yesteryeargames said:
Looks brilliant, didnt know it was coming on ps3 as well sigh


Sigh? Multiplatforms are a good thing and is what the industry needs right now. It's also a massive boon for consumers who are able to experience a game regardless of their choice of platform.


That and it's a new IP, so it could do with some coverage.


I'm liking the look of it personally, I'm still assuming this is going to be an alternative to their own Monster Hunter series, so they can further compete with other publishers (like Namco with their God Eater series, Sega with their Phantasy Star series) by utilising a different style and setting.

Posted (edited)

PS3 Version will have online multiplayer, 3DS version won't. If you want to play with friends it's going to have to be locally.

Which is a bit sad to hear if I'm honest.

Edited by -Dem0-
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
...EX Troopers isn't part of the LP series officially (thus the difference in name) nor are there plans to bring it Westward at this time. - Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-President at Capcom


As expected by most, although I thought this had a better chance to be localised than a few other titles.

Maybe we'll be surprised some time down the line.


I actually feel a little sorry for Sven this time. He has taken a beating for teasing the MH series in the West and now you comes out and says this, which is a pretty standard reply for the games industry, and people are still kicking off with him.

  Hero-of-Time said:
I actually feel a little sorry for Sven this time. He has taken a beating for teasing the MH series in the West and now you comes out and says this, which is a pretty standard reply for the games industry, and people are still kicking off with him.


But it's not just that it's also the whole megaman issue as well, the fact is we western people do want Japanese games *Shock* not all of us want dudebro games. which is what Capcom thinks we all want. Rather than give us Monster Hunter, we will get Lost Planet 3 instead, or another Dragons Dogma, cause we all know how that sold better then Monster Hunter 3.


We just want to know if we are getting games, plain and simple, not being teased every 2 weeks saying 'We have something we want to tell you but, we can't tell you and we will keep reminding you of how much you want such and such japanese game' Sven would be liked a whole lot more i he just keep his fucking mouth shut.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

So the demo is out now in Japan! Here' 30 mins of footage from the 3DS one...



Man that looks fun as hell. Simple, uncomplicated gameplay and a nice light hearted feel. Love it! :D (and I hated the Lost Planet games!)


Supposedly it also runs in 60FPS in 3D to boot! :o though strangely enough the PS3 version apparently struggles to maintain even 30FPS :confused: (really weird when you look at the good ports that Hexadrive, the guys doing the PS3 port of EXTroopers, have done before)


How the hell do Capcom get so much more out of the 3DS hardware than anyone else!? (Even for a PS3 game, it's good looking!)


Edit: Just tried out the PS3 demo for myself. It IS fun :) Feels like a simplified Lost Planet meets a simplified, pick up and play Monster Hunter. Definitely more fun in co-op than in single player.


You select from a variety of weapons and blast through different missions,- similar to Monster Hunter, but rather than having a set of environments that you explore where monsters roam free, the game is split up into different linear levels that you charge through (mostly involving you killing all that stands before you, protecting your allies who are opening doors up for you and eventually coming face to face with a boss like foe at the end. However, instead of getting materials that you gather from the boss enemies, it seems that the main replayability factor comes from speed running as it records your best times for each level. It's fun and though it doesn't have the depth of either of those games (certainly not Monster Hunter), it feels like a nice melding of the two concepts :)


I want! (oh and sadly it seems the reports about the PS3 version's framerate were spot on. It's bad, especially the 3rd stage in co-op, which is practically a slideshow - quite literally going down to the low teens at points :( )

Edited by Dcubed

It's just a demo right? They might just need some more time to fix the frame rate up though it is weird that the PS3 is struggling to run a 3DS game :p Does the PS3 version have 3DTV support?

  f00had said:
It's just a demo right? They might just need some more time to fix the frame rate up though it is weird that the PS3 is struggling to run a 3DS game :p Does the PS3 version have 3DTV support?


No. It also only runs in 720p.


Pretty crazy really to see a 3DS run circles around a PS3! (what's even crazier perhaps is that the game's visuals hold up really well on the TV - If you hadn't told me it was originally a 3DS game and that it was a PS3 exclusive, I'd believe you!)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Just saw your post Khilafah..


I really hope there's some saving grace in the full version that's absent in the demo, because as I said in the 3DS thread regarding my thoughts of it, I'm feeling incredibly let down.

  • 3 weeks later...
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