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Facebook haters gonna hate


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Read it again. This idea is new to social networks and definitely isn't MySpace-esque. The music doesn't start playing automatically, it tells people what you're listening to and if they want to they can listen along with you and it will tell others that you're doing so.


It was possible on Myspace to have a "play" button, so that profiles did not start the music playing at load-up. Most people wern't smart enough to enable this option, they just let music blare out of their profiles 24/7


And as for people saying they hate facebook making pointless changes. Without these changes Facebook, and every other website, would look exactly as it did the first time it came out. Without changes they can never update it, add extra functionality or make it look better. People went crazy when Facebook first integrated wall posts with status updates but how many people actually remember this now?


This i agree with. Technology changes, so does the way we think. Websites change to keep up with the times. If things did remain the same, imagine how boring that would be.

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The idea of the timeline is to bring back old statuses and pictures and to remind people that they are there, I think it's a nice touch from Facebook that instead of removing that stuff they are being like


''Hey look you said this at such and such isn't that funny or remember that picture! Wasn't that a stupid idea''


You can remove things, I removed my date of birth and it just points a general idea of when you were born etc. It's still new, it was only released a couple of days ago to over 800million people. There's going to be flaws and there's certainly going to be people who don't like it or who need to get used to it.

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My only slight concern is the amount of information Facebook and Google hold about me. In a way, I don't really care as I've got nothing to hide, but then again it's quite scary how powerful they are. Through this they'll have so many more details about our lives. Yes, we can make it private so it isn't shared with anyone, but it looks like its going the way that one day, you won't ever have to leave facebook to do anything on the web.

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It would be nice if Facebook gave you an option to accept or decline the changes before implementing them. So, you could stay with the previous one if you wanted. Or, even something like we have here, where you can switch into whichever style you liked. That would be lovely.


I don't really mind these changes, though. I've mostly forgotten what the older one looked like anyway, so. :heh:

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It would be nice if Facebook gave you an option to accept or decline the changes before implementing them. So, you could stay with the previous one if you wanted. Or, even something like we have here, where you can switch into whichever style you liked. That would be lovely.


I don't really mind these changes, though. I've mostly forgotten what the older one looked like anyway, so. :heh:


I wouldn't mind a days warning. It's the 5 second mind fuck when you log in drunk and everything is different.

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How to enable the Facebook timeline now.


Just trying it myself. Basically you just pretend you are a developer. Apparently I'm creating an app that allows you to jump on chicken pie.


May take a ganders at that, later perhaps. But wouldn't facebook figure it out that you ain't a real developer. Or are they not that smart yet!!.


I wouldn't mind a days warning. It's the 5 second mind fuck when you log in drunk and everything is different.


This is when i was kind of hoping that the idea of the "slow poke" existed.

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So far I think Timeline is as rad as fuck.


Edit: Awesome. It even has record of when I was Facebooking from Norway.


Agreed, it's lovely, a nice timeline to keep a record of different points in time, but only if Facebook has ever come across it, it doesn't put your birthday in if you don't ask it too or anything else for that matter.


It'll get easier to change things as it continues it's only a few days old yet. :)

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My Facebook layout hasn't changed, and I think it has to do with the fact that I have my language set to Leet Speak. Try changing the language and tell me if I'm wrong.


I am still on the old layout too. I just changed it from Dutch to English and tadaaa, there was the new layout!


And then I switched back to Dutch and the old layout because I like my language (and I'm not ready for change). =P

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Facebook is getting really confusing now. They just keep adding and adding things on top and never thoroughly explain it. I don't know who can see what and where, I never feel truly safe in that only the people I want to see something will see it. It just seems convoluted and confusing.

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I think Spotify have really shot themselves in the foot here... I've just removed its access to Facebook because I don't want absolutely everything I listen to showing up on my profile for all to see. My list of Facebook friends on Spotify has halved in the few days since its been active!

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Change your security settings.


I think Spotify have really shot themselves in the foot here... I've just removed its access to Facebook because I don't want absolutely everything I listen to showing up on my profile for all to see. My list of Facebook friends on Spotify has halved in the few days since its been active!


File > Private Listening

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