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February draw a day


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Marcamillian is both interested and thinking that BrianMcoys entry is that good.


Marcamillian particularly enjoys the variation of line weight.


Marcamillian awaits BrianMcoy's day 2 entry.





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@Magnus, how long do your figurines take to make? *hint hint*

Ugh, thanks a lot, Rummy. Now I feel like I should participate. :p


Though I suppose this is a great reason to finally stop being lazy and get around to a project I've been meaning to work on ever since I finished Xenoblade Chronicles.




I know it's after midnight and I still need to bake it before it's finished, but I'm a rebel. :heh:

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Great works so far!


Drew this last night while listening to some (sad) music. Also had Radiohead's "Street Spirit (Fade Out)" playing, which influenced this a bit I guess.


White chalk pencil (I think) on black A3 paper. Had to scan it in 3 parts cause my scanner is too small heh.


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... as of 3 posts ago...



DAY 3 : Belated Announcements



(Sprout... loving the line quality ... is that a brush on drawing software or irl charcoal?


P.S. Props to Rummy for efforts to post for the day despite not being at home for the entire day.

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Oh, thanks! I, er, use a program called Paint Tool SAI to do my drawings, heh. It's kinda hard for me to explain how I got the line effect if you don't have the software, though..


Also, updated previous post with a colour version! Colours are nice. =P

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Indeed, but unfortunately not my table. I drunkenly squiggled that together. Today...I draw nothing, I am starting to fear I am just too busy to draw something everyday and put some better effort in than stickmen and silly things.

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