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Bravely Default: Flying Fairy


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in the save menu i added friends via internet and got you....but its strange having a seperate update area for street pass, it would be better to autoupdate them all at once


I should have a fair few job levels for you to take advantage of early in the game


Might be you have to use the summon command in battle then 'send' a move from one of your characters to appear in my list.

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Oh shit! I had no idea about the 'add friends' thing! Haha, I've just got Chris and Sheikah!


Also, there was an update to the formidable enemies page on the Square Enix For The Sequel players site today




Seems there are more than 7! The First Demon King: White Dove, the 'Unknown' portrait, popped up today


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That AR movie at the start was so good. Why don't we have more AR stuff?


Voice acting sounds fine to me.


For some reason it's not adding everyone in my friend list.


Battery went red so didn't play very long. Knew I should have charged it in advance.

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add all our friendcodes so we can help in game


EVERYONE with visible friend codes (I think) now added to my 3DS (and a few from other topics I already had). Almost no one (previously to this topic) ever adds me so I have a big enough list of no-shows, so please add me!


Didn't actually start the game, though. The afternoon I planned didn't go as expected.

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The Norende stuff is pretty addictive. Glad you can get villagers from the online.


Currently have Tiz as a Monk, Agnes as Black/White Mage, Ringabel (I see what they did there) as a Thief and Edea as a Knight.


Dunno if that's the best set up but, hey, it works. :shrug: The boss fight to unlock Thief was tough, I think I only managed it because one of the Summons pretty much OHKO'd the Thief guy. Can't do the second boss fight (for the Merchant class?) yet.

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I was doing that thief fight this morning but I got annoyed when he got 1000 health back so I gave up. I'll try again later.


I am at this point now and it's making me really angry so I'm just going to come back to it at a far later point. I'm led to believe the guy in black robes leaves when you get him down to a certain amount of health, but the other guy keeps healing him 500 HP a pop after it's taken half an hour to get him down to 4000/5000. Also, two of my characters can't do either of them more than 1 damage so... no.

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@Debug Mode you have made this game a much more pleasant experience for me. Muchos thanks for giving me L14 in every job.


Got all but one job now so pretty far in. Rallied a group of ninja to get Lester's asterisk fairly early on. Really like how they've modernised this RPG for today's audience (bar continued use of crystals; they really need to be buried and forgotten).


Ability to turn off random battles, fast forward animations, call the airship easily and advance through spiel easily is great.

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Wind Crystal boss is destroying me, not really sure what to do apart from grind levels. Is level 19 too low or is it my job choices?


Edit: Managed to beat it at level 21 and a bit of luck. Ringabel was dead for the last part of the battle.


Also unlocked the Merchant job.


And yeah the other guy leaves if you damage him enough.

Edited by Ike
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A hint to everyone, Abilink with Debug Mode if you can (under config). You'll get a theoreritcal L14 in every job.


Early game set your Debug Abilinked character to Monk with secondary moveset as Freelancer.


Now brave lots with that character up to a maximum of -3 (better to default first to build up positive BP) and use the monk skill Pressure Point as your first move, then with your remaining braved moves use the freelancer skill mimic.


The use of Mimic will let you use Pressure Point again and again, but without costing you an additional BP each time mimic is used. Mimic is incredibly useful like that. Pressure Point will let you rack up a lot of damage easily early game.

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^Thanks for the tip above about the town, I did happen to accidentally realise this though and last time I went to the town just left it in sleep mode.


Taking my time and finding it pretty easy (HARD mode). Not using summons though or the ability link. Want to do it all myself (it feels like cheating otherwise).


Tiz Knight, Edea Black Mage, Agnes White Mage, Rinagabel Monk.


The secret knuckle weapon in the early dungeon makes monk a god. Can't believe such a strong weapon so early.

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wait till you guys get to the fire temple boss! he made the wind temple boss seem like a freaking lvl 1 pigey! hes one of thosse bosses where you have to kill em quick before they wipe you out!


I'm in eternia, level 58 and i've got most jobs to level 9 or 10 (but not on all characters) and i feel under levelled for some of these standard enemies... i've decided to have Ringabell max out freelancer so i can use mimic

is it meant to be so challenging on normal?



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