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If Nintendo go totally HD collection crazy on Wii U...

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But if Beverage may share his opinion on the 'supporting a company' topic: He doesn't see anything wrong with showing interest and following any company


Of course not, he's him.


I don't see any reason to cheer on a company when it breaks into the casual market, a market I do not belong to, and at the same time focusing less on making games I like. In fact, I wouldn't say any of us here are part of the casual market, yet we should be impressed with Nintendo? Ok...


I like a company when it gives me games like, but if that changed I wouldn't stick with them like some deranged fanboy. What's the sense in backing a company because they were really great back in 1998?


Maybe I'm being harsh, I dunno. Just seems really silly to me.



You guys posting that you are bored; seriously? You are both regulars on the Wii forums, surely you have a much higher boredom threshold than this? (ooh, burn).

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I actually agree with you, but I do try to see Nintendo's vision: What's the true difference between the hardcore and casual gamer? Do they not play and enjoy games of their own tastes? You could even thank the casual for existing, otherwise Ninteno wouldn't have aimed higher and innovated with the wiimote idea (and such other ideas) which has hightened the possibilities of gameplay potential - and dare I say, possibilities of new and unique gamesez.


Don't worry, I understand Nintendo is obviously catering more for the latter audience by going as far as making 'hardcore games' (so to speak) more accessible for them thus ruining the hardcore experience. But I think that I do see their vision of their goal which they are attempting to reach.


But yeah, how are they bored??? This is a passionate clash of opinions from two pr0s in a Nintendo related topic!!

Edited by Beverage
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Two different people with two different views. Perhaps we were destined to continue until the launch of Super WiiUltra2 in 2018, but I doubt either of us really wants to ramble on for that long.


If you're happy to draw a line under this @Sheikah, so am I. Lets put everything down to two different opinions based on interpreting information differently.


Incidentally, if there were a line of HD Classics on WiiU if Eternal Darkness was not one of them it would be criminal.

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Playing Twilight Princess recently has made me realise it'd be a perfect candidate for an HD version.


In no way does it need a remake, but if Nintendo simply offered it on Virtual Console, which version would it be? They could offer both, but it would seem inelegant. Far better to make a new version that, when used with a traditional controller, has left-handed Link in the overworld that has Kakariko village in the East. When used with the Wii Remote, it'd obviously be just the same as the Wii version. So, what would the benefit for those who just want the GameCube version, apart from HD? Widescreen. I think it could be a great deal more enjoyable in widescreen.

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Is widescreen that important?


Not really, no. :heh: It's more to do with (as you say) filling HDTVs.


Hmm, I suppose it will be when Nintendo (and myself) go HD with the Wii U. I still game in 4:3 standard def. :cool:


So do I! To me, widescreen gaming has always looked bad in SD (PS2 included, not just Wii), then when I put it in 4:3 mode it all looks so much better.


Twilight Princess wasn't widescreen on the GameCube???



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