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Project X Zone (Capcom x Sega x Namco Bandai)


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I've played it for a couple of hours so far...


Very enjoyable :) if you like Japanese turn-based RPG's but normally can't be bothered to spend hours on in-depth stuff then you'll most likely love Project X Zone.


It's easy to get into, the battle system is simple, like a fighting game except you don't control your characters movement in battle, just their attacks; movement is all done on the battlefield.


Fan service is frequent - heck only half an hour in and there was a rather risque 'profile shot' of Morrigan ;) - as are the character appearances, it's definitely one of those games where you just 'enjoy the ride' and keep playing to see what crazy stuff happens next. :D


Oh and you get a pretty sweet poster in the box too...




: peace:

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I don't know if I should regret the fact that I pre-ordered this, as I just couldn't get into the demo.


Fan service is frequent - heck only half an hour in and there was a rather risque 'profile shot' of Morrigan ;)


...Actually, forget it. Regret over!

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Absolutely mental game. :bouncy:

The story makes no sense, the dialogue is shocking, and the gameplay is super repetitive.

But you know what?... It's fucking cool. :cool:


Yeah, I really, really like Project X Zone. Still not entirely sure why, but I do. :D

And any game that can keep me from playing AC for a couple of hours at the moment, is definitely doing something right. ;)

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Loving this so far. Graphics, gameplay and humour are all excellent. I do wonder how long it will take to start feeling repetitive though but for £23 I can hardly complain.
It started feeling repetitive very early on for me.

Anyway, I'm at Chapter 11 right now and still enjoying the game a lot.


It's a tad on the easy side so far though, I've not failed a chapter or even lost a single unit for that matter! :o Hoping the challenge will increase soon.


I'm also finding myself increasingly tempted to just skip the dialogue with each new chapter. :woops: It's just so throwaway it's unreal. Having said that, there are some entertaining moments in there (the reason why I'm resisting the temptation to skip) like Frank snapping perfect erotica pics of all the women. :laughing:

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Finished Chapter 13 last night, took bloody ages! :o

Come to think of it, the last few chapters I've done have all been really long. :hmm:


It's taken me 10 hours to get to the point I'm at now, Didn't think the chapters would get this time-consuming quite so soon. Feels like a cheap way to increase the duration of the game really. icon13.gif

Still fun right now though, so it's all good. But I'm definitely only attempting 1 chapter per day from now on.


How's everyone else doing?

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only attempting 1 chapter per day from now on.


That's how I started off, because I've just been tired as of late but now I'm slowly getting into it, finished all the paralogues/prologues on Monday and now I'm on Chapter 5. Enjoyable gameplay and some good comedy moments so far.


Also liking the music too. Some of my favourites so far.


Kogoro & Mii's Theme

Broadcast Yourself


Valkyrie's Theme (reminds me of Kid Icarus: Uprising)

Broadcast Yourself


The beastly Main Theme

Broadcast Yourself

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Finished Chapter 13 last night, took bloody ages! :o

Come to think of it, the last few chapters I've done have all been really long. :hmm:


It's taken me 10 hours to get to the point I'm at now, Didn't think the chapters would get this time-consuming quite so soon. Feels like a cheap way to increase the duration of the game really. icon13.gif

Still fun right now though, so it's all good. But I'm definitely only attempting 1 chapter per day from now on.


How's everyone else doing?


This is what made me cancel my preorder. Many on Gaf and G-Faqs were saying the exact same thing and I hate it when games do this. I would rather have a short, enjoyable game over a one that over stays it's welcome.


You still seem to be enjoying it though, so that's the main thing. Do you have the stamina to keep going though? I suppose all the scantily dressed women are helping you move forward. :D

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Also liking the music too.
Yeah, the collection of tunes in this game is amazing. So much awesome 90's cheese. :awesome:

I'm particularly loving to play as Akira and Pai just because of this:


Broadcast Yourself

That music (0:49) + their special attack = euphoria. :bouncy:


You still seem to be enjoying it though, so that's the main thing. Do you have the stamina to keep going though?
We shall see. I hope so though, not even come across Ulala yet! :o


I suppose all the scantily dressed women are helping you move forward. :D
It's certainly not a hindrance. ;) ;)
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  • 1 month later...

Started playing this again recently after a bit of a break from it, currently at Chapter 21. My God this game is sooooooo ridiculously long. :heh:


I'm completely dismissing the story now, but the gameplay is still fun. No sign of Ulala yet, but I did get some new characters the last time I played.

This one was especially amusing:



Her special move is exceptional :laughing::

To all the pervs that worked on this game, I salute you. :D

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Mine's still sealed. It's not that I don't want to play it, I just want to play other games more. Also, I need to play the demo again until I'm 100% sure I'll be able to understand the gameplay.


Shame, because I love the vibe of the thing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finished PXZ late last night. I'm sure the total number of hours played was somewhere in the 60-70 hours region.


A very fun but slightly repetitive experience. The latter levels are a slog-fest due to the constant waves of enemies appearing after you've dispatched the previous batch.


Even the ending/outro is long!


I became very fond of the art style - the animations during special attacks are always entertaining (even after seeing them for the gazillionth time).

The characters are quite endearing and have their own personalities. The dialogue and jokes cracked between characters make up for the lack of a decent or slightly coherent story.


I was very surprised to see that it gave me the option to start a New Game+. No thanks! The allure of slightly harder enemies, less XP to gain and 'special' items wasn't enough. With my current backlog of games, a replay of this would be a big waste of time.


A game for masochists!

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I finished PXZ late last night. I'm sure the total number of hours played was somewhere in the 60-70 hours region.


A very fun but slightly repetitive experience. The latter levels are a slog-fest due to the constant waves of enemies appearing after you've dispatched the previous batch.


Even the ending/outro is long!


I became very fond of the art style - the animations during special attacks are always entertaining (even after seeing them for the gazillionth time).

The characters are quite endearing and have their own personalities. The dialogue and jokes cracked between characters make up for the lack of a decent or slightly coherent story.


I was very surprised to see that it gave me the option to start a New Game+. No thanks! The allure of slightly harder enemies, less XP to gain and 'special' items wasn't enough. With my current backlog of games, a replay of this would be a big waste of time.


A game for masochists!

You (and anyone that completes this game) deserve a medal! :D

I'm still ploughing my way through it. About 30 hours in now... So yeah, probably not even half way through. :hmm:


It's weird though, despite the incredibly repetitive and drawn out nature of the game, I still enjoy playing it. There's just something about the gameplay and feel of the game that's really enjoyable. :blank:

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  • 1 month later...

I am still waiting for that medal. :grin:


Yeah, it's strange that I kept going back to it despite the faults. I am a terrible completionist as well. I have not been tempted to start a New Game+. Fire Emblem Awakening needs some of my attention once again, I am nearing completion on that one.



I've only just found the little poster that came in the game box. A nice little bonus if you appreciate having all of the character art styles in one place.

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I am still waiting for that medal. :grin:
You're probably the only one. :heh:

I still haven't finished the game! :D


Still waiting for a bargain bin price , anyone seen any good offers for this yet ?
Nope. And there are unlikely to be any I reckon.

They would've produced a minuscule amount of units for this, what with it being such a niche title, so I don't reckon it's going to get the bargain big treatment. Instead it's probably going to get increasingly difficult to find a copy.


You're not missing much though. Well, actually you're missing loads... loads and loads of hours playing this game and getting nowhere near to finishing it. :laughing:

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