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The Hunger Games


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Well I have heard of the movie The Hunger Games. It's an amazing movie. I have also heard that books are also published. The story basically talks of its storyline and its character development. I have also heard dat this novel has won several big awards. Finally I have decided to get the books instead of watching it. reading the novel will be more effective.

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I missed the first one. Well, I say “missed”, but I wasn’t really interested in it, despite Jennifer Lawrence. But after seeing Silver linings playbook (which I’m definitely going to see again next month), and after seeing a bit of Winter’s bone on Netflix again after recommending it to my dad, I’m in the mood for more Jennifer Lawrence. And with marathons coming up next month..


I haven’t read all the posts in this thread, but how’s the film? Is or isn’t it too much targeted at teen girls like I imagined it was at the time? After seeing the trailer for the sequel, I suspect it isn’t too bad, although it won’t top Silver linings playbook. But I’m inclined to go for that marathon.

Edited by Sméagol
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I wouldn't see it's targeted at teens at all. It's a completely different film to Silver Linings Playbook you can't compare them, the only similarity is the main actress.


I've seen it twice, first time in the cinema and then again on Netflix around 6 months ago. Enjoyed it far more the second time than the first time. Really worth seeing.

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I really liked Silver Linings Playbook.. it was like a slightly darker, more adult "little miss sunshine" for me :) and Lawrence's performance was definitely worth the little gold dude statue she won for it.


Hunger gaaaaaames... i read all the books before seeing the movie - loved them, couldn't put them down - they didn't really focus very much on the "love triangle" as it always seemed to me that Katniss didn't really want either of them, she just wanted to survive (initially...)


the movie was entertaining and i'll definitely be seeing the others - i'm really happy there's going to be a new director for catching fire because my main, MAIN gripe with the first movie was the ssSShhHaaKeeEYy CCccAAamM!! at he beginning. also there were points in the movie where they just couldnt figure out how to properly explain things like the tracker-jackers (dem MASSIVE waspy dudes) so they just had the presenters explain them directly to camera... which was... kinda ok, but didn't even touch on the fact that they were genetically engineered for use by the capitol during the civil wars (as were the mockingjays and mutts. didn't even TOUCH on avoxes... they just weren't in the movie...


dat mockingjay pin. madge was completely written out of the movie?! had the director not read the books?!


all that being said, there were some good points - while i was a bit disappointed by the imagining of katniss and peeta's cinna designed outfits (meh...?) the rest of the capitol fashion was quite well imagined... i just hope the new director has some *better* imaginings of things that actually HAPPENED in the books, like people having surgery to look more like cats, dying their skin crazy colours, etc etc. and hopefully they'll build up the relationship between katniss and the makeup team, i always found that pretty interesting...



oh, also!! i really hope they have some more creative marketing this year and actually treat it like a reality tv event, that'd be awesome... airing interviews before the release date, previewing the tributes and their districts, bit of character development...

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It's a completely different film to Silver Linings Playbook you can't compare them, the only similarity is the main actress.


Well, I wasn’t comparing them content wise, I just suspect that I’ll think Silver linings playbook is the better and more enjoyable film overall, even though The hunger games may be thoroughly enjoyable too. Anyway, I’m going to see for myself.. As I said, I was in the mood for more Jennifer Lawrence, and I’m going to get it, because I bought that ticket for the marathon.

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I loved Mockingjay, I thought it was awesome! Still feel nothing for Gale though. Like, I just do not care for him which isn't the fault of the author, it's just...I literally don't care whether he lives, dies or swans off to Disneyland Paris.


I own The Hunger Games on blu-ray, well worth the buy if anybody is wondering about the quality of the movie and the blu-ray itself but if you are going to get it, buy it from Tesco as it's £10 for the 2 disc edition and you get a nice, shiny cover! :D


The Catching Fire movie, which is my favourite book out of the trilogy, is coming out in under a month's time. To say I'm excited for it is an understatement!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a quick reply before I go (I may elaborate later, perhaps):


Both films were pretty entertaining. But I think seeing both of them in short succession wasn’t a good idea. The actual games part in the sequel was more of the same, and the film ended when it became really interesting.. But that does mean I’m looking very much forward to the other sequels. I love the setting, a futuristic dystopia, and I love how horrible everything feels, regarding the games. In both films, the build-up, and the very start of the games, was really exciting, and probably my favourite moments. I could do without the love triangle, but it’s not that bothersome. Anyway, it was good to see Jennifer Lawrence in action again, but like I predicted, it doesn’t top Silver linings playbook, which I’ll be seeing for a 2nd time at the end of this month. But again, looking forward to see the uprising!

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Got a bit confused about what happened at the end though...?




She fucked up the dome with super electric arrow.


The organisers got pissed off, so took a hold of the remaining victors (i.e. Joanna and Peeta) and took them to the capital (basically as hostages), and it is revealed that Phillip Seymour Hoffman is really a good guy, and that half of the victors were in on a secret plot to ensure Katniss' survival, so she can become the beacon of hope and end the corruption/start revolution.





aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh fucking amazing.

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Actually I meant before that, but i can't explain without spoiler tags on my phone. Don't worry.


I agree it was pretty good though. It's a shame the final film has done a Harry Potter and been split in two. We have to wait until 2014 and 2015 to see the end!

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Actually I meant before that, but i can't explain without spoiler tags on my phone. Don't worry.


I agree it was pretty good though. It's a shame the final film has done a Harry Potter and been split in two. We have to wait until 2014 and 2015 to see the end!


Seriously?... Now I'm disappointed.

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Anyone else find that time flew by watching Catching Fire? The film ended and I was ready for another hour or so. Looking forward to the next film.


I definitely thought the same. I was desperately needing the toilet by the end and as...


she was getting winched out of the arena I asked my mate who'd seen it before if now was a good time to run to the bathroom. He said wait.




I've never left the cinema to go to the bathroom before but I almost had to there.

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Right, I'll try adding spoilers on my phone.


... Why was Mr Specs building that electric arrow? Did he intend Katniss to fire it? Shouldn't they have told her about it then? If not, what was it for? Who attacked Speccy? What did Katniss see when she looked up from his body that caused her to exclaim 'Peta!' and run off? Why did they need to split her and Peta up anyway? Why couldn't he have gone with her?


I got very confused at that point in the film.


Good though.


Edited by Ashley
Fixed by your friendly neighbourhood spider.
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Right, I'll try adding spoilers on my phone.


... Why was Mr Specs building that electric arrow? Did he intend Katniss to fire it? Shouldn't they have told her about it then? If not, what was it for? Who attacked Speccy? What did Katniss see when she looked up from his body that caused her to exclaim 'Peta!' and run off? Why did they need to split her and Peta up anyway? Why couldn't he have gone with her?


I got very confused at that point in the film.


Good though.


Ashley has covered one point.


I think Peeta and her got split up for two reasons. The first, purely to defend the guy who was building the electrical wire and also because Katniss didn't know that they were all wanting her to stay alive and they realised that her and Peeta might go rogue if they were together.


I can't remember why she looked up at the sky and screamed Peeta but I remember it making sense at the time.



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@Bob, from memory:

At that point, they were trying to defeat the professionals (or what they were called). They were hoping to lure them to the water, then use the wire and the thunder to electrocute them.


Unfortunately, those professionals got to “Mr. specs” first, before they could execute their plan. That’s when Katniss remembered Mr. Specs earlier remarks about the shield, and used it to her advantage with a risky move.


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Ah OK, all that makes sense now.


I obviously got caught up in all the excitement and lost myself.


if one end of the wire was wrapped around the tree, and they trundled off with the other end, what was the arrow attached to?


I need to watch it again I think, that whole section went by too fast.



Edit: Cheers Ashley. What did i do wrong?

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