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Miyamoto retires!


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Yesterdays new, today.


"Inside our office, I’ve been recently declaring, ‘I’m going to retire, I’m going to retire,’†Miyamoto said through his interpreter. “I’m not saying that I’m going to retire from game development altogether. What I mean by retiring is, retiring from my current position.â€


“What I really want to do is be in the forefront of game development once again myself,†Miyamoto said. “Probably working on a smaller project with even younger developers. Or I might be interested in making something that I can make myself, by myself. Something really small.â€


Miyamoto said that he’s hoping to start work on a project in 2012, and hopefully show the game off publicly within the year. “In other words, I’m not intending to start from things that require a five-year development time,†he said.


Miyamoto, whose creations propelled Nintendo to worldwide prominence beginning with 1981′s arcade game Donkey Kong and who is generally recognized as the world’s most influential and creative game designer, said he felt comfortable stepping away from supervising the Mario and Zelda games because his staff has done such a good job with this year’s critically acclaimed entries in both series.


“I’m saying this because I have a solid reaction from the existing teams,†he said. “I was able to nurture the developers inside Nintendo who were able to create something like this or something like that,†he said, gesturing to banners in the interview room in Nintendo’s office that showed the logos of Skyward Sword and Mario 3D Land.


The reason Miyamoto keeps telling the younger developers that he’s going to retire is to send the message that he won’t always be around for them to work with.


“The reason why I’m stressing that is that unless I say that I’m retiring, I cannot nurture the young developers,†he said. “After all, if I’m there in my position as it is, then there’s always kind of a relationship. And the young guys are always kind of in a situation where they have to listen to my ideas. But I need some people who are growing up much more than today.â€


As for himself, Miyamoto seemed eager to get to work on his new ideas with a smaller, younger staff. “Anyway, I’m interested in doing a variety of many other things,†he said with his usual cryptic smile.


From Wired.com


Wall of text it is but its an interesting read. Sensationalist headlines and thread titles aside, I think this is a good move for Miyamoto and I'll be looking forward to seeing what he concocts now the shackles of supervising massive projects are off!

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Well, this has been on the main page for a while, now...Might as well post the comment I made there.



I think people tend to overestimate Myamoto's involvement in Nintendo's games, but nonetheless, the man is a legend in the videogame world.


I am glad to see him retiring at a proper time, especially considering Nintendo has plenty of capable producers. The fact that he's leaving his main occupation to keep training the younger generation is very good news, of course. That's going to keep Nintendo's philosophy alive, and hopefully keep it as the company we all know and love.

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seems like it was a big misunderstanding. if he did do what he said - work with younger developers and worked on smaller projects that are more interesting to him. isnt this the best news ever? wouldnt that mean miyamoto is gonna be making games that he wants pretty much headed by him?

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