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Pokémafia 14 : Fate of the Omni-Verse


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What about five gloating scumnags? :grin:


But seriously, the game should've ended the moment Eevil died. Everything else since then was us finding ways to taunt.


You can't kill me. I can protect myself, can't be roleblocked or redirected.


Yeah, we found all of that the hard way, really.

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Nintendouchebag! :p


Seriously, though, it's quite uncharacteristic of you to accuse people on so little grounds.


To be fair I wasn't trying to be a douchebag. If it wasn't already won by today I was genuinely going to try to shift focus onto you because I DO have the same power as you. Actually I had decided to reveal myself much earlier in the game (day 5 or 6 i think?) but between making that decision and coming online, you came out as a character investigator. I knew I couldn't come out then because one of us would clearly be mafia and while you might be lynched first, I'd then be lynched. so I had to lay low! But all the way through I kept trying to hint that I found you suspicious. Had we needed another distraction I as going to try and push a lynch on you to keep things away from the rest of us - I just wanted to keep the story going a little further :)


Where the hell is Rez?!

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Also, I find it funny that we were all so obviously mafia but there was no danger of any of us being lynched at any point of the game.


Other than having similar powers (and you disrupting investigations) there was nothing on any of you - and townie deaths showed that townies can also have similar powers.


There was much more on Diageo, and possibly Dannyboy.


Who had the power to weaken people's power for the next day?

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I wasn't saying that our powers were obviously mafia, just responding to the comments further up where people were saying their suspicions throughout the game have been right - if they were they weren't acted on, unfortunately for you!


As for the power weakening... wait for the reveal...

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To be fair I wasn't trying to be a douchebag. If it wasn't already won by today I was genuinely going to try to shift focus onto you because I DO have the same power as you. Actually I had decided to reveal myself much earlier in the game (day 5 or 6 i think?) but between making that decision and coming online, you came out as a character investigator. I knew I couldn't come out then because one of us would clearly be mafia and while you might be lynched first, I'd then be lynched. so I had to lay low! But all the way through I kept trying to hint that I found you suspicious. Had we needed another distraction I as going to try and push a lynch on you to keep things away from the rest of us - I just wanted to keep the story going a little further :)


Where the hell is Rez?!


The douchebag comment was aimed at your last post, when everything had been revealed. :p All in jest, of course. ;)


You kept hinting at me being suspicious, but you never presented any reasoning, and staying as quiet and secretive as you did was not like your usual playing style at all.


Other than having similar powers (and you disrupting investigations) there was nothing on any of you - and townie deaths showed that townies can also have similar powers.


There was much more on Diageo, and possibly Dannyboy.


Who had the power to weaken people's power for the next day?


Hm? Why me?


I wasn't saying that our powers were obviously mafia, just responding to the comments further up where people were saying their suspicions throughout the game have been right - if they were they weren't acted on, unfortunately for you!


As for the power weakening... wait for the reveal...


Well, they were gut feelings, and obviously more towards the end of the game, but then I never really trust my gut feelings. Perhaps I should have this time around. :heh:

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Hm? Why me?


Eddie and mr-paul were cleared from the power-damaging power. You were the only other person to target the affected person.


It would be hilarious if it turns out that the mafia has mis-counted something.

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Cybernetic Mewtwo having now been revealed rallied his troops. The battle took a sinistet and unexpected twist. The remaining mafia members revealed themselves and started attacking ruthlessly and without mercy.




Dannyboy-the-Dane is dead. He was Espeon, with his psychic powers he could investigate players and discover who they are.




Diageo is dead. He was Umbreon, with his dark vortex he could protect players, but enhance negative affects.




Yvonne is dead. He was Pikachu, with his storm abilites he could protect players from negative affects.




Cube is dead. He was Cubone, with his bonemerang he could track and reverse track players.




EddieColeslaw is dead. She was Wailmer, she could protect players from being killed and would swallow a copy of their PM.


Cybernetic Mewtwo hopped into the bottom of his tower. A second player followed him.






Golduck's hologram was turned off to reveal Tentacruel. The two figures climbed the tower and activated the doomsday device. The energy was pulled out of the restrained Pikachu and it yelped in pain, screaming loudly. It was in so much pain, and it was now lacking in energy that it was killed. The doomsday device turned the clouds pitch black, multi coloured lightning started thundering down from the sky, and the very fabric of reality began to crack and tear.


Below the tower three figures remained and they too began to fill with dread. What had they done? Cybernetic Mewtwo and Tentacruel remained calm as they looked around them, witnessing holes appearing in the ground, rain pouring from the skies, and fractures appearing in large masses of land. The tower began to glow brightly, loud cracks of ear shattering blasts started to pierce the landscape. The Earth shook. Cybernetic Mewtwo and the other remaining Pokemon vapourised. The Earth began to implode, and dark matter spewed out of the colossal explosion that ensued. The Universe was sucked into the hole where the Earth stood.


And then there was nothing.







Congratulations to the winners. Jonnas, Nintendohnut, DuD, mr-paul and heroicjanitor.




