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Santa Claus in your childhood


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Just thinking more about the advert:


I don't know why parents are getting all pissy about it ruining the illusion of Santa for their kids.


They should be worried about the horrid aspects of commercialisation and shitty idea that for Christmas to be merry it has to involve buying iPads and other pieces of bullshit.

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And you're saying the law is any different?


Your point is made. However, not getting presents is not the same as being hurt for bad behaviour. Father Christmas doesn't take anything away from you, just doesn't give if you are not well-behaved.


Conditional love means that Santa doesn't love you unless you're good, and operant conditioning doesn't require the punishment of bad behaviour, just reinforcement of good behaviour.


You're point about the law is interesting, and I never thought about it. The law is necessary though, even if it has its faults.


I just opened all of my presents on Christmas morning, still do! When I wake up, I put on a music channel or a Christmas movie (preferably It's A Wonderful Life or The Nightmare Before Christmas) and open my presents.


When I were a kid, I used to leave carrots, a mince pie and some sherry out and then I used to get a thank you note and I got presents.


Also, that Littlewoods advert is the worst advert ever. It makes me cringe so much! It reminds me of when you have spoilt kids saying "Mom, you know I love you and that I think you're the bestest mom in the whooooole wooooorrrrrld?" and the mom's like "Awwww......whaddya want?". I just feel sorry for the fathers in the audience thinking "Ungrateful bastards, I buy them a 360 and they don't even mention me!", lol


But yeah, ban the advert for that reason and the fact that it's horrible and seriously annoying. John Lewis' one and Coca Cola is better.

If people could ban ads because they were annoying or ignored a certain group of people, then we probably wouldn't have any ads ever.
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Whenever I hear the words "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I always see David Tennant slowly raising his sonic screwdriver and putting someone out of their misery.


I swear on my life I had the same thought before even reading this post. Ah the good old days!

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I found out santa wasn't real when I was pretty young. My sister had started school and I hadn't, and my mum took me with her to a neighbour's to pick up a My Little Pony castle thing. A month or whatever rolls by, and my sister's unwrapping this massive gift from santa -- it's... the castle. My sister's all ecstatic and I start saying "no it's not! It's from mum! I saw her get it!" and basically my sister was crying because I was telling her that santa wasn't real, and my mum was telling me to shhh and that he was real, so then I'm all "why are you lying, mum?"


Probably one of my earliest memories :/


Haha.. I’ve been that dick myself once.. Only it was the kid neighbours for me. I wasn't realising at the time I was ruining Sinterklaas for them (since Santa Claus doesn’t exist here at all, he’s a decal on shop-windows, nothing more). They were talking about getting presents from Sinterklaas.. But this was at an age that was far passed the “average†age when kids are told, well, who buys the presents (although I can’t recall how old we were at that point, but I figure late llementary? 11-12 years old?). Anyway, I took it upon myself to bring them the news, being surprised they didn’t know already. I even used the money gesture (you know, with your fingers). When their mom heard what I had told them, well.. She gave me the most disappointing look I’ve had ever seen. Felt horrible afterwards :D.


I can absolutely not recall how I “got the newsâ€. It apparently didn’t have much effect on me, it never hampered my enjoyment of the holiday. I enjoy it to this very day, even if we aren’t celebrating it elaborately anymore. We don’t “set our shoes†(equivalent of hanging your stockings), but me and my brother give eachother small presents (if we can afford it :p). And obviously it can’t go without consuming some chocolate letters and uhh.. Peppernuts (???).


The thing is, Sinterklaas here is a big national event. He “arrives†in The Netherlands late November on his boat, this is broadcasted on television. Every year he arrives in another city (big promotion for the regarding city), and in 2009 he visited my city, which was awesome. Me and my brother got up very early (well, early for us), just to catch a glimpse of the “real†Sinterklaas, standing between a lot of far younger kids and their parents :D. Oh well, we’ll always be children at heart ;). Anyway, there was a bit of a melancholic note to it for us personally.. Since we realised the actor, who has played Sinterklaas since we can remember, would retire soon (i.e. last year). Obviously this meant nothing to the little kids. We’ve seen him for years on television, to us there’s no other. Made a short video with my Flip, and some pictures, so I have some mementos.


Anyway, I did watch his arrival last week, and yeah, it’s a new actor. Still fun to watch though. If / When I get kids, I’ll make sure to emphasize Sinterklaas, as apposed to celebrating Christmas. Obviously we celebrate Christmas as well, but I’ll be giving them their toys on Sinterklaas.

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