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Pokémafia 14 : Fate of the Omni-Verse


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lol full roleclaim


Vote No Lynch - 12 ; Jonnas, Tales, EddieColeslaw, heroicjanitor, Cube, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Frag Grimes, DuD, Jimbob, The Peeps, Rummy, Nintendohnut.


Vote The Peeps - 3 ; EEVILMURRAY, Cube.


spot the difference

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Well if people want to vote for an inactive we can go that way. Otherwise it'll be a no lynch.









Frag Grimes







The Peeps



Order of Inactivity (lowest 5):





Frag Grimes


Frag Grimes hasn't been posting in the weather mafia either so his inactivity isn't limited to this game. He may still be mafia but at least we know his inactivity isn't a ploy.


Nintendohnut is a concern as he's not usually so quiet.


Jimbob is usually quiet anyway but should probably be looked into tonight if possible.


Diageo has had exams or something? Legitimate reasons for inactivity lately.


The problem with voting for an inactive player is that we don't know if they're a mafia lying low or just a disinterested townie. I think Frag Grimes is more likely the latter as he's a new player and hasn't been posting in the other game either. Having said that, he could still be mafia just by chance.


I would personally rather go for a Vote: No Lynch.

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I've had such little time for this game i'm actually lost with it at the moment, i'm gonna have to go back to the beginning i think if i'm gonna pick it back up


Should a lynch be in order, ill have a look through and decide for myself


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OK you Jive turkeys, I have done my analysis.


First up, toniest to scummiest:


maddog (N/A neutral)





The Peeps














Gonna get some dinner and start posting the individual breakdowns. Since its not totally tidy it might affect the above order, but not by much

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I've just spent what seems like ageeees going throught the entire thread, and the most notable thing is how reluctant anyone is to give info... even me in this game, because i've been so forthcoming in the last i don't know how many games.


There are 7 people we know diddly squat about. We know 6 peoples powers, 3 of these have died. We know 5 peoples pokemon, again 3 are dead.

Peeps is the most forthcoming with information.. we literally know everything he's done so far, so i trust him the most.

Yvonne is very VERY quiet. I love how your at the top of your list for strongest (alive) town and have absolutely no right to be there?! The only thing going for you is that Peeps said he trusts you.


I do have info on my night actions that i could report.. however my info will not help the game in any way, only reveal my power, and so i won't be revealing it until such a time it becomes worth while.

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let me know if I've got anything wrong there


also what the fuck, everyone assumes that they're going to claim town, so why bother reviewing my own play? Y'all are fools


Also to reiterate an earlier conclusion - Tales was a regular cop. He said himself he had been negatively affected for the following night - fuck knows why he didn't think that might MEAN something. The result on Sméagol was false, and the result on Eddie was correct.


Also I'd like to draw everyone's attention to Jimbob. He claimed to be roleblocked same day as Eddie. Fact is, Sméagol was dead by then. Only one blocker left. I think Jimbob is the mafia roleblocker killer, claiming to be roleblocked to cover his tracks.


* when I say is the killer, I mean knows the killer, at the very least

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If something bad is gonna happen, I stop it. So I guess that's like roleblocks and investigation manipulation. Definitely worked on Sméagol N1 (protected DuD). I guess the underground thing (jailkeep) doesn't count as negative.


I do not protect kills though!




vote Jimbob

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Brilliant write-up, although I'm not quite sure where some of your trust and suspicious come from (including why I seem to be the "least scummy").


Good reasoning with Jimbob: Vote: Jimbob


Also, based on that sheet, I do suspect that Dohnut is the mafia tracker and tried to kill last night.

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That's in the in depth notes, which I don't have the heart to format for n-europe tonight. Maybe I should crack out the python?




I mean script the format conversion from wikidot to vbulletin. Yeah.


Anyway, tomorrow!

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Sorry to be a party pooper...


I'm sure Yvonne's intentions are good, but don't follow this lynch based on this assumption alone.. Jimbob has told the truth about being roleblocked

Also I'd like to draw everyone's attention to Jimbob. He claimed to be roleblocked same day as Eddie. Fact is, Sméagol was dead by then. Only one blocker left. I think Jimbob is the mafia roleblocker killer, claiming to be roleblocked to cover his tracks.

