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I thought that little window showed random ones, the ones that aren't loading are the xsorbit ones, we're just pilfering those from xsorbit servers and when they're down, the alt text shows instead.


Might as well delete them now. Apparently Xsorbit have gone under.

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I think I know what Molly is taking about. All the generic smilies (tongue face, smile etc) seem to have changed for weird ones that aren't used too often.


A lot of them aren't loading too.




Yeah those on the side are fairly random (they do seem to 'stick' to a certain set for a while).


I did actually download the xsorbit smilies a while back (see, I can do things I promise) and will put them up when I haven't got that Sunday feeling.

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Yeah those on the side are fairly random (they do seem to 'stick' to a certain set for a while).


I did actually download the xsorbit smilies a while back (see, I can do things I promise) and will put them up when I haven't got that Sunday feeling.


I'm the same as raining, considering the other set I had stayed for at least 6months. These ones aren't loading for me either..very strange.

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The grammar Nazi in me has a suggestion ...


Drop this comma in the head banner on the main N-Europe page:


"They've come for brains ... you'll give them, bullets!"


There's absolutely no way that comma should be there. It doesn't make any sense.


Yes, this is petty. Yes, this is bordering on ridiculous. But please, guys, don't kill the English language.

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The forum is a seperate entity to the front page anyway, isnt it?

Well, that depends on how you look at it. But yeah, in a way, I guess. Look, I know I come off bitter over such a trivial thing, but I it's my opinion that people should keep a decent standard when it comes to language - and that goes even more so for respectable companies and websites like N-Europe. It's sad how often you find grammatical mistakes in adverts, newspapers, and the like.


I know many won't find this a problem even worth mentioning, but I do - and I hope you accept that.

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You could argue its simply a pause.


"You'll give them...bullets!"


An unconventional one but an arguable one at least :p


I'll give RS the heads up.

I thought of that, commas signify pauses in speech.

I didnt want to put it, though, just incase i looked silly.


Well, that depends on how you look at it. But yeah, in a way, I guess. Look, I know I come off bitter over such a trivial thing, but I it's my opinion that people should keep a decent standard when it comes to language - and that goes even more so for respectable companies and websites like N-Europe. It's sad how often you find grammatical mistakes in adverts, newspapers, and the like.


I know many won't find this a problem even worth mentioning, but I do - and I hope you accept that.

I didnt mean it like that, i just meant you should send an email to the guys who are incharge of it.

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Writing is not the same thing as language. :heh:

Be it a language or an ortography system, there is still killing going on. :heh:

I thought of that, commas signify pauses in speech.

I didnt want to put it, though, just incase i looked silly.



I didnt mean it like that, i just meant you should send an email to the guys who are incharge of it.

Indeed, commas signify pauses, but they can't separate the verb and its object. Using "..." would have been more suitable for signifying a pause.


Anyway, yeah, I guess I could have just sent them an e-mail. Didn't think of that. My bad.

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A comma does not signify a pause. It's for lists, separating clauses, joining adjectives etc. To some extent it's also acceptable to use it for emphasis, which is what is happening in the header.


And plus, the header is a site issue not a forum issue :)

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A comma does not signify a pause. It's for lists, separating clauses, joining adjectives etc. To some extent it's also acceptable to use it for emphasis, which is what is happening in the header.


And plus, the header is a site issue not a forum issue :)

My english teacher taught me that.

A full stop is a bigger pause, a comma a slightly shorter one.

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A comma does not signify a pause. It's for lists, separating clauses, joining adjectives etc. To some extent it's also acceptable to use it for emphasis, which is what is happening in the header.

They also mark secondary boundaries, to a weaker level than semi-colons or clauses, meaning they're involved in various types of coordination, supplementation, combination of main clauses, marking out of reported speech, delimitation, and in older texts the separation of subject and verb (see the first sentence of Pride and Prejudice). I guess you can use them for that kind of emphasis, although it's a bit rare.

My english teacher taught me that.

A full stop is a bigger pause, a comma a slightly shorter one.

That's a rough explanation of how things work. Basically, there are various boundaries that occur in our speech, which correspond to the grammar. The most obvious of these is the sentence boundary, which is the strongest, but there are also weaker boundaries, marked by semi-colons and occasionally colons, and even weaker boundaries that are marked with commas. We often pause at boundaries, and usually for less time if the boundary is weaker, so you can generalise and say they represent different lengths of pause. Things are actually a lot more complex than that though, as we pause all over the place, not even necessarily at boundaries or for consistent lengths of time, but your teacher taught you that because it's a good rule of thumb.

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