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Please help stop a 5% increase in beer duty


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Is there anything I can sign to increase the beer tax?


This is what my post was going to be.


This is a discussion board, if you don't want it to be discussed then don't post it here, simple.


Or stop being a dick head for five minutes.


Sorry, who's the dick head? Me or the people who offered nothing but curt and designed to be inflammatory comments, or maybe it's you who chose to turn a blind eye to it and wag a finger at me and then call me a dick head... Lol, what a joke.


I don't really drink anymore but this sucks. Prices are already fucking ridiculous.


Would be nice if there was an alternative political party to choose instead of between Blue Tories, Red Tories and Sickly Yellow Tories.


I haven't got access to a thanks button mate being newish round here. But you get the thumbs up from me. It's like the old saying goes, it doesn't matter who you vote for, government always end up getting in ;)

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Sorry, who's the dick head?


That would be...


Could @bob @Cube @Magnus all please start their own their thread about orange juice and stop trolling this one? The clue was in the title really... and if that failed to explain the nature of the post, the opening line in the first paragraph certainly did.


In plain English, the thread is for people who like to drink beer and like going to the pub, not the other way round.




No barflies on you is there.


It's a different discussion, love... simple. :idea:


I forgot to bow and scrape -- my apologies. :bowdown:


Beer is begin taxed constantly... Don't you hate it when people try to stifle a discussion with 'Fail topic' when they haven't got a clue what they're talking about. ::shrug: Brain fail.:sad:


What a come back... is there a comeback of the year poll?


(Note to self: Start threads entitled "Like the sound of your own keyboard? Let's talk utter shite here" and "I hate the taste of beer, do you think you have the moral high-ground too" and the future 1000+ post thread "Do you often argue with your own shadow? Yeah, same here." Perhaps this way there will be a new world of trolless on-topic threads!!!)


...oh it's still you.

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You posted this thread asking to sign a petition, not to talk about the wonders of alcohol.


Instead of complaining against the government, we should work with them to come to a compromise (this is my opinion for the majority of strikes - the government is doing it because the country needs the money). What if we kept taxes on alcohol sold for consumption on the premises the same (or even lowered them) and further increase the tax on alcohol sold in stores in bottles/cans/etc. That way you encourage socialising and discourage under-age drinking.

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That would be...


...oh it's still you.


It's a good job I didn't come here for a battle of the wits.. this is embarrassing.:zzz:


You posted this thread asking to sign a petition, not to talk about the wonders of alcohol.




Instead of complaining against the government, we should work with them to come to a compromise (this is my opinion for the majority of strikes - the government is doing it because the country needs the money). What if we kept taxes on alcohol sold for consumption on the premises the same (or even lowered them) and further increase the tax on alcohol sold in stores in bottles/cans/etc. That way you encourage socialising and discourage under-age drinking.


I'm half up for that. Tax the cheap cider and the higher alcohol content items, and of course chocolate, crips, high fat and high sugar slop; these are the things that are really putting a strain on the NHS.

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oh my.... no one's taking you seriously because you tell people to sign a petition, you don't want a discussion, you want signatures. People want to discuss it and you just get pissed and cause a load of shit throwing... well done successful topic...


The BIGGEST reason for admission to a&e is accident and injury caused by being intoxicated. Smoking related lung cancer drains a whole heck of a lot of resources from the nhs. These things get taxed for that very reason. If you want to drink pay the price and quit yer yapping

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Sorry, who's the dick head? Me or the people who offered nothing but curt and designed to be inflammatory comments, or maybe it's you who chose to turn a blind eye to it and wag a finger at me and then call me a dick head... Lol, what a joke.




I haven't got access to a thanks button mate being newish round here. But you get the thumbs up from me. It's like the old saying goes, it doesn't matter who you vote for, government always end up getting in ;)


No one was wagging the finger. They were making a joke that was in keeping with their opinion. It happens a lot in here. Don't get offended.

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oh my.... no one's taking you seriously because you tell people to sign a petition, you don't want a discussion, you want signatures. People want to discuss it and you just get pissed and cause a load of shit throwing... well done successful topic...


The BIGGEST reason for admission to a&e is accident and injury caused by being intoxicated. Smoking related lung cancer drains a whole heck of a lot of resources from the nhs. These things get taxed for that very reason. If you want to drink pay the price and quit yer yapping

Well said raining. Note that raining works for the NHS. :)


Drink is a good way to unwind but let's not kid ourselves; excessive drinking at pubs does happen, and the tax will at least somewhat discourage binging. Not much, but every little helps.

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oh my.... no one's taking you seriously because you tell people to sign a petition,


No, I asked people who like beer and like going to the pub to consider emailing their MP! Thanks. :cry: The A&E has nothing to do with anything. Again, please start your own thread


Well said raining. Note that raining works for the NHS. :)



Edited by madeinbeats
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Drink is a good way to unwind but let's not kid ourselves; excessive drinking at pubs does happen, and the tax will at least somewhat discourage binging. Not much, but every little helps.

Binge drinking is 3 pints. It may reduce the amount drunk but there's no way it's going to reduce binge drinking.