I'm not saying he's not mafia, so if theres anything else vote away :)

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It's not a certainty but he's quiet and it's inconsistent. Here's his story:



alignment: leaning scum

pokemon: ???

role: ???

status: Alive


  • N1 ???
  • N2 ???
  • N3 ???
  • N4 ??? claim roleblocked
  • N5 ??? claim roleblocked


  • D1 No lynch
  • D2 No lynch
  • D3
  • D4
  • D5
  • D6 Diageo


  • D1 No lynch
  • D2 I'm in the writeup. Got no info.
  • No lynch
  • let's end today already
  • D3 Nothing to add, so inactive.
  • D4 claim RB'ed (protector?)
  • D6 Vote Diageo. Busy. Roleblocked?
  • I was attacked by large pokemon!
  • I will choose my own lynch (scummmmmyyyy)


Let's compare to a townie like Peeps:



The Peeps

alignment: leaning town

pokemon: Aggron

role: Power thief

status: Alive


  • N1 not DuD, roleblocked
  • N2 Yvonne, all good
  • N3 Sméagol, brutal roleblocker
  • N4 Tales, knocked by beam
  • N5 Jonnas, reached Eddie


  • D1 No lynch
  • D2
  • D3
  • D4 Sméagol
  • D5
  • D6


  • D1 No lynch
  • D2 Large pokemon prevented me reaching my target. I think I'm in writeup. Didn't target DuD.
  • I like info!
  • claim white & grey, claim roleblocked.
  • D3 Suggests scum have power cop
  • I targeted Yvonne (info role?)
  • I am Grey & White. (so, entered something into a device. pokedex? pokechecker?)
  • D4 Maybe the storm is the killer? (nope!) I find it scummy that you'd fish for a cop.
  • I workin' hard with my device!
  • Vote Sméagol, I believe Tales
  • The mistrust relates to your power.
  • I don't think the other blocker should come forwards.
  • I'm keeping my vote, apparently you RB in a brutal way
  • I release my info how I please sukka!
  • I not rolecop. (Power description?) N2 targeted Yvonne, who is probably town (damn straight!)
  • Yes, Sméagol.
  • I reveal no more.
  • Lie detect me if you're not sure!
  • what's your (Sméagol's) pokemon?
  • this could be an easy lie. 2nd roleblocker will rpobably stay quiet (there's enough to lynch without them speaking up).
  • Y u think I scum? Points out logical flaw that means 2nd RB will never come forward. Reiterates Tales result.
  • Explains a bit more, claims targets. RB N1, Yvonne N2, Sméagol N3
  • I'm just acting on the info. You are scummy.
  • I'm not a cop of any kind. (Power copier/stealer?)
  • my PM says you brutally roleblock people.
  • Targeted tales, but hit by a blast of power, didn't reach.
  • claim plz eddie!
  • I not in the writeup.
  • Jonnas you scummy beggar!
  • I wanted to check Tales out.
  • That part of the writeup is about Tales, corroborates my PM.
  • Who's got the double vote? (I think it's deducible at this point)
  • Points out that yes, Sméagol had some fucked up vote shenanigans. Whats the deal with that?
  • mr-paul's target probably would have been blasted too? Give us some info Eddie.
  • I was trying to lie low! Trust Eddie a bit.
  • I didn't start the fire!
  • I trust Eddie now
  • She's telling the truth about her power.
  • My original target was Jonnas
  • So those are Danny's colours?
  • I know Yvonne was town, otherwise I'd have called your scumminess.
  • I'd go for a Jonnas lynch...
  • Info splurge

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Also I'd like to draw everyone's attention to Jimbob. He claimed to be roleblocked same day as Eddie. Fact is, Sméagol was dead by then. Only one blocker left. I think Jimbob is the mafia roleblocker killer, claiming to be roleblocked to cover his tracks.


* when I say is the killer, I mean knows the killer, at the very least


Error of judgement. I have no idea who the mafia roleblocker killer is, just to make that 100% clear.


Sorry to be a party pooper...


I'm sure Yvonne's intentions are good, but don't follow this lynch based on this assumption alone.. Jimbob has told the truth about being roleblocked


I'm not saying he's not mafia, so if theres anything else vote away :)


Indeed that is true, i was roleblocked. I've played an honest game, and i intend to play honest throughout the games i play. Yes, it may be a quiet game*. That is because i have no information any night at all, because i don't go for targets. I recieve a PM back when i am targetted only, i don't target people.


I can't quote the entire PM, but i will say this. I am informed if someone targets me. And if players who are capable of evolving target me, they evolve.


Not a quote i don't think, but it will do.


*Just to make it clear, i'm not intentionally being quiet. Got random, mixed up shifts at work. And the mobile internet isn't much good (nearly used the max 1gb, so taking it carefully). Thought i'd throw that in there just to be clear, in case people are thinking that is my role.


Not really much more i can add without quoting my PM, which i can't do as it is against the rules. I will add this though, i am the grass Pokemon Snivy


I believe DuD is an investigator, because his accounts of my actions are true. That is my 2 cents. Oh, and watch out for Yvonne. Seemingly adding themselves to the top of their own list of townie-scummy players, i do action an agreement with Rummy on his views.


I'll be back in the morning.

Edited by Jimbob
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Sorry guys, I've had a really busy few days since Thursday, and I've just got back to Uni this weekend too.


Since I've not been able to post, I'll let you know that my powers are roleblock & proctect. I've used my power once, but it was unsuccessful - my target was @Rummy.


I'll try to catch up on this tomorrow afternoon after I've finished my filming.

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