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Gamasutra editor will ban you if you make him look silly!


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  • 4 weeks later...
Same. From the looks of it WiiUMarryMii, you seem to confuse constructive criticism with personal opinion a little too much. In fact, I just finished replying to one of your posts in the 3DS board in which you called "Utter bullcrap" on another members perception of the 3DS as an unfinished product.


Well here's the thing... constructive criticism will always be considered a "personal opinion". Cuz when it all comes down to it, you're basically giving your personal take on a particular situation. So there's no confusing this for that when they're basically the same thing. It's an opinion. And the editor didn't made it clear that he only wanted a particular type of opinion, either. But judging the way he reacted to my opinion and other users opinions (he would go down hard on them if they said anything he considered "negative"), he clearly doesn't tolerate opinions that won't shower him with praise.


In regards to me saying that its "utter bullcrap" that the 3DS is an unfinished product, again, that's my opinion. Where's the problem? Neither what I said or what the other user said was a "fact". Just an opinion. And we can debate the relevance, the veracity of it or whatever on a forum. That's what they're for, eh?


You also seem to confuse your personal gaming tastes as evidence why a secondary directional input, such as an analog stick, isn't required for games.


Why am I going into this? Well, looking at your post, it comes across as you're pretty much pointing to a guy at work and screaming "You're shit at this job, you should know this and that off the top of your head because I do and because I know it, I have set a standard for you to meet".


The guy slipped up. Big whoop


The guy in question (Kris Graft -Gamasutra Editor in Chief) makes an article and then actively engages in a discussion with the readership about any reaction they might've had with said article. He seeks feedback from them. And he gets it. If you go around doing that, you can't expect everyone to go around kissing your ass for everything you write. He apparently does expect that.


Because I simply gave him my opinion on his article, pointing out in the most nicest way possible that he should've been at the top of his game during the interview with a particular company that (as everyone with a forehead knows) has been VERY successful on the Wii (practically, the only 3rd party dev that is successful on it). The only insulting word that I used, if you can call it that, was "naive". I didn't call him an arsehat or anything like that either. I just gave him my personal take on the way the interview was done. I did that and moved on to other things. Didn't insist or wrote anything more on the subject.




I'm sorry, but what? You really do seem to make out Gamasutra as some holy deity. Is it supposed to be the other way around? Of course the fucking CEO had to correct him, it's the CEO's job to know his successful franchises.


If you visit a lot of gaming sites, you will notice that (at least in America), Gamasutra is rather well respected site. Considered as one of the top sources of industry news.


And I agree. Totally. The staff there is pretty good at their job. Like I said on my first post, didn't come here to make people hate on Gamasutra. What happened here was just between me and the editor in chief. And me explaining what happens when you post some constructive criticisms or just give your opinion to one of his articles. And me being amazed that he actually banned me for it. I've been on forums since 1998 and this is the first time something like that has happened to me. So yeah, I thought that was amusing. How the editor reacted. More so considering he wanted feedback from readers. Otherwise he wouldn't allow them at all and stop getting involved in the discussions with them.


I'm not saying you're worthy of a ban for doing it, but you come across as overly critical. So critical, you had to go and make your own thread on a completely unrelated website to voice your criticisms against the guy yet again.


Well its not like I went to a horseback-riding forum and posted this there. I went to a gaming site instead. One that will post a Gamasuta related news article once in a while (or giving a source/link to Gamasutra). Who knows, someone from here could go there to seek more information on a particular news story. And he/she might try posting at an article written by Mr. Graft. I thought they should know what to expect... or at least, that they should write very carefully. Trying not to harm his feelings or question his gaming skills or whatever.


People make mistakes bro, live with it. (The irony here is that I'm doing the exact same thing to you what you did to the editor, go figure lol)


Well I won't ban you :laughing: I can take your opinions and deal with them alright. We can debate on this or other topics. And I appreciate your input. Especially if you disagree with me. Makes things more fun and interesting on a forum.


Now... I'm not entirely sure why this was still so high here on this forum. I thought it would be buried and long gone... but I came here and found it almost at the top among several other topics.


I guess its been a slow month. :heh:

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Well its not like I went to a horseback-riding forum and posted this there. I went to a gaming site instead. One that will post a Gamasuta related news article once in a while (or giving a source/link to Gamasutra). Who knows, someone from here could go there to seek more information on a particular news story. And he/she might try posting at an article written by Mr. Graft. I thought they should know what to expect... or at least, that they should write very carefully. Trying not to harm his feelings or question his gaming skills or whatever.


I just find it so weird that you came here and posted this. It's obvious you felt butthurt from being banned and the fact you went into glorious detail here is evidence of that. For that reason it's pretty hard to take this seriously, given how it's of no relevance/importance/interest to anyone on these forums.

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I just find it so weird that you came here and posted this. It's obvious you felt butthurt from being banned and the fact you went into glorious detail here is evidence of that. For that reason it's pretty hard to take this seriously, given how it's of no relevance/importance/interest to anyone on these forums.


I felt amused by the situation. And wanted to share it. It does seem to me however, that its YOU who is getting all butthurt over me doing that. Amiright?


Fact is, I didn't post this so everyone would take it seriously or find it relevant or to go out of their way to CARE about it either. You're just assuming things. People can write what they want and give their own take on this. I might reply to them (or you) if I feel like it. Its a free forum, eh?


Now, I posted the OP because I found it amusing enough to post. I did. Call me egotistical but I did what other users do here. Posting stuff that they (or in this case, I) find interesting to share. Especially on this section of the forums.


What users don't find interesting, they ignore. Maybe you should've done the same and not add more posts to it. Its already 2 pages too long.


See? This is not THAT important to me. But I like to debate. So I will discuss even something as irrelevant as this. Because you DID care enough about it to post something here... And I do care about your opinions.


So, see u around! : peace:

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Im kind of hoping theres a "Worst introduction as a new forum member" section of the forum awards this year


I'm actually an older member that forgot his password and had to come up with a new account, but I'll take the award.


Just don't tell anyone my secret. :wink:

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Worst return of an old forum member: Rokhed WiiUMarryMii


I could've done a lot worse if I knew there was an award on the line. But I'll take it. :laughing:


Other suggestions for new awards this year:


Stupidest forum member

Ugliest forum member

Worst forum member


I like how you create new ways to celebrate mediocrity! You must be fun at parties.


Merry X-mas! :santa:

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There is this moderator at the Resident Evil board who writes Fanfiction. If you dare give her any sort of criticism (moderator is a girl named Amber) she gives you a hard time for days and days. She will not forget what you said. There was this user there that said that her fics were just "okay" and whenever he made a new topic, she would write nonsense in them to get things off-topic and eventually lock it. Seriously. Gotta watch out for some mods. :D

She sounds like my kinda gal.

Its definitely a weird way to introduce yourself to a new forum.


Reminds me of Mad Monkey actually, when he joined he started telling people how it was because he'd been banned from a few forums lately.....we all know why now of course.

Well, we don't know why, only the establishment does. Because as he pointed out (very clearly) that it was all some giant conspiracy to silence him for reasons he clearly outlined and convinced us all was serious business... Then the Men in Black showed up and things got a bit hazy.

Can I make a point here: I've been playing video games for 23 years now, and I've never actually read Gamasutra.

I must confess I've not even heard of it.

Gamasutra is a pretty great site with an industry focus in the same way as EDGE magazine.

Ah, and it sounds as if I wouldn't like it even if I did.

Why am I going into this? Well, looking at your post, it comes across as you're pretty much pointing to a guy at work and screaming "You're shit at this job, you should know this and that off the top of your head because I do and because I know it, I have set a standard for you to meet".

I read the scenario as something similar. Except MarryWiiWhatever never said he knew the stats off the top of his head. But it is a VERY bad error if you go into an interview with someone and not done some research first. To mention something like that and have the CEO pimpsmack you in the face with some facts that was not only easy to find, but was also published on your website previously.


For us it'd be like Ashley going to some event and talking to some exec and saying (taking the current feed as an example)

Ashley: So Mario Kart 7 is going to do "alright" according to some sources...

Nintendo: It's actually the biggest seller in Japan at the moment.

Ashley: Oh...


Ashley wouldn't make this kind of mistake because he's pr0, granted it's not a carbon copy of what happened but the idea is the same.


You may not be able to rattle off statistics of every companies sales figures for the last fiscal year by memory, but if you're going to have an interview with someone important from somewhere like Ubisoft it's obvious you should do a little bit of homework.

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