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Indeed, the HWYD thread can get boring. The most annoying aspect of it is almost its high activity level. If I haven't been online one day, the next day there'll be about 5 new pages in the thread, and even though there are some very interesting, exciting, fascinating, or just pointlessly humourous conversations in there, there are also a lot of boring things. Often I can simply not be arsed to look through it all.


On the other hand, I do support that people can vent their personal speculations or problems somewhere. It's just that, if you haven't got anything to say about the subject, it gets ... boring. :heh:

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Hey guys, would it be possible to get Gametrailers scripting in? Or do we have it already? If we do can we have a button?


I'm guessing that the script is there already as it's being used on the news pages already on the front site.

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Why do you need gametrailers when there's youtube? Youtube is more user friendly (gametrailers tends to demand various things like Windows Media Player plugins etc) and better suited to a forum I think. But to answer your question, it can certainly be done, it's not hard to turn any embedding code into a ubb code for forums.

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Sorry, I think my late night postings have probably come across as being a bit rude or resentful, I assure you guys that I'm really not!


I suppose what I mean to say is that I'm not one of the forums most prominent members, such as those who've been here ages and have had the time to get to know each other! I know that I'm welcome and I do love chatting with you guys but obviously I've not had the time to fully integrate myself just yet. I sound like an attention seeker now...lol!


And Jayseven, you don't bore me, if anything some of your best posts would appear to be written under the influence of alcohol! What you write isn't boring, what I mean to say is that the HWYD thread does follow this very samey format day in, day out in what appears to be the same thing happening over and over from time to time. I was just using you as an example - I'm sure if we were drinking together in the pub it would be far from boring my friend ;)


I do think the HWYD thread is useful - I do check it daily as it's where most people tend to post. We do also have some good discussions in it and I do like to get an inkling into some people's lives. If I had to vote, I would opt for keeping it - it does act as one of the "fundamental" threads on the forums.


Nevertheless, we could do with more varied discussion - some of the other big threads such as the Comic Book Thread for example are ones I won't go near because I have no interest in them. Of course, you're probably thinking why don't I just go and make my own thread but truth be told I have no idea what we should discuss and I fear I'll only be making one for the sake of it!


Either way, let's use our noggins and get chattin'!


Apologies for any offence I may have caused by the way - I've been suffering from insomnia lately it would seem.


War, I don't think you necessarily pick boring subjects, most of your posts do cover some interesting aspect. What I find is that you just don't necessarily provoke a thoughtful discussion in most them - e.g., you tend to just give us a yes/no question, which means we can only give an opinion and that's it (or it just goes entirely off track). As Danny said, just think and perhaps word things better. I like that you post lots of threads, it's nice to see something different on the forums regularly! It gets a bit boring to read every single day that Chris the great went to the gym for the millionth time, Jayseven got drunk yet again and that once again someone has had an overexaggerated, sickly emotional encounter with a girl or boy and feels the need to cry their heart out to a bunch of random people over the Internet.


But ya, just give it some thought I say!

Thanks =]

I do know im bad at wording things, i have deffinatly got better since joining this forum. Just look at some of my oldest posts.


Also i hate the HWYD thread, it moves to fast in numerous directions.

I look one day and the next day theres 3 more pages (On MAX posts per page) and you have to be in on inside jokes sometimes.

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It's better than posts of just "no" and "Fail" because at least the limit acts as a deterrant form such posts. Asking to get rid of it implies that you want to make more posts with less than 10 characters, which is stupid.

Id rather not, but it annoys me when i see it.

Its laziness really.

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But surely removing the 10char limit means that there will be infinitely moar examples of 'mods not doing their jobs simply because all posts less than 10char won't be automatically blocked.


I mean, the rule no posts less than 10 characters basically enforces teh law automatically; removing the rule doesn't reduce anything on teh mod side. If you want people to not just post "loltenchar" then you gotta take the fight to the people, but if you just want the police to delete those posts at every instance then you gotta pay higher taxes. Oh that's right! You don't pay anything to be on these forums, and mods do the job for free, so any rule that is currently in place to reduce the arbitrary enforcement patrols are surely a good thing? And hey! There's that "report this post" button that you can click on if you think that the post is entirely wasted.


etc. I used to be a badmin/noderator and I know how annoying it is that pretty much everything you do is invisible, so I'm sorry if I seem to have gotten overly worked up.

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I wasn't twisting, I was genuinely confused by the seeming contradiction.

Ok, i was saying its pointless having it if its not enforced.

Aswell as its lazy of people to write things like 10char to boost up the character count.


But surely removing the 10char limit means that there will be infinitely moar examples of 'mods not doing their jobs simply because all posts less than 10char won't be automatically blocked.


I mean, the rule no posts less than 10 characters basically enforces teh law automatically; removing the rule doesn't reduce anything on teh mod side. If you want people to not just post "loltenchar" then you gotta take the fight to the people, but if you just want the police to delete those posts at every instance then you gotta pay higher taxes. Oh that's right! You don't pay anything to be on these forums, and mods do the job for free, so any rule that is currently in place to reduce the arbitrary enforcement patrols are surely a good thing? And hey! There's that "report this post" button that you can click on if you think that the post is entirely wasted.


etc. I used to be a badmin/noderator and I know how annoying it is that pretty much everything you do is invisible, so I'm sorry if I seem to have gotten overly worked up.

I know its free, and the position is volentry, but by taking up this position isnt it now your job?

I might seem like im ungrateful, which im not, but i know most mod activities are un-see and unknown of.

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I think maybe there needs to be some guidelines to the HWYD thread. People have intersting things to say but they can often get lost in there amongst the more generic things such as "i did this today and it was fun" etc.


I guess maybe ask everyone to think if what they are posting in the HWYD thread would be more appropiate as its own topic. Encourage them to make a thread about it instead. The HWYD thread is good but i think some great things posted in there would be better served and get more attention if they were posted as a thread in themselves.


I dont know how you could get this accross. Maybe start PMing those who have interesting things to say in HWYD and encourage them to post threads about stuff like that in the future.

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I dont know how you could get this accross. Maybe start PMing those who have interesting things to say in HWYD and encourage them to post threads about stuff like that in the future.


But then the HWYD thread would become even more generic as there would be no interesting posts in there.


I think people need to post in there less. If you did something that you don't do very often then put it in. If you woke up, went to work/school, came home and played some games/watched TV, then nobody really cares.


Now I'll admit I'm not a very interesting poster, but I usually post in the HWYD thread if I'm quoting somebody else.

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Why dont we lock the HWYD thread for a week? Explain in a post before closing that you're trying to encourage thread creation, asking users to think if what they would post in there would be better served as its own topic.


Re-open the thread after a week and hopefully people will have got a better idea of what is HWYD material and what is better off as a stand alone thread.

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I love you guys, but I don't like the new smilie layout, it makes me do More work. I suggest going back to how it was before!:p
Smiley layout looks the same as ever to me? Although the xsorbit ones aren't loading... again. I think someone said they were going to do something about that....
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