Cybernetic Mewtwo Mkii Armor w/ Hologram machine (Mafia Don) (Apocalypse Cannon, Reflection Armor, Lord of Evil Revealed) On even night phases, if Cybernetic Mewtwo performs the mafias kill, he will bypass the targets defensive powers and will roleblock anyone targeting the player. If Cybernetic Mewtwo is investigated, tracked/other investigative type abilities, the investigator will target itself (and will be unaware of redirection). When a succesful lynch occurs on Cybernetic Mewtwo, its full role will be revealed to all, and Cybernetic Mewtwo remains in the game (unless it is the last mafia member remaining). (Jonnas)




Tentacruel w/ Hologram machine (Pokedex Devolution Beam, Ink Splash, Clear Body) Tentacruel can target a player and blast them with his advanced Pokedex cannon. You will discover which Pokemon they are currently, and if applicable they will devolve. You can target a second player to be squirted with ink, blending into the darkness they will not appear in the write up. Tentacruel has a clear body and is immune to other abilities. (Nintendohnut)




Gengar (Ghost, Possession, Roleblocker) Gengar is ghost type and cannot be targeted by physical attacks. Gengar can possess another player that has already voted and force them to vote for a second player. Gengar can target a player in the night phase and smash into them, roleblocking them. (DuD)




Jolteon (Expert Tracking and Interception) Jolteon can target a player, you will track them, reverse track them and if they receive a PM you will also receive the PM. (heroicjanitor)




Mime Jr (Invisible Wall, Psychic Vortex) Mime Jr cannot be killed at night and takes +1 to be lynched. Mime Jr can target a player in the night phase. Anyone targeting that player will be supercharged, the player themselves will be randomly redirected and have their power reduced for the following night. Mime Jr can evolve. (mr-paul)


Full town and neutral roles will follow. Or you can just post your PM. But I will do a final post with everything.





It is a sad day, the end of the Cybernetic Mewtwo saga.








In an alternate universe....another evil was brewing. You can enjoy more Pokemon Mafia goodness in

Pokemafia EX Alpha 1


Coming Soon!

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Odd. Eddie said her power was only reduced on one of the times she was targeted, and said that she was redirected to me when I was affected. Same with when The Peeps was affected.


Cube, you are Cubone. A member of the town.




Cubone (Boomerang Tracker) You can target a player and throw a boomerang onto them. You will track and reverse track that player, however your bone-boomerang will prevent them from feeling any effects of superchargers.

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Odd. Eddie said her power was only reduced on one of the times she was targeted, and said that she was redirected to me when I was affected. Same with when The Peeps was affected.


That was my original PM before I evolved.

As you know, once I evolved I directed two people to each other. The smaller pokémon would have their power reduced.


Great game ReZ! We did have very strong powers, but the town's play was sloppy, there were several nights when we didn't successfully kill.

There was even a night where we didn't get our act together with our targets, so ReZ accepted a silly plan that wasn't thought through in which we sent Jonnas to kill Peeps, but redirected Eddie the protector to Peeps too! That cleared me for a while until Cube and Eddie started getting suspicious.


yet we managed to win with a full team. I think we were very lucky to find Rummy messing with PMs when we did, otherwise the game might have panned out differently.


First pokémafia I have won out of 13 I've been in, I have a lot better survival rate in other games! Hence why I asked ReZ to be unkillable and unlynchable!

Edited by Mr-Paul
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We did indeed not play well, but then I don't feel we had much to go on. And the few times that we did act on suspicion alone, we got it wrong, proving how uncertain that method can be. After that we weren't really keen on making any more wrong lynches.


But still, clear victory for the mafia.


I'm excited to hear ReZ's thoughts on the game.

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Well, we did "lynch" one of them.


Only after I told you he was the killer. ReZ actually suggested it, wanted Cybernetic Mewtwo to be revealed before the end. So we didn't hide him from the write up last night. He could have ended the game when EEVIL was killed, there was no way of you reaching majority. But because of moving house and the story's sake he asked us to just spend the day messing with you until he could do the final write up :)

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Yeah if you look back, we specifically didn't hide Jonnas in the write-up and then me, mr-paul and heroic (I think?) all came out with information that incriminated Jonnas.


I enjoyed this game a lot. My power wasn't the most useful in the world to the mafia (well, the ink part was) but the fact that I couldn't be targeted was forgotten about early on. Obviously Danny managed to get to me, but Tales called me out on it early in the game and it wasn't followed up on.


Still, I think we played quite well as a team. Once heroic infiltrated Diageo's and Dannyboy's secret group I think it would've been very difficult for us to lose, but one slip up and it could've all gone very differently.

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I only see you pointing out what was already visible. The only reason I wasn't voting was due to Jonnas' invisible redirection power (on top of his unlynchable, undetectable, unstoppable and unblockable powers).


(I also shouldn't have received the information which "cleared" Jonnas from being the killer, but ReZ told me to use it anyway)

Edited by Cube
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I can't help but feel the mafia was a bit overpowered.


Despite not knowing the town roles? :p


Towns play was very sloppy to be honest. It was a good match, and it wasn't diabolical play at all, but town could have done a lot more. And obviously, town lynched two of their own pretty much all by themselves. Anyway, I have very little time at the moment so I will comment further soon.

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The town lost because they didn't do anything. One of the nights we accidentally redirected the protector to the kill target when we forgot to send in targets. Jonnas was fully revealed, and you all had good reason to suspect Jonnas. If there was some proactive "these people weren't the killer maybe this guy was" you'd have been fine.

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