It will probably lead to more people buying it in shops if anything. 5% of €6 for a six pack is not going to break the bank. Which will mean ever more people getting shit faced at home before they even get to the pub. This is what high alcohol prices in pubs are doing. People are getting absolutely hammered before they even leave the house (mostly students), and then hoping that lasts until the end of the night. Even drinking after they get home again.


I say they should lower the pub price a good bit, even like 50%. And bring shop prices up to the same level.

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Would be nice if there was an alternative political party to choose instead of between Blue Tories, Red Tories and Sickly Yellow Tories.


Want to start one? :idea:


Also: Moogle is on form tonight, and has preempted almost everything I wanted to post. :)

Edited by The fish
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Raising tax on a pint is stupid. What they should be doign to curb binge drinking is raise tax on the cheap cider/alco-pops/etc.


As an aside does the tax increase also affect wine? As IMO a fine ale is much on par with a fine wine.



Also, this is really only bad for pubs, supermarkets will still be offering shit for cheap as chips.

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Binge drinking is 3 pints. It may reduce the amount drunk but there's no way it's going to reduce binge drinking.


It will probably lead to more people buying it in shops if anything. 5% of €6 for a six pack is not going to break the bank. Which will mean ever more people getting shit faced at home before they even get to the pub. This is what high alcohol prices in pubs are doing. People are getting absolutely hammered before they even leave the house (mostly students), and then hoping that lasts until the end of the night. Even drinking after they get home again.


I say they should lower the pub price a good bit, even like 50%. And bring shop prices up to the same level.


That wouldn't happen though. People don't go to a pub, then ask for the price of beer, then walk away and instead go home and get pissed. People would likely just be down on beer money quicker than they normally would and therefore over the course of a week/month drink less.


Yes, they need to tax shop alcohol more. But that doesn't mean they need to tax pub alcohol less.

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As an aside does the tax increase also affect wine? As IMO a fine ale is much on par with a fine wine.


I think a minimum price-per-unit system (at least for places with off-licences, like supermarkets) could work, but that would probably translate to a price increase for mid-range and higher quality drinks under the guise of a "quality gap". That, however, is inconvenient, while the damage done by binge-drinking is an actual problem.

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Raising tax on a pint is stupid. What they should be doign to curb binge drinking is raise tax on the cheap cider/alco-pops/etc.


As an aside does the tax increase also affect wine? As IMO a fine ale is much on par with a fine wine.



Also, this is really only bad for pubs, supermarkets will still be offering shit for cheap as chips.


If the pubs start shutting down it'll only be bars left, which are notorious for the binging.


Good point. Let's face it, people who appreciate good beer and wine are hardly trouble making binge drinkers.

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I think a minimum price-per-unit system (at least for places with off-licences, like supermarkets) could work, but that would probably translate to a price increase for mid-range and higher quality drinks under the guise of a "quality gap". That, however, is inconvenient, while the damage done by binge-drinking is an actual problem.




I'd hate that, I regularly sit down and sip on a 10%+ bottle of ale over an afternoon with mates. The good stuff is already bloody expensive as it is :(

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I agree with @madeinbeats because the point, surely, is that this tax is supposedly to tackle binge drinking, and yet a good ale has absolutely nothing to do with binge drinking or anti-social behaviour.


It's like the Government doesn't understand how the underclass behaves. They're not getting smashed on pints of Bishop's Finger or Adnam's Broadside, I promise you that. None of the binge drinkers I know even like ale. Many of them simply won't try it.

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I agree with @madeinbeats because the point, surely, is that this tax is supposedly to tackle binge drinking, and yet a good ale has absolutely nothing to do with binge drinking or anti-social behaviour.


It's like the Government doesn't understand how the underclass behaves. They're not getting smashed on pints of Bishop's Finger or Adnam's Broadside, I promise you that. None of the binge drinkers I know even like ale. Many of them simply won't try it.


If you don't tax all alcohol, where do you draw the dividing lines?

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That wouldn't happen though. People don't go to a pub, then ask for the price of beer, then walk away and instead go home and get pissed. People would likely just be down on beer money quicker than they normally would and therefore over the course of a week/month drink less.


Yes, they need to tax shop alcohol more. But that doesn't mean they need to tax pub alcohol less.

That's not what I said. People already know the price of alcohol in pubs. So they know it's extortionate, and they already get absolutely smashed at home and then leave for the pub. It's exactly what happens, at least in Ireland, all the time. I know, I do it.

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So how much is a pint there at the moment? I seem to remember it being ridiculously cheap when I was home over Christmas. For a pint of Stella here it's normally around $7.


It definitely sucks but things like cigarettes and beer are easy to get some increased revenues from, people are going to buy them anyway so may as well squeeze as much out of them as possible.

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I'd hate that, I regularly sit down and sip on a 10%+ bottle of ale over an afternoon with mates. The good stuff is already bloody expensive as it is :(


I agree with @madeinbeats because the point, surely, is that this tax is supposedly to tackle binge drinking, and yet a good ale has absolutely nothing to do with binge drinking or anti-social behaviour.


It's like the Government doesn't understand how the underclass behaves. They're not getting smashed on pints of Bishop's Finger or Adnam's Broadside, I promise you that. None of the binge drinkers I know even like ale. Many of them simply won't try it.


Again guys, I've no thanks button, but a big Bishop's Finger up from me to you both.

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