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After a Long Day...


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... I have to have a 'long' night.


I don't understand it. If I've had a difficult, stressful, massively tiring day, I get home fairly tired but... instead of going to sleep I stay up for extra hours until I'm exhausted. It's like I'm 'catching up' on 'free time'.




Does anyone else even remotely know what I mean?

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I know exactly what you mean, jay. I'm the exact same. One part of it is catching up on free time, but another part is that I simply can't go to sleep straight after a long, eventful or even stressful day - I have enough trouble falling asleep due to an overactive brain as it is. I need to wind down before even considering going to bed.

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I stay awake as long as possible. Even when I want to go to sleep, I just don't feel like I need it. I know that I'm going to wake up late whether I get to sleep early or not. I love my sleep and I'll rarely get up earlier than I have to.


I can't get to sleep unless I am actually too tired to stay up any more. I know what you mean with trying to catch up on free time too... if you go to sleep, that's the end of the day whereas if you stay up, the day lasts longer. I always feel like I've wasted the day if I haven't done anything for myself (usually just sitting at my pc catching up on the internet and/or playing games), so I stay up until I've had my fill of the day.


It doesn't help that I'm usually at work towards the end of the day rather than doing a 9-5. I'm usually doing 12-9 or 5-11 and the shift is hard to negotiate with a regular sleeping pattern.

Edited by The Peeps
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... I have to have a 'long' night.


I don't understand it. If I've had a difficult, stressful, massively tiring day, I get home fairly tired but... instead of going to sleep I stay up for extra hours until I'm exhausted. It's like I'm 'catching up' on 'free time'.




Does anyone else even remotely know what I mean?


I get that some Saturdays. I work Friday night, get a little sleep Saturday morning. By about 8pm usually I'm shattered but instead of sleeping I go into overdrive and don't got to sleep until gone midnight.


Other times I can't fight it and fall asleep early evening and lose the rest of the day.

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I'm exactly the same. As some people on this forum probably know, I'm very much nocturnal, and even when I'm working and it's a good day I go to bed about 2am. But when I feel like I haven't had any free time, I need to relax for a bit or I won't sleep anyway. Plus for some reason I feel much more comfortable playing games and browsing the internet at night, so I tend to leave it for the evening then spend ages on it.

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Plus for some reason I feel much more comfortable playing games and browsing the internet at night, so I tend to leave it for the evening then spend ages on it.


I'm exactly the same, what's that about :p


I never have a shift before 12pm so I always have a choice between going to bed early and waking up at 9/10 and playing games or going on t'internet... or staying up late. I guess for me it might be that I can't enjoy anything when I know I have work in just 3/2/1 hour(s), so by playing at night before bed I know I have as much time as I want.

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In exactly the same boat as many of you are. Most evenings, i don't get home until 8:30pm at the moment and all i want to do is to catch-up with my outside life, gaming and T.V. I don't go to bed until around 1am at the moment, knowing full well i need around 6 hours sleep to function for the day.


For example, tonight i'll be at the pub from 9pm and won't be going to bed until nearly 2am. Lucky i got a later start tomorrow really.

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I'm exactly the same. As some people on this forum probably know, I'm very much nocturnal, and even when I'm working and it's a good day I go to bed about 2am. But when I feel like I haven't had any free time, I need to relax for a bit or I won't sleep anyway. Plus for some reason I feel much more comfortable playing games and browsing the internet at night, so I tend to leave it for the evening then spend ages on it.


I don't get what this is about either ::shrug: Im exactly the same, especially with videogames. I don't mind browsing the net too much in the day but playing games just feels weird.


And I tend to stay up late whether I need to be up early or not, if I go to bed before 1am I end up lying there awake for hours anyway so I usually just tire myself out and then flop into bed around 3/4am. It's a terrible sleeping pattern that I have but I'm trying to curb it lately.

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I used to be like that but once I started doing early shifts it really wasn't an option if I actually wanted to function amongst the living. Come the weekend though, i'm all for it, especially if I've had an early start but know i'm off the next day.

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if you go to sleep, that's the end of the day whereas if you stay up, the day lasts longer. I always feel like I've wasted the day if I haven't done anything for myself (usually just sitting at my pc catching up on the internet and/or playing games), so I stay up until I've had my fill of the day.


Yup, I'm exactly the same. Though that illusion is broken when you pull an all-nighter. Then you suddenly realise there actually only is a limited number of hours in a night/day. :heh:


I guess for me it might be that I can't enjoy anything when I know I have work in just 3/2/1 hour(s), so by playing at night before bed I know I have as much time as I want.


I'm a bit like that, though it extends to preparing for class: Almost all my classes are in the afternoon, meaning I have the morning free, but I hate leaving homework for that time since I stress more about it when I know my time is limited (as opposed to the "endless" nights :heh:). On the other hand, when I have to do homework in the morning because I didn't get finished the day before, I'm usually much more concentrated exactly because I'm worrying I won't make it in time. Still, the added stress is definitely not worth it.

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Yeah, working 9-5 I rarely stayed up past 11 but when there's no reason to get up early the next day, I see no real harm in it.


I went from going to bed at 4/5am straight into a 9-5 job, getting up at 7am. Nocturnal sleeping patterns aren't really that difficult to get out of.

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