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Welcome To The House Of Fun


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Thank you for your kind words, everyone.


If you're ever in the area, you're more than welcome to pop in for a cuppa or something moar. (depending on how hawt you are)


I make the best cuppas in the world. And I do the other thing pretty satisfactorily as well. I'll even make you tea afterwards!

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Wow! you've found a really nice place, and from what you said it didn't take too long right?

I've always wanted to live in house that has those little windows through the kitchen...

instead we had some sort of an arched-shaped-doorway, but my dad got sick of us running through and eventually stuck a big fat sitting room cupboard in front of it :angry:


Well done to the both of you! :D

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Thanks for the lovely comments everyone!


I just got home yesterday, a day after getting the keys. Feel a bit gutted that I am back in Belgium now, but I'll be moving in a month or two.

The parents have already said they want to drive over the UK in a van to move all my stuff there haha.


Can't wait to start living there and making it feel like home. =)




(and of course trying to find a job... oh dear)

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House looks lovely guys :) I will pester you for a visit next time I'm in bournemouth visiting my sister et al!


So who's moving to belgium to fill your spot, if you're taking mine in Blighty?


Douse dooks dovely duys :) Di dill dester dou dor da disit dext dime Di'm din Dournemouth disiting dy dister det dal!


Do dho's doving do Delgium do dill dour Dspot, dif dou're daking dine din Dlighty?



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