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And there we go.. Downloading episode 2 as I speak.


Also forget to mention:

When I had to replay 400 days and ep 1, I made some changes in ep 1.

I saved Pete instead of Nick this time.. Dunno how I feel about that.. And I didn´t become friends with Sarah. That felt more natural. Didn´t know it was an option first time around.


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Surprised to see Kenny back so soon... I had a feeling he wasn't dead (as we didn't actually SEE him die) but I thought maybe he'd come back as some kind of villain... well maybe he'll go nuts and we'll have to choose whether to kill him or just run away or something :p

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  • 4 weeks later...

Was I the only one who


didn't blame the dog for becoming food aggressive? It was only instinct so I had to put him out of his misery. Poor thing. That shit's gonna haunt my dreams tonight. Testament to how well this game toys with your sense of morality.


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  • 1 month later...

Episode 3 is available now.


Edit: (double post)


Yeah, that was short, but horrible. Horrible in a good way. But still short. I´d like some more conversations and walking around, although I don't complain too much. What´s there is still great, but these focussed stories seem to be the general trend here.


- I helped Sarah with the berries

- Didn't trust Bonnie, didn´t tell her about Luke (I went with the minority with this one it seems)

- I wanted to give Carver the walkie-talkie (also putting me in the minority apparently)

- I stayed and watched (this one is about 50/50 at the moment)

- I chopped off Sarita´s arm (like most other people)


I like Mike


I LOVE Jane. I don't fully trust her, but she´s definitely bad-ass. Plus, she´s voiced by Christine Lakin, who played the youngest daughter from Step by step:



Who now looks like this:





Like I said, I love her character, but don´t fully trust her yet. Troy was a dick (no pun intended), but I don´t think he deserved that.


Carver.. I wish there was an option to stop Kenny. I see a lot of comments on the Telltale boards who found this scene extremely satisfying and justified, which worries me :indeed:. Personally, I would have wanted to just leave him there, as he probably would be zombie dinner anyway.


Sarita.. Yeah. I chopped her arm off, it seemed like the best thing to do at the moment, until some comments on the Telltale boards made me realise it probably doesn´t (/shouldn´t) matter anyway.. The weapon had walkerblood all over it,and Carlos (poor guy) was dead, so even if she´s not infected, who´s going to patch her up? She was nowhere to be seen in the preview, although that´s probably a conscious decision on Telltale´s part.


The 400 days crew: it was disappointing to see them as mere cameos. I wanted to see more of Vince and Shel (the ones who went to the camp in my game), Becca´s still a little bitch though. I hope they´re ok, but I suspect we haven´t seen the last of them yet. We don´t know what happens to the camp.


And then Christa.. Christa??! We´ll have to wait till episode 4 I guess.




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I downloaded the season pass for this about a week ago. Had some trouble importing my save from the first season but I got it in the end.

Just finished playing episode 3 a while ago. Not alot of gameplay compaired to the first two but what was there was pretty good.

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- Didn't trust Bonnie, didn´t tell her about Luke (I went with the minority with this one it seems)

- I wanted to give Carver the walkie-talkie (also putting me in the minority apparently)

- I chopped off Sarita´s arm (like most other people)



I did those three things, but more than anything, I felt annoyed from Bonnie's malevolent character in the previous episode. In the 400 Days DLC I was given a very strong impression of how naive and earnest she is, only to see it all go down the drain when she lies about why she's at the ski lodge and later attacks the group with weapons.


And then somehow they attempt to be bring back her apologetic nature in this episode. The reason I chose not to trust her was because of her inconsistent writing. I know the explanation to this might be something along the lines of "that's because Carver had her brainwashed" or something, but I feel like it's just a convenient excuse because it never gets fleshed out to any significant level to have me believe it occurring in the first place. I'm just told I should believe it, not shown it.


On another note, I seriously have the urge to play the episode all over again just so I can choose NOT to hack off Sarita's arm. Not because I felt like I made the wrong decision or anything, but because when given the prompt, I thought Clementine would just hack off her wrist. The zombie was only biting her hand, her wrist was in clear view, and it seemed like the most obvious place to begin the amputation. But does the game let me do that? No. It chooses to cut it off from the middle of her fricken' arm (and in one swing from a child, no less). This isn't about me being a squeamish person (I'm not), it's about trying to be sensible in a post-apocalyptic setting.


If you're going to amputate a body part, then just amputate what's necessary to amputate. It's better to have a stub from the wrist than the middle of the arm. And the fact that a game with a fictional story has managed to tick off my OCD tendencies with one small gripe like that is infuriating me even more.


Oh well. It's probably meaningless anyway, since it didn't matter whether or not you amputated Lee's arm in season one, and basing the decision over how effective it was in the TV series is still meaningless because the result of the amputation is always consistent with what they want the plot to lead to. In the show, you had to amputate whatever body part was bitten IMMEDIATELY, but I remember there was one another case where it happened and the person who got bit was saved despite being amputated much later on (which would have given the zombie virus more than enough time to spread).


I feel like that's the case in this game as well. It didn't matter if you chose to cut off Lee's arm in season one or not because he still dies/turns into a zombie. The time between the amputation and the bite was meaningless. So whether or not you chose to amputate Sarita still won't amount to shit as there's still the possibility for her to choose to amputate it in the next episode. And you know something like that will happen, because Telltale isn't going to spend time developing different scenarios of the game for either case.




I LOVE Jane. I love her character, but don´t fully trust her yet. Troy was a dick (no pun intended), but I don´t think he deserved that.


Honest question: what exactly do you love about her character? I really don't think we've seen much of it to like (let alone love), and what we have seen is very foreboding.


She only had a few lines throughout the entire episode to help us identify what type of character she is, and they all came out the same: machiavellian. She only chooses to talk to the group when they come up with a plan to escape, and the last thing she does is shoot Troy by seducing him with the promise of them running off together--effectively using his writhing agony to buy time for them to escape the herd. If you stuck around past the credits to see the "scenes from the next episode" you'll hear a voice-over of her talking to Clementine trying to persuade her to leave the group since they're "just slowing her down." Knowing Telltale however, I'm sure this must be some kind of setup to make her a one-dimensional, manipulative bitch, only to have her killed off and make us lament her death because of some surprise twist she reveals that sheds new light into her motivations and personality.




Does anyone think there's something really strange about Nick being an expendable character in the last episode? I still have him alive in my game, but him living doesn't seem to have any consequences to the story so far, which kind of worries me. I've grown a little attached to him from the previous episodes, but the stigma of him being an "optional" character that's still alive up to this point leads me to believe that he's going to meet his doom sooner or later because it would be too much work for the developers to write two separate plots involving him being alive or dead (just like Sarita's arm). He's basically Schrodinger's cat in video game form.


Another thing is that Telltale didn't give him room to continue the relationship he had with Clem from the previous episodes. Like most people, I haven't played this game since the last episode (which was months ago), and picking up the controller again to pick up the plot where it left off and unpacking all that emotional weight you had that connected you to the characters is a daunting process because of the large gap in time from each playthrough. You have to remember how you felt about certain characters, what decisions you made previously and how to be consistent with them--all of which are things that are integral to playing this game.


The character of Nick is one of those things. From the very first episode I was led to think that he was going to play a very central role. I favored him more than once, had some time to bond with him, and now that I'm in the third episode, I don't get to relive that sort of experience because his part has been severely down-played. The game is literally telling me I should forget about all those things because Nick is dead in some player's games and the developers aren't going to bother making him have any important role in the plot from now on because that would be too big a split in the continuity. I wouldn't be surprised if he died right off the bat in episode four.


Think of Ben from season one. You could have killed him off early, but if he stuck around, he still carried some weight to the game. You got to see him interacting with the other characters and you see him telling off Kenny by explaining how he never got to know what happened to his own family. Unlike Nick, he gets really fleshed out as a character and you get to enjoy that as a result. They didn't do that with him in this episode, and I highly doubt they will in the next one.




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Yeah, it´s a weird thing with these season 2 episodes. I do agree with most if not all criticism, but only after the thought, after playing the episode, and thinking about the story and characters. While playing it, I´m barely bothered with all its faults, I don´t feel the episode is too short, the characters not fleshed out enough, and the conversations too superficial. It´s only after the episode that I feel that´s the case. Hence, why I don´t complain too much, because despite those faults, it's apparently doing something good.


About Bonnie: it is a bit weird now you mention it, but like I said, I didn´t really trust her anyway, regardless of is she's genuinely trying to be helpful now or not. If she is, I guess we can explain her (and the others') behaviour with them not wanting to upset Carver.


Amputation: actually, to me it does makes sense to chop the whole underarm off, I think. Let's disregard for a second the fact the hatchet was covered with zombie blood.. The walker was already biting her. I have no idea how fast an infection will spread through her bloodstream, but I personally would not want to take any risks. No, it didn't work with Lee, but it did work with Reggie. Furthermore, it's a split-second decision. You don´t think about these things in a situation like that, you just do. Hesitation will kill you.


Jane: I´m just drawn to bad-ass women, and she has bad-ass written all over her, despite her small role in the episode. Like I said, in character, I wouldn´t trust her (in fact, I kept quiet about Luke initially to the group exactly because I didn´t trust her, but then it appeared they already knew about him). As the gamer behind the screen though, I can appreciate her style. But back in character, even though I don´t fully trust her, I do trust her to be useful when going through a horde of zombies, unlike people like Nick or Ben for example.


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  • 2 months later...


Downloading right now.


X-box / PS tomorrow.


Edit (played the chapter):


Ok. First of all, you´re not going to like this: this is the shortest episode yet, at 1.5 hours. That said, holy motherfucker, that was some grim shit. I daresay that was the grimmest shit I´ve seen in the 9 episodes so far.


Seeing Sarah.. getting eaten. Especially after all that effort to have her snap out of it, and it finally seemed to work. I´ll never learn her how to shoot now.

For those who didn´t like Jane, she has some nice character development. But then she left.. Or did she? And man oh man that cliffhanger..



- saved Sarah at the beginning

- didn't rob Arvo

- crawled through

- held the baby

- shot Rebecca


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If I'm not mistaken, this game's plot is written as the story moves along, with each episode being handed off to a different writer. I think it suffers as a result. I don't have much to say since the episode was pretty boring, but I'm actually glad Sarah is dead. I only saved her because I thought I'd get a better ending or something, but oh well.


My prediction concerning Nick turned out to be true so that's one less disappointment I don't have to worry about I guess.


My new prediction is that Christa resurfaces as a member of the Russian group. We never got to see her die in episode 1, so she has to have been groomed for it or something. And maybe Jane dies because you took her nail file. Who knows?





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I can't imagine anyone tried to save Sarah over Jane. I looked at a few vids on youtube to see if she could actually be saved (it looked impossible anyway) and the only one I found that saved her did it by accident. She does still die but you see more gore - like the game wants to punish you for trying to help her!


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  • 1 month later...


My choices:

- Run and go for the baby

- Help Luke

- Don't ask to leave with Mike

- Let Jane get stabbed

- Left Kenny at the Wellington gate to live with AJ




Can't think of much to say at the moment... The second season was enjoyable, but nowhere as good as the first one.

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The ending, and therefore the episode, may please many players. However, from a storytelling standpoint, No Going Back falls flat. The narrative is obvious and less genuine than the series has demonstrated, and all of these bad decisions are heightened by a disappointing Lee moment. The ending provides heart-racing action and split-second decisions, and it's good, but it can't save the whole episode.


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Just finished Episode 5.


I protected the baby. Of course!


I didn't go to help Luke. The game tried to make me feel bad for this, but he was going to die anyway surely. I thought it was the most sensible decision, I wasn't going to trust Bonnie to kill those walkers. I was also a a bit disappointed with how they handled Luke's death. I loved that guy, he was a great character. I thought people would dwell on it some more. Seemed rushed.


Of course I didn't ask to leave with them. I can't believe that they would just abandon Clem and the baby like that. What arseholes!


Shot Kenny. Didn't want to, but between him and Jane he had to go. I've always tried to support Kenny from Season 1 because I know he's a good guy at heart, but I could not condone him killing Jane. Although let me just say the whole plot point around Jane pretending to kill the baby was dumb.


In the end, forgave Jane and let the family in. Seemed to make the most sense.



Overall I really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to more Telltale stuff in the future. Hoping the Game of Thrones one comes out this year!

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I enjoyed it overall, but I am disappointed that Telltale didn´t listen to its fans for 3 (or 4) episodes straight. The episode was still too short, with lots of things missing. A gripping conclusion to be sure, but still.


As for my choices, I had the exact same ones as Zell, but some for different reasons.


I did get the baby. Even though this doesn´t show up in my stats at all.


I "did not help Luke". I wasn´t sure if the ice would hold me. Luke himself said it was better to give him cover fire, so I opted for that, made more sense to me. Anyway, he dies either way, the difference being Bonnie is pissed at you if you didn´t go help him. Really Bonnie? You´re pissed at me? Bitch needs some reminding.


Go with Mike? Is this even a choice? Hell no. Hey, I like Mike. I believe most of us did. But I´m not going with him, especially not under gunpoint from fucking Arvo.


I did shoot Kenny. I can´t believe I did. But he was out of control, and about to murder Jane, which I couldn´t let happen. The scene reminded me too much of that scene in Saving private Ryan. Anyway, it´s possible that if Jane were on top, I´d have shot her.. If I had a real choice, I´d have shot Kenny somewhere where it wasn´t lethal.


I did forgive Jane. It was a complete dick move, but I genuinely think she´s looking out for our best interests in the end. I do wish I had the option to slap her though. And I really wish I could have called the shots after that.. I still wanted to go to Wellington.


I let the family in. It was what my Lee would have done.



I really wonder what they´ll do with season 3. I want to continue Clem´s story, I think everyone will want to. But the multiple endings present a problem.. Telltale to this point has proved unable to do real branching stories, so they, assuming they do continue Clem´s story, have only 2 options. Set the next season some time after this season´s events, with the various branching stories all leading to the same point again, with just some dialogue referring to the missing story. The better of the two options in my opinion. The second option would be classic Telltale: Just the first scene of the first chapter dedicated to the branching story, with all variations leading to the same point in the next scene. The 2nd option will just seem too rushed in my opinion. The first option, although it´s a shame to miss out on that story first-hand, provides more opportunities for well written back story. The 3rd option, which is not going to happen, is that they dedicate an entire chapter to the branching story, which would have been awesome.


Now I think of it, there may be a 4th option, they could go the 400 days route. Except 5 stories about different characters, they could do 5 stories for each branching story. On its own, it wouldn´t really alleviate the problems option 2 would have, but the nice thing about this option is that it can work in addition to either of the other 2 options.


As for Arvo (keep in mind I never stole from him).. Lee always was a peaceful kind of guy, I want to reflect that in Clem, but if he ever shows up at Howe´s hardware store, I really have to refrain myself from shooting him point blank in the face.


Speaking of Lee, I thought that scene was a nice touch.



For those who haven´t seen it yet by the way, this is the trailer for the last episode, but contains no footage from the actual episode. It´s a recap of all the episodes until now, with a nice exclusive flashback at the end.



And although the presenter is annoying (although he is ok in this particular video).. Christine Lakin :love: :love: :love:


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  • 3 months later...

So what did you guys choose in season 2? For the most part I tried to play the lone survivor in the last two epiodes, thinking more about myself than others. Given how fucked up everything is I think it's better course of action. Therefore I sided with Jane where I could.


edit: Ok appearently I'm late to the party. I have probably confused the thread with the show as I click "new posts" and don't go onto spesific boards. I don't watch the show. It's beyond boring..


Episode 1:

Stopped to help Christa

Walked away from the dog

Accepted Nick's apology

Refused water to the dying man

Saved Pete


Episode 2

Blamed someone else for the photo

Sat with Kenny

Told Walter the truth

Let Walter make up his own mind

Sought Kenny's help


Episode 3

Did not help Sarah

Hid Luke's presence

Tried to hide the theft

Left with Sarita

Chopped of Sarita's arm


Episode 4

Left Sarah behind

Stole the pills from Arvo

Let Bonnie reach through the ticket booth instead of me

Didn't hold the baby

Shot Rebecca


Episode 5

Protected the baby

Did not help Luke

Didn't ask to leave with Mike

Shot Kenny

With Jane, and turned away the family



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  • 2 weeks later...
Season one and two are currently for sale (23€ total). Are they worth the price?




And do I need to know anything about the TV series? :wtf:




I'm currently on episode 2. Everything you need to know about the plot of the game is explained within the game. From what I've played, you don't need to have a knowledge of the comic or show. It's its own thing. :)


I'm really enjoying it. I travelled for about 10 hours or so yesterday, came home to a freezing house, didn't even shower til midnight as the water hadn't warmed up until then and I still didn't end up going to bed until 3 because I wanted to play more of this.

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