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Ace Attorney: The Turnabout Mafia


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here's the mental timeline for me:


morning! roleblocked. Waiting for a good time to pretend I tracked someone to get their target for the night, and lower everyone else's guard about targets. Think "that roleblocker is probably mafia, because everyone knows I'm a tracker. Will wait."


someone accuses me of mafia. Obviously false. State such.


some stuff....grunch blah blah blah Zell is the roleblocker??? Vote zell. Then wait for everyone to figure it out.


and wait....

and wait....

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This thread is moving too fast, pals! Though activity is a good thing, heh. I don't know what to think of this Yvonne thing at the moment, but I think it's probably likely that either Zell or Yvonne are mafia... maybe. One thing I think is that Yvonne probably isn't lying about Supergrunch targeting Zell. I don't think Yvonne would have any reason to lie about that, it would just cause people to think "Woah, Yvonne must have lied! Mafia!" once Supergrunch was discovered innocent. That's what makes me think Yvonne might be innocent at the moment, pals.


To make sure we don't overlook things whilst on this whole Yvonne thing:

I heard Diageo get his shit ruined.

I'd like @EEVILMURRAY to perhaps go into a bit more detail on this? Pal?

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Might just be me being unclear then. I'm only saying Yvonne is more suspicious than anyone who actually did reach their target.


Anyone who was stopped by a protector would be equally as suspicious as Yvonne but unfortunately we don't know anyone that was. The longer it takes for someone to come out and say they were stopped then the more likely it seems to me that the person is mafia.


Ah, right, then I misunderstood you. My apologies.


Also! Thanks, @Zell, for the answers to my questions, and apologies for confusing who you targeted to Dannyboy instead of the Peeps. Having never played the games I don't know what the characters look like, and Dannyboy's avatar is confusing me into thinking he's someone else! I'll try to remember from now on/refer back to the first post more often.


My character is my avatar. :heh: I'm fairly confident Jonnas gave me the role for that very same reason, likely to prevent confusion. ;)


hmm Zell was viewing the thread before but has gone without responding to any other questions aimed at him.


Not proof of anything - he may have just been unable to post... but worth noting.


I must say my suspicions are shifting more and more away from Yvonne and towards Zell.


In fact, I'll drop a vote for pressure.


Vote: Zell

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I roleblocked Yvonne because I was suspicious of him, mostly from reasons that have already been said (the who did Supergrunch target fiasco). Just because he's a tracker doesn't mean he's good, so I'm not sure why people are suspicious of me for roleblocking him. And if he's mafia, tracking isn't the only thing he could've been doing. Remember, there was no kill last night.


I just don't see why Supergrunch would lie about something like that. It doesn't make sense. So I'm not sure why Yvonne is so adamant that Supergrunch was lying.

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At the moment, I'm inclined to be believe that Yvonne is speaking the truth, and that they are indeed town. It would seem weird for a tracker to be part of the mafia -and- to be spreading lies. Unless of course even the tracker part is a lie, but maybe that is a bit far-fetched.


Why is Yvonne being looked at as the killer because of the roleblock? I thought multiple people had been prevented from reaching their target last night? Doesn't that make them equally suspicious? The killer could have been roleblocked, prevented to kill because of a protection, or there was simply no killer sent out (as has been pointed out before).


Unless my poor brain is mixing things up again.

You know how it is when you become older and you have to think about so many things and make sure that you don't forget anything and still be able to earn the respect of the youngsters these days!

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I roleblocked Yvonne because I was suspicious of him, mostly from reasons that have already been said (the who did Supergrunch target fiasco). Just because he's a tracker doesn't mean he's good, so I'm not sure why people are suspicious of me for roleblocking him. And if he's mafia, tracking isn't the only thing he could've been doing. Remember, there was no kill last night.


I just don't see why Supergrunch would lie about something like that. It doesn't make sense. So I'm not sure why Yvonne is so adamant that Supergrunch was lying.


What have your other targets been, and why did you choose them?

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It was info on you!


Yvonne may seem quiet and distant, but (s)he has sharp eyes, and is definitely paying very close attention to things.


It looks like Yvonne has the qualities and instincts to follow others discreetly...


I was following up Diageo's comment a while back, and it didn't really tell me anything new...


"Ah, but of course. If only I had explained my situation properly...This was not my day. But I like the direction this is going so far, it is very amusing and, so far, effective. I do take solace on the fact that this is not a proper trial."


What does grunch's info have to do with the truth? The whole thing is made up. It is known I am a tracker, so he wrote a blurb that sounds like a tracker's blurb. He may have even targeted me on a different night to get that info. the FACT is that that night I targeted grunch and it said he targeted zell. fact.




It could be that Supergrunch lied though it does seem strange that he would. I think it's more likely that Yvonne was redirected that night.

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Night 1: The Peeps

Night 2: mr-paul

Night 3: Nintendohnut

Night 4: Yvonne


Again, I didn't think about it that much. The Peeps was completely random because it was the first night.


If Yvonne isn't lying and there is some kind of redirection involved, then it would be handy if the redirector could make him/herself known so we could clear this mess up.

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Maybe Supergrunch could target two people or could do different things depending on whether we're in a break or a court session. So he could've got that info on Yvonne at another time and still targeted Zell at night. That would mean no one was redirected.


I don't really think Yvonne or Zell are mafia at this point. Zell is a bit shifty at the moment but that's the price to pay for being a roleblocker. My suspicions of him don't go further than his power. His targets don't seem all that important so far and if he goes rogue, we'll know about it.

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SECOND POST: Sorry, I forgot that Yvonne is definitely a tracker. If this is the case, I find it unlikely that @EddieColeslaw is also a tracker. And if she's not a tracker, how did she get information about who Yvonne has been targeting?


I'm not a tracker. And I have my ways :)


Some very indirect proof of my power:


Could three more people vote for ReZ please :)


Vote: ReZ


Don't know if I warrant enough attention to have this noticed, but I'm generally very hesistant about voting in mafia games, i.e. I don't vote much, let alone convince others. Why did I push for ReZ's lynch? Because I knew he was evil. Basically, my technique of investigation is inconsistent, but reliable.


I targeted Sprout because it's very easy to play stupid if everyone thinks you're a stupid cop. We already lost two townies from worthless investigators and another bad lynch is going to seal it for the mafia. I was trying to check he was targeting who he said he was.


You all need to figure out what is going on with these investigators, and fast.


In that case, did you target the wrong person? Dazz is the paranoid/dumb/unreliable cop, not Sprout...who did get a wrong result on Supergrunch. Actually, Sprout: can you lay out all of your results so far? You can refuse if you wish (though it's more for clarity's sake as you've pretty much said them each day), as I think it's more likely that you're a reliable cop who's being messed around at night than an unreliable cop.




I bought the theory of Yvonne being roleblocked + no kill, but there's definitely more than one roleblocker.




Regarding comparison of ReZ and Supergrunch's lynch, I don't think it's worth it. Supergrunch was silenced and effectively doomed from there, while ReZ basically stopped talking properly after he was accused. (Not just saying this because I voted both :()




@Zell, I don't really understand why you roleblocked a tracker...sure, an evil tracker will get results for the mafia, but there's no other effect. Wouldn't it be worth it to roleblock a more unknown player to potentially prevent a more sinister action? Do you get any details from your roleblocks?




@EEVILMURRAY seems to be laying low...


We don't seem to be getting anywhere. A bit suspicious of Zell hitting people over the head, and the quieter ones...it's likely that the most active are the town, and the quiet ones are sitting back watching the confusion.

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Actually, Sprout: can you lay out all of your results so far? You can refuse if you wish (though it's more for clarity's sake as you've pretty much said them each day), as I think it's more likely that you're a reliable cop who's being messed around at night than an unreliable cop.

Sure I'll do it, pal!


Break 1: I targeted myself, as I had some doubt over my competence. I was innocent!

Break 2: I targeted ReZ, and I found solid evidence that he was evil.

Break 3: I targeted Supergrunch, and found conclusive evidence saying he was evil. Of course, this turned out not to be true... Since everyone who targeted me was unable to reach me successfully, I think it's safe to assume that any meddling with my result was due to somebody targeting Supergrunch.

Break 4: I targeted Diageo to help Dazz out. Whilst he got evil through his investigation during Break 3 (like all his other investigations so far), I got innocent. So if he ever gets an innocent result, he probably has somebody evil, pal! That, or we get another Supergrunch scenario...


Not anymore I don't :heh:

But editing posts isn't allowed! Y-Your Honor, sir! You just broke the rules!

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