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New Super Mario Bros 2


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Hmm, no DLC for me. £2 per pack is not bad, but if there are eventually three sets at £6 each (and I've done my maths right), you'd end up paying £18 for the whole lot. What are the chances you'll really think it was worth paying £18 just to expand your game a bit? I'm sorry, I know it's optional, but I hope it's not a sign of the future.


The only one I'm tempted by is the Gold Rush pack, but I'd be paying real money just to get virtual money. The more I think about it, the more I think the coin-collecting aspect of NSMB 2 is an enormous experiment in satire!

I agree. The pricing on 3DS DLC so far, is off the mark I reckon. :blank:

It's the same (or even worse) with Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. Additional tracks cost 90p each on that one, to download 'em all would cost £46! :o Combine that with the cost of the game itself... that be like early 90's game prices again! *shivers* :heh:

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Hmm, I'm not sure I buy into this idea that you'd feel compelled or obligated to get every bit of DLC. Surely the point is you just choose which catches your eye. Then you play it, and if you enjoy it, you can get another one for a measly couple of quid. You'd only do that if you think it's worth it.


If you don't think it's worth it, you just... don't.


Surely if you're a fan of a game, this way beats holding out multiple years for a £20 expansion pack or full-blown sequel.


There are really worse ways of incorporating DLC than releasing 3 extra levels for £2 - be thankful Nintendo isn't one of those publishers.

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I really hate that they don't just have the levels in a separate world for you to play through. It's so ridiculous it makes me want to bite my 3ds. Maybe I don't want to play through the first two levels just to play the third.


Can anyone tell me what logic there is not allowing us to pay the levels independently?

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Can anyone tell me what logic there is not allowing us to pay the levels independently?




On the topic of DLC, I'm pretty much over it in general, but bite-sized DLC like the songs for Theatrhythm is really off-putting and ends up being way more expensive than bigger DLC packs if you want all/most of it.

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It is extra content though, and it has been developed so they deserve money. It'd be ridiculous for it to just be like 50p
Not if you consider the potential amount they can sell, and I believe this game has already sold over 2 million copies, so that be a lot. :hehe:


Obviously not every single person that bought the game will purchase DLC, probably not even half. But if say 500,000 did, (not unreasonable I think) then even at 50p a pop, Nintendo would still be looking at 250k.

I'm pretty sure that covers the development cost of a stage somehow. :laughing:


Not only that, but they'd blatantly sell more DLC if it was cheaper too.

We all know that Nintendo really want to avoid the iTunes style business model though, which is fair enough and I agree with them for their games. But for DLC I reckon it'd make a lot more sense to keep the prices as low as possible.

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Not if you consider the potential amount they can sell, and I believe this game has already sold over 2 million copies, so that be a lot. :hehe:


Obviously not every single person that bought the game will purchase DLC, probably not even half. But if say 500,000 did, (not unreasonable I think) then even at 50p a pop, Nintendo would still be looking at 250k.

I'm pretty sure that covers the development cost of a stage somehow. :laughing:


Not only that, but they'd blatantly sell more DLC if it was cheaper too.

We all know that Nintendo really want to avoid the iTunes style business model though, which is fair enough and I agree with them for their games. But for DLC I reckon it'd make a lot more sense to keep the prices as low as possible.

I'm all for the slight premium to help Nintendo get back into the black to stop idiot investors and analysts saying they need to go mobile and develop for iOS

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À la carte pricing is always more expensive than in bulk. That is perfectly normal and expected.


I have no real problem with the pricing for each individual piece of add on content in either Theathrhythm or NSMB2 and I think that they easily justify their monitory value.


However, I don't like the fact that there's no discount for buying in bulk. It's especially cheeky in NSMB2 where you actually are given an option to buy in bulk, but it's no cheaper than buying them seperately whatsoever.


Economies of scale should be in use here and it absolutely is not :mad: It only becomes even more off putting down the line where there's lots of add on content already available (I'm looking at you Fire Emblem Awakening!)

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Economies of scale should be in use here and it absolutely is not :mad: It only becomes even more off putting down the line where there's lots of add on content already available (I'm looking at you Fire Emblem Awakening!)


And that's the thing - is this a start as they mean to go policy? I personally think they the prices are a little high considering what the main game already offers content wise. It's not like they are rewriting the game engine or adding new effects - it's using assets that are already on the card to populate new levels.


I'm not enitely convinced for the need to offer discounts for buying all the levels in one go if they are priced correctly to begin with... but then I don't feel these are - I'm not sure economies of scale really apply in a digital sense but it works as a good will gesture. And it's not like Nintendo are reknowned for their online sales - an online sale for Nintendo means giving us something we never had, though someone else has, with most amount of effort spared for an inflated price tag.


The sheer volume of FE content, and possible "Game of the Year" editions does have me worried.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The first batch were incredibly small too. If that's true I'm truly disgusted and surprised in Nintendo. Never thought they would do this...

Of course it's not true. I was being facetious. All the assets required are on the cartridge. The levels are just collections of mapped out ones. It just calls those assets so it doesn't need them

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Seems there was a mini Nintendo Direct last night/this morning. It had details for some new DLC levels for this game, which are free in Japan until the end of January.



Golden Classic Course Pack


Includes remade levels from;


Super Mario Bros 1-1, 1-2, and 1-4


Super Mario Bros 3 1-1 and 1-5


Available for FREE from 11/27 to 1/31 (in Japan) and 200 yen after that.

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Seems there was a mini Nintendo Direct last night/this morning. It had details for some new DLC levels for this game, which are free in Japan until the end of January.


Beautiful. They also included some new assets in them. Wonder if they'll be live for us today like the others were

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Hang on a tick? Aren't we missing a course pack?


Shouldn't there be another one containing SMB3 levels? Or does this include the 2 extra levels hidden away somehow? (Not gonna get a chance to play it till later on)

Edited by Dcubed